Why people do this? Why would anyone ever vandalise great monuments etc.
Why people do this? Why would anyone ever vandalise great monuments etc
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it's literally a fucking stone, who cares?
Having no respect for those who came before you.
It's why only niggers and immigrants do shit like this.
this is why you're american.
Why would the Saracens care about defacing their conquered peoples monuments?
>literally fucking stone
They aren't put up without a reason you know
>Abandoned their capital and country to some Austrian led hack German army that was weaker than you so you could protect some stones
>unable to appreciate the value of art
Go back to your tree
Your house is just wood.
Probably people who feel no connection, no respect.
Monuments have always felt sacred to me, to desecrate or a monument is akin to desecrating a grave etc, also I have a lot of respect for the artisans who made them
non degenerates care about their living environment
Monuments aren't important, it's just shaped rock who gives a fuck?
Kill yourself bud.
the Statue of Liberty is French made and gifted to you.
maybe if you valued "stones" and art a bit more you would have your own culture.
Multiculturalism makes us stronger.
You too
>not liking stones
Canada is just shaped soil , give it to America then.
because after all , who gives a fuck ?
Spotted the nigger.
White people are dirty as fuck
Look how much they litter and how their streets are covered in chewing gum
I've lived with some pretty disgusting ones who will just leave dirty dishes lying around for days before they get round to washing them
It has been cleaned, and it's now "illegal" to squat there.
Cleaner than 2013, and the place has been redone too.
Be happy that these statues are still there. They will be the first things to get blown up once Europe become Eurabia.
They do it because they're niggers. It's in their nature to destroy things.
teen immigrants of hip hop culture are primarily the once who engage in vandalism
Niggers and mudslimes, OP.
There is only one human in that video.
>fucking people
killl yourself,
I'd defend our national monuments with my own life if I had to
it's something a leaf just wouldn't understand
Why do blacks get the best white women?
maybe they should put a circular fence with some heavy iron bars around that monument
they can still place benches around the monument if they want.
all of that would already greatly reduce vandalism attempts on that monument.
now I feel bad not even knowing what monument that actually is.
t. a fucking leaf with no culture
yeah. and you're just a pile of atoms, right?
who gives a fuck?
how can white bois even compete.
You have to go back.
this is pretty low on my list of ways i'd prefer to die
with a country that has no history, your comment is no surprise
I seriously think that the reason why this kind of crap is happening is because they don't teach you to respect your ancestry anymore at schools. I really believe that's the number one reason for this degeneracy.
>Letting the chimps dance around on the desks while people are trying to study
WTF America?
Nigger detected
Go bang rocks together faggot, it's all your kind is capable of.
man bro man don't do this man bro
so progressive
i love it
People have damaged De Nachtwacht several times with knifes. The last time was in 1985. The cuts of a meter were made. After that date someone threw acid on the painting, but worse damages have been been prevented.
Blacks are animals.
good riddance
hope that hoe died, fuck whites
No ideals higher than dick and food. Savages.
Kill yourself fucko
I do.
>Why would anyone ever vandalise great monuments
Because fuck the NWO
And this is why cops are drilled to shoot center mass at the first sign of physical aggression toward them.
Dig up your grandmother and fuck her
This desecration should not be tolerated.
Its absolutely shameful.
Imagine if the heroes immortalized could be free from the shackles of their stone form and see the disgrace surrounding them. It would sicken them.
If you think that's bad, you should have seen the inside of the Bataclan. Total horrorshow.
cause the government lets them
Even a monkey wouldn't attack like that. Any animal at all wouldn't attack like that.
They're too dumb to be peaceful, but too intelligentto understand that they can attack for gibsmedat.
>WW1 & WW2 memorial
>fuck black exclusion
I'm impressed that she still can walk
>Why people do this?
Stop posting niggers in my thread REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
They blayed the new Niggerfield 1!
Off la off yourself
Anyone want a redpill?
Addio Africa, it changed my perspective on the world.
whatever u say
I'm not from Paris but this seems like a typical case of cherry picked pictures
1) they probably clean it at least once a year
2) random people will sit there, there's no more nigs now than before
What was he hitting them with?
she looks Asian in which case I agree. I hope she suffered eternal bleeding before she bled out. Fucking gooker
Even the even more impressive pyramids are decaying. I'm not saying bulldoze them, I'm saying they'll survive long after we, the mortals vanish.
W-what's wrong with you polan?
it was ninja-nigger