>Bernie Sanders, whose self-reported net worth was $528,014, yet who just spent a reported $600,000 on a summer “vacation home” with 500 feet of lake frontage on gorgeous Lake Champlain.
Well Bernie supporters, explain this?
>Bernie Sanders, whose self-reported net worth was $528,014, yet who just spent a reported $600,000 on a summer “vacation home” with 500 feet of lake frontage on gorgeous Lake Champlain.
Well Bernie supporters, explain this?
he got his. he only had to play off the American voters and sell himself to the DNC so he can retire comfortably on his lake home paradise.
They can't. He laughed all the way to the bank with their contributions.
You all supported a man who didn't have a job until he was 40 years old and that first job was handing out entitlements.
How the fuck did you think this was going to go? He played like you all like a damn fiddle.
Dems will ignore this
>Jew tries to convince everyone he's a champion of the people
>he in fact is not
Pretty sure it wouldn't look good to the IRS if he reported "hush money" under additional income.
We already established Bernie was a Hillary plant yesterday. I hope he goes to jail along with everyone else.
It's not easy to spearhead a revolution dude, let the man relax in peace...
>You all supported a man who didn't have a job until he was 40 years old
>He played like you all like a damn fiddle.
Who are you talking to? Nobody on here liked him or supported him.You're not a genius for noticing the obvious.
liberals flip flop so much we could harness the energy and eliminate dependence on fossil fuels
Bernie was going to have all kinds of lawsuits about poll rigging, and voter fraud.
Didn't happen. He just kissed the ring after watching him get fucked by wattshername-Schultz.
He sold out, Clinton bought him a summer home.
> 600k for a large house overlooking a lake
how? i couldn't even buy a shitty apartment in sydney for that
>doesn't remember the hundreds of Bernie threads daily
Hello newfriend
He's infiltrating the corrupt branch of the government. This is Bernie Sanders' plan b. He knows everyone hates him now but that doesn't matter because he is the hero America needs not the one it deserves
He's a jew what do you expect?
You're the newfriend. There weren't many threads and most of them were started by shills. Most of the posts in them were shitting on bernie. I'm the newfriend but do you remember the finnish shill?
I dont believe for a second thats the actual price. The original owner probly got paid 1million under the table to keep this outta the public eye
That smuggie of Bernie has never been more relevant
Yes, that's right. Keep attacking Bernie, a non-entity at this point, while Hillary wallops your orange goblin nationwide. This will show her.
This right here. Hopefully some useful idiots were redpilled from this election.
So was it funded by his generous supporter donations or was it a gift from Hillary for kissing the ring and stepping down from the primaries?
I plan on going there and burning it down this winter
Definitely some shadow government at play
If Hillary wins Bernie Sanders will quietly become a millionaire over her head 4 years with insider trading and shady deals. Just watch
still enjoying your #revolution and tattoos fuckers?
>>just tell people it's an adam savage tattoo
or a tattoo of herself
Wikileaks showed he was a plant... how you think he got this home?
Ever hear of a mortgage nigger?
>he didn't notice the hundreds of Hillary threads daily
newerfriend detected
You guys do know that campaign contributions go into a campaign account that's audited by the IRS and FEC?
600k is pretty cheap, it must be in a shitty location.
He dumped all his life savings into a property. A good investment.
It's called a mortgage
He Jewed his support.
no refunds
You realize laws don't matter when you're a Clinton and besides just because he may not have taken donation money doesn't mean the DNC didn't give him millions to keep his mouth shut
What's Bernie's wife's child like? Is he rich?
Bernie supporters do not understand economics, or what a sell out is.
If they did, theyd be upset but they're to busy tryin to be hip, and edgy.
>surrounded by retards
That is not enough to retire on.
He sold the fuck out is what happened.
I stopped trying to explain his lack of a spine after the DNC.
People always seem to forget that the individual wealth of rich people is quite low due to it being divided relatively equally among family and friends, aswell as being stored in potential funds.
Not just due to corruption or what have you but just from the very simple point of spreading the risks over various constructions.
That he didn't report the wealth his family or friends effectively supplied him with is questionable but understandable if he has any respect for the privacy of those parties.
have you even been reading the fucking wikileaks??
the Clinton campaign routinely got donations way, way over the individual limit and then moved that money around to their various superPACs, that's exactly what David Brock did with his "think tanks".
It would have been very, very easy to take anonymous donations and sweep them into a slush fund or superPAC where they could easily do some "Administrative Fees" type shit and shift the money to wherever they wanted.
None of this is hard to do at all. Rich people, like Trump, can do amazing things with their money to make it look like its spent or disappeared.
>who didn't have a job until he was 40 years old
Why else do you think he abandoned all of his values and principles to endorse crooked Hillary? I'd very surprised if she didn't wire some of that Clinton Foundation cash into an offshore account for him in exchange for his endorsement. Let this serve as a lesson to those that trusted the Jew.
He probably gave the money to the DNC and they cut him half of the money. They did it because he could have kept the money indefinitely. Don't be dumb user. There's rules on the books and what really happens. That old kike never worked for shit.
Yeah fuck bernie sanders.
>LaIke Champlain
Hey, isn't there a monster in there?
Has anyone come forward about regretting their tattoo or getting it removed?
There's a limit on how much can be given to the DNC or the nominee, but there isn't for charities. Sure is a funny coincidence that Hillary owns one of those.
>>Well Bernie supporters, explain this?
a man who has worked his entire life as a high paid senator bought a modestly sized house.
what is there to explain?