There have been a lot of 'hurr durr anime is better than cartoons' threads recently, but I wanna say something...

There have been a lot of 'hurr durr anime is better than cartoons' threads recently, but I wanna say something. I've realized that there's a kinda charm western cartoons have that anime just doesn't. I'm not saying anime is bad, but it doesn't have the same feeling. What is the western charm, Sup Forums?

Lets be honest here, 99% of all non disney western animations are cheap shit.

The west don't invest on 2d animation since Toy Story, now is all digital movies and series while Nippons are the only ones that give a fuck about cartoons.

this is now a ko thread

>I'm not rehashing that shitty argument, honest!
>Please validate my insecurity, Sup Forums
shit is shit
people like it for their own reasons
please get laid


Mikayla needs love, Sup Forums

>exposes her bare feet to a child
How is this allowed?

>western cartoon charm
>OP uses a cartoon that's pretty much an anime

Out of all the fucking examples available.

The problem I have with cartoons is that there isn't enough variety.

I'll be upfront, I'm a comicsfag mostly, although I do like animation. If I want to watch a Western cartoon, people will point me to Star vs, Teen Titans, etc. For me, these shows feel somewhat childish, There isn't anything wrong with that, but as an adult I tend to like to seek media with interesting thematic elements and other such things that usually don't find their place in children's cartoons.
If I want to watch an adult cartoon, I'll be pointed to say, Rick and Morty and Bojack. Not a huge fan of Rick and Morty (it feels like your typical edgy adut comedy), but I enjoyed Bojack. The problem is, Western animation is abysmal when it comes to non-comedy adult cartoons. Stuff such as Moral Orel and Bojack are once-in-a-few-years deals

Anime is a lot better at providing more sophisticated entertainment than the West is, and it could be due to the stigma we have here that animation is childish. There is kid shit there too, but the diversity of it blows the West out of the water (same goes for comics by the way) I'd like to see that changed, because there is untapped potential that has been unused for too long.

what an adorable human girl

retard dog


taking over this thread, with all survivors

I agree, it's mostly the anime fans I dislike, the majority of those idiots watch nothing but crappy wank bait or shonen trash.

bojack is not a comedy?

What this part of your plan?

comedy-drama, but it's feels very differently tonally compared to other adult cartoon comedies

thats whats popular

You're a big bot

you can watch prisoner zero

The fact that so many anime scripts these days follow archetypes and allow less individual touches to dialogue and story beats?

Its the writing. Eastern and western writing is different. Eastern writing not only gets away with more adult and weird content,it also takes inspiration from different sources. Also,the anime corporations dont give a fuck about agendas or stuff like that. Likewise,eastern anime fans complain less than western fans,and they consume all the shit that comes out.
Western cartoons are done by more "normal" people,while anime is done by weirdos. I mean,japan invented toilets that talk to you. Those people think differently


>The problem I have with cartoons is that there isn't enough variety.

That's my complaint for anime these days. They've skipped over a lot of genres to aim more at moƩ SoL shows.

And you're acting 15, touching yourself a bent.

The fact that western cartoons have characters i remember instead of archetypes
>its the fanservice slut
>its the emotionless girl
>its the naive protagonist
>its the badass shonen protagonist
>its the villain who laughs HO HO HO
>its the pervert guy
>its the bossy girl
>its the cute loudy kid

Nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask

>the stigma we have here that animation is childish.

It's the same in Japan, ironically. The adult stuff they get is mostly seen by weirdos, not the Japanese everyman.