>Majority of people are believers
>Strong family values
>Killing babies is illegal
>Women aren't 100% infected by feminism and are good looking, feminine and want to start a family in their 20s
>Many cities are very beautiful
>Amazing woodlands and mountains teeming with animals that have gone extinct in the rest of Europe
>Historical sites up the ass
>Masculinity isn't looked down upon
>Beer and vodka as far as your eyes can reach
>Most young people are educated but not intensely liberal
>Universities are purely focused on academia and not Marxist re-education camps
>You can call out a nigger on behaving like a nigger and your fellow countrymen won't turn on you
ITT: We market our countries as best we can
Other urls found in this thread:
Some parts of my country are better than others.
All true. Much respect to you from the UK. I'm sorry that the idiot Celtic subhumans (who, by the way, are jealous of Polish work ethic and good looks of Polish women) treat the Poles so badly here.
I'm sorry about the polish chav scum that got into the mix. Come here on holiday some time and we'll pound back some beers and hunt some boar.
Literally the niggers of Europe. Fuck off.
you were quite literally raped on both sides by krauts and soviets
>Majority of people are believers
Nowhere near the level it used to be, and numbers constantly dwindle every year
>Strong family values
Again, see abovee
>Killing babies is illegal
That doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Abortion rate in poland is just as high as in any other slavshit country- except they're better at hiding it and masking where it happens (i.e. in shegen zone countries)
>Women aren't 100% infected by feminism and are good looking, feminine and want to start a family in their 20s
No, i'd say they're like 40% infected. You have an overwhelming amount of libshits and bulwark of them are made up of feminists
>Many cities are very beautiful
I can count like 2 that have a small zone within them that's passable for aesthetic, the rest is a tryhard shithole
>Amazing woodlands and mountains teeming with animals that have gone extinct in the rest of Europe
Nothing to do with the efforts of the country
>Historical sites up the ass
up the ass? thats exactly where they belong
>Masculinity isn't looked down upon
You aren't masculine, you're a country of ferrel thick-skulled savages
>Beer and vodka as far as your eyes can reach
A nation of alcoholics
>Most young people are educated but not intensely liberal
Educated on how to use farm equipment to prevent another potato shortage?
>Universities are purely focused on academia and not Marxist re-education camps
That's a fucking lie and you know it
>You can call out a nigger on behaving like a nigger and your fellow countrymen won't turn on you
There's a reason niggers don't want to go to poland, and it's not because the local population can out-nigger them
Poland is very clean , I actually very surprised.
>nordic and mediterranean race
>4D chess players since forever
>good at backstabbing
>we don't feel guilty about WWII
>every one of our regions has enough culture and beauty to be a nation in itself
>sardinia and sicily defended the mediterranean from muslims (sicily tried at least)
>northeners defeated muslims in naval battles
>we have big cocks
>our women are 11/10
>best history and food 12/10
>we hate each other but deep inside we love each other
russia big
The hottest whores you'll find in the Americas. Cheap too. There's cheaper on shittier South American countries but you won't find sexier women anywhere but here.
Sex tourism is our forte. Come fuck!
Don't fall for the Venezuelan meme. All the hot Venezuelan prostitutes migrated to Colombia already.
>Market our countries.
yeah nah fuck off cunt.
Good economy
Stable politics
No race related problems (50% white, 45% mestizo, 5% natives)
Abortion is illegal in all cases
Santiago is first world tier
Beautiful mountains
Beautiful sea
Very diverse geography (from deserts to snowy mountains)
Libertarian Nationalist party has been the biggest one since our return to democracy
Better than Argentina
We own the Moon
>implying anybody wants to live in the down under
When did Frodo turn into a granny?
We have guuuunnnnnzzzzzz
I see that India and rest of Africa is so high that they are out of charts. Let me tell you something britcuck, would you really prefer for every single Pole to leave your country but instead getting 1 milion or so migrants that are so very peaceful, just like France or Germany showed us. Or would you rather have Poles who beat up people only when provoked to, normally work while not giving a shit and don't cause much problems in comparison?
Ofcourse there are complete and unredeemable assholes born into every nation but you need to look at the whole picture and stop blindingly hating people.
All I care about is your women. Do they fuck mulattos?
(We already know the answer)
I noticed that lying about Poland is becoming fashionable in my former homecountry.
You forgot about
>no jobs
>feudal society
>absolute nepotism
>absolute corruption
>ruined cities because with ugly, dirty buildings
>drunks on the streets
>people driving like crazy
>people burning tires and plastic in chimneys during the winter
Should I go on?
>Most people are educated
Hahaha Poland is a non entity in education. Also your economy is shit.
m8, poland is shit tier and you know it
>former homecountry
zabij się jebany podludzki smieciu
Fuck, I'd rather look at a crowd of nignogs at killary rally than at this disgusting pic.
Left one clearly has a rape face, lips tightly shut, eyes wide open, that's the one that will make you saw your neck with a blunt knife.
The other 2 are just sluts, the middle one's mouth can fit pretty much every cock in her area at the same time, the right one has that cheap slut pose that truck drivers get for 2 bucks at night
>(muffled church bells in the distance)
Fuck Poland, don't post your abominations here.
>mfw here in California you get so used to pic related
>that these girls are attractive
Well, our biggest university, Warsaw University, is a Marxist wet dream. I remember having to watch literal Cuban communist propaganda in my Spanish history classes.
We're responsible for WWI and WWII
Also Hitler was born here
>a lot of good looking women, moreso in the south because of european heritage
>the majority of votes elects the president, there's none of that delegate bullshit the US has
>best unis don't cost a penny to go to
>majority of the population is christian/conservative, even though the media is liberal as fuck
>abortion is illegal
>commies/lefties lost a LOT of ground with their president impeached
>never seen a mudslime in my life
This is Croatia 2016, and some of you guys used to call us nonwhite and a shithole, meanwhile we are 1st world and these are our accomplishments so far and there be plenty more in the future:
>money and high purchasing power
>already spend 100 of millions of dollars on importing Polish technology to more easily compete with Western Europe
>people ride bikes to work
>importing cars from Portugal
>almost every family has a car and a PC with internet
>low unemployment
>strategical partnership with Argentina until 2050
>exporting to Serbia and Bosnia
>young people stay longer with their families instead of moving out early
>army uses homemade tanks
>people wear trendy clothes
>most people have smartphones
Your women are 7/10 and your food is 13/10.
Don't get cocky.
>mfw the niggers of Europe are currently the most European
Western Civilization is garbage, but Western Europe most of all. :^)
Bitch drinking anti-freeze?
>Great diversity on women, white, black, asian and native all in just one place, also all kinds of mix.
>Big hot bundas.
>Greatest language ever made, second only to latin.
>Extreme anti rape culture while still being redpilled on women.
>Some areas are legit first wold tier.
>High quality blacks and mixeds, still niggers, but better than anywhere else in the world.
>In the process of uncucking, hate of the left is so big now it's actually possible we turn to fascism.
it works
>We could have Trump as president soon
>Muh guns
And uh, that's it.
>a selling point is "some areas are first world"
>no jobs
It depends on where you are living
>feudal society
kind of true, but almost every healthy country has feudal society
>absolute nepotism
>absolute corruption
not absolute, we're still better than our eastern neighbours
>ruined cities because with ugly, dirty buildings
it depends on where you are living
>people driving like crazy
>people burning tires and plastic chinmeys during the winter
don't know
You've convinced me. How well could live assuming I can still earn 100$/h. Alternatively, whats it like working as a doctor over there?
You're a leaf, your idea of masculinity is someone who doesn't apologize for his existence the entirety of his waking hours. But anything less than 40% of the time you view as problematic.
>You can call out a nigger on behaving like a nigger and your fellow countrymen won't turn on you
Implying there's niggers in Poland
>50% max tax rate
>only wage raises are in the public sector and the higher up you're the more they go up
It ain't perfect but at least Poland still belongs to the Poles. You better start learning arabic.
If you give a good look at Brazil's history and regions you will see that this is, sadly, a big deal.
It's not france.
>Homogenous white niggers
>Prone to mass delusions
>Easily controlled
>Easily fooled, poor capacity for thought
>Women will just suffer rape rather than report it
>Hasn't managed to tame its environment despite the lands having been settled for thousands of years
>Historically rebuilt crap, a bloody disney park in most places
>Clean if you look away from the trash
>Masculinity involves behaving like a dog and being averse to rational thought
>Addiction prone
>"Educated", but fair enough on the nonliberal
>Universities happily buy their reputations while neglecting their purposes as educational and scientific institutions
>Duh, it's normal behaviour in the country of wiggers, behaving civilised in africa gets you called out in a similar fashion
Used video games are very cheap.
And your idea of masculinity is encoded in Sharia.
>still better than our easter neighbours
Well fuck me, isn't that an endorsement?
Where I'm from, Bialystok, there truly are no decent jobs. Everyone I know either fucked off already, or wants to but can't just yet. Sure, there are jobs in the biggest cities, but the pay is still shite. If you have to move places anyway, why not go somewhere where the pay and living is decent?
I truly can't. Don't come near us. The best thing is maybe Hockey and comfy?
>muh dick
>How well could live assuming I can still earn 100$/h
You can live very comfortably in any nice city/ town that isn't Warsaw. You could either purchase property and make yourself a dream castle or rent a high end apartment.
>Alternatively, whats it like working as a doctor over there?
Unless you're working at a private clinic its absolutely shit compared to richer countries. If you're a doctor you should either set up your own clinic or work for a private one and make bank. Pathologists still earn very well though.
>cheap wine
And you are fucking shocked that your region is shit? I'm sad that the Soviets decided to give us back this region in 1944.
thank you poland for my gf and pierogi.
-t. person from majority muslim country
I hate these people, but this works on me. It's like hypnotism.
>See photgraphic awesomeness
>Implying there's niggers in Poland
We have the occasional sponsored uni student from Africa but then they're genuinely intelligent and go back when they're done. No chimping is tolerated.
>Great diversity
Stopped reading right there.
>racist us fuck
remember the incedent when they abused and insulted portuguese students because they looked "foreign"
Too many kike worshiper Christians. Poverty, why no migrants come, else niggers allowed. Too much prostitution, women chase money. Poland had potential to be rich, but instead sold it all, rather works for foreigners than natives. Biggest NATO enabler, will get nuked by Putin soon. If Poland was rich/successful you would have more niggers than in USA, since there are literally no anti-migrant laws. If anything Polish girls would suck any American penis to get money. So much about traditionalism. Praying to Jesus isn't traditionalism.
Yeah, its a puzzle why I left such wonderful people behind. Boggles the mind, truly.
In all seriousness, nobody is as toxic, as hostile and as hateful as one Pole to another. One of the many reasons why I left. I just couldn't deal with that crap any longer.
>caring if someone is a toxic and hateful towards you
haha what a pussy xD
>you won't find sexier women anywhere but here
What are brazilian chicks?
>mfw everyone already knows the U.S. is the greatest fucking country ever so we don't have to market ourselves
The uproar was hilarious and only further hardened people on multiculi anti-racist bullshit
kill - fuck - marry
Is Poland the only educated society where people still take Christianity seriously?
How do people parse scientific knowledge with belief in the supernatural?
how is importing cars from Portugal an achievement?
I can't market this dying piece of shit former country, not even ironically :/
One thing I've got to hand to you. There is an intense "crabs in a bucket" mentality around here.
Not going to bother marketing cucknada so I'm going to market newfoundland who had our independence stolen from us
>Homogeneous (99.3% white)
>extremely Christian
>high birthrates
>strong family values
>hard working people
>women are still pure and wives are practically owned by their husbands
>only one city, has laws in place so that new buildings in the downtown area much match the city's theme so we don't get bullshit modern architecture or random skyscrapers
>mostly untamed wilderness away from the coast, very rocky, tons of wildlife, lots of tourism
>genocided every single last native centuries ago as a sport
>some of the oldest history in the Americas as britain's first colony, oldest city in NA
>most men are rural, hardworking fishermen and factory workers
>everybody's a drunk
>only city people are educated, but are not very liberal (centrist)
>most people have never seen a shitskin in their lives (23 years old and never seen a non-white, my grandfather was 82 years old and never saw a non-white)
>best accent in the world
>everybody's inbred and sounds like a drunk, down syndrome irishman suffering a stroke
You forgot to add that here womens are generally not feminism infected, you can find trustworthy beautiful women pretty easily.
Poland would be bankrupt without the net free cash from the EU, the Army are non existent and the government are run by the paedo church. It's a 2nd world country!
still a shithole
>beer and vodka everywhere
Nigger polack this isnt something to be proud of. Our enemies pray on our relaxed drunken state.
USA literally doesn't nothing else than market itself. All television is mostly American after 80ies. American market themselves even in animal show, showing nothing but American alligators, never Colombian alligators or anything from French paradise islands or Chinese rain forests. Most of American shows have a guy showing his dumb American narrator face 60% of show's time.
Technically, Serbia is responsible for the first World War
>tfw no pure polish wife
fuck these stupid sociopathic strong independent western women
>everybody's inbred and sounds like a drunk, down syndrome irishman suffering a stroke
Oh shit bud.
fuck dude, you should start a secession movement, before the Canadian faggotry destroys all of that
>Morocco 2.0
>60% unemployment
>Huge debt
>Corruption everywhere
>No money
>No future
>No hope
Nothing to do here, keep moving north for a future.
A pig might not notice if she's covered in shit. Hell, she might even like it.
>Gaurenteed freedoms such as freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms (in non-commie states).
>Still many places where the population is 90%+ white.
>Have the right to defend yourself if a sand nigger just walks into your house, unlike europoors.
>Ok economy, many career choices.
>Center of technical innovation.
>Good welfare if wan't to go NEET.
>Trump will fix the western world.
Basically, the people might be shit, but America has the freest government of any country, and the economy ain't too bad.
>How do people parse scientific knowledge with belief in the supernatural?
Its more a unifying belief than taking everything in the bible word for word. For example when the EU tried to force us to take a billion hajis we just said they aren't christian and won't fit into our society and barely anyone in Poland took issue with it.
Looks like jones soda t b h
We're not Sweden
We've been trying, the news is getting out that the election that made us a cucknadian province was rigged in the first place, and we don't take well to cuckdeau's threats to flood us and our culture with shitskins.
The second "asian" looks a bit like George Zimmerman.
>tfw every girl i find is a clingy tumor who thinks we're gonna get married after 2 weeks of dating
>tfw they think their pussies are some kind of holy artifact and you should be honored of having visited it with your worthless penis
You know what they say about too much of a good thing
Here we dont take it like muh crationism.. Ive never met anyone who would claim such thing
said a pussy who migrated to the caliphate on his own free will
Everyone taking part in it is to blame that it got that big
Welfare in Poland isn't low because Poland wants to keep migrants away, it's low because government doesn't has money or they stole it.
Big difference. This false patriotism isn't going to work in any country.
>Lazy society
>Full of immigrants
>Racist against our neighbours but since we are lazy we don't do anything
>The New Generation of Nu-Males and Feminist make our society stop wanting to be white and European, now we want to be Venezuela
>Shit education with the worst teachers in the world
>So many psycologhist
>We make fun of everything, humour is the only way to endure being an Argie
>Rich history, sadly forgotten by even our people
>So good meat
>pizza + birra + football = everything forgotten
nice girls
colorful nature and villages
not as despressing cities as polish or russian but still have that commie vibe. yet collide with modern times
there's Lviv with austiran and italian built stuff in center
really strange people, who you might like and find magnificently unique (i don't)
food tasty as fuck
Poland is truly lost in time. A western relic. What a strange place.
I'm happy for you guys and hope you enjoy your lives without the worries we have.
All great except a major downside
>no jobs