This is it, folks

This is it, folks.

Everything hinges on Florida. That's all we need.

Other urls found in this thread:

>mfw 270-268

Florida's going red, believe me

Shut up Canada.

Yeah what am I doing, I should be shilling for hillary!

have you read about Nevada early voting yet? It's looking bad. Yesterday was a record day for Democrats and Latinos are voting in higher numbers than usual. Trump really didn't need to fucking say that Mexicans are rapists. Might have lost him the presidency:
"Nevada’s Early Vote Ends With Massive Democratic Surge"
“Looks like Trump got his wall after all. A wall of beautiful voters.”

Trump was expected to lose the early vote in every state.

He's expected to win the election day vote.

I'm looking at reports of comparisons between this year and 2012. They're saying that Hillary's vote this year is significantly up on Obama's from last time, when he won by about 7 points in Nevada. Can you interpret this in a way that doesn't make it look like Nevada is almost decided as a Democrat state this time (and I need evidence, not just assertion)?


Florida, New Hampshire, and Nevada

He said Mexico is sending rapists and criminals. God damn are u dumb. He didn't say something bad about Mexicans once.

i don't believe you

>NH red

>colorado blue


We all know what he said. It was an unqualified, standalone statement "They're rapists." Maybe you can put it in context and say that it means that the Mexicans coming over the border are rapists, or maybe the Mexicans coming illegally over the border are rapists. There isn't a good way to see this statement if you're a Latino voter:

"When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best," Trump said. "They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people."

So in California, lets say 40% voted red and 60% voted blue. Why do all 55 electoral college votes go blue then?

Wouldnt it make sense to have 40 percent go red and 60 go blue?

Who designed this retarded system? It had to be a Democrat.

It was designed long ago, but not thought out to this extent

FL here voted early a few days ago.

Their* rapists

Plot twist. California goes red.

plot twist
Working adults are less likely to fall for SJW tier shilling, and don't vote for "muh feels"



All transcriptions I've seen go with "they're," since that's the word being repeated and it makes sense in the context of that repetition. I deliberately picked the Bretibart transcription so you'd think it was unbiased. I don't think you can push this one the way you want to, user. Most of all, Latino voters aren't seeing it that way, and that's what might well sway Nevada and the whole election, even before Tuesday.

Stop deluding yourselves into thinking everything is in the bag except Florida.

Still need Florida, Nevada, North Carolina, New Hampshire. A win is no lock in any one of those (NH might be most secure surprisingly)

He was correct you fucking dipshit, learn some god damn grammar.

With that said Colorado, Michigan, and Pennsylvania look pretty winnable.

>Everything hinges on Florida.

This has not been true for some time.

>Working adults are less likely to fall for SJW tier shilling, and don't vote for "muh feels"

That is only true for those that actually are producing something, with their hands.
As soon as most people get jobs in offices, they become blind to the reality. Since the windows block some of the frequencies of light coming to them.

Is Austria sending rapist to Germany?

You guys focus on imaginary narratives instead of looking at real issues.

Here, have a real issue:
If Trump will get elected, he will abolish the iran deal (he promised to do it, remember?)

Abolishing the iran deal, means Iran will keep developing a nuclear weapon.

Trump = Nuclear iran, open your fucking eyes Sup Forums.
Abolishing the inspection over the iranian nuclear program is literally gambling on the future of the world.

Walk around Florida, I see nothing but Trump signs on lawns. IT WILL BE A LANDSLIDE

We are losing NV.
Only hope is VA, PA, or WI go red.

It's going to be rough.

Rigging confirmed it's over boys.

>unironically linking huffpo


It won't be enough Florida is lost, rigging is confirmed bin the swing states.

Who cares? Oh wait, you kikes do. Have fun getting glassed, because no one else cares about you dirty mongrels.

Florida is fucking red stop this meme, and if it's blue it will be because of voter fraud. And in that case we will demand recounts and investigation.

>Florida is fucking red

They elected Obama twice.

I hope they nuke your ass your country causes more problems in the ME than all the other ones combined

And isn't Florida 75% Latino and 10% Black already? How the fuck are they going to vote for Trump


Trump is ours. Florida is ours. This election is ours. Stop living vicariously through nations that actually matter. I don't care if I agree with your opinion on our election, I say fuck you for pretending you get to have one you worthless fucking leaf.

You guys focus on imaginary narratives instead of looking at real issues.

Here, have a real issue:
If Trump will get elected, he will abolish the iran deal (he promised to do it, remember?)

Abolishing the iran deal, means Iran will keep developing a nuclear weapon.

Trump = Nuclear iran, open your fucking eyes Sup Forums
Abolishing the inspection over the iranian nuclear program is literally gambling on the future of the world

Trump also said he will abolish the paris climate accord, an agreement signed by over 200 countries INCLUDING CHINA, to save the planet from climate change.
The Paris climate accord just took effect, if trump abolished it, the damage to crops all over the world from climate change will have devastating results

This will be the map.


Or get CO and PA




Me too family. Did u vote for Ruboto ?

It was designed when the population was one sixtieth what it is now, and the voterbase was one two hundreth.

Pic related will be the map

Colorado is much more likely to got red than NH



That doesn't make any sense. The group most likely to early vote are the elderly, who overwhelmingly vote Republican in every single election. In many states, the only people who even qualify for early voting are the ill and people over 60.

It all depends on how much central Florida rigs it. Central is going for Trump, and well, we know about the rest

Trump is winning NH right now. He isn't in Colorado.

Or we can take CO and PA

>Colorado is much more likely to got red than NH

You will have to explain that for me.

>Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania going red

Grasp harder on them straws

Nah we lost NV and wont hold Florida. Its own lads. The media cant be stopped.

The more I think about it the more I think male voters are going to go out in crazy numbers and vote Trump because deep down they can't stand Hillary. I am really feeling the landslide. She might win a few states like FL and CO with rigging but won't have accounted for losing PA and others. KEK BE PRAISED!

VA will be red
PA might go red
its in the bag for trump

Dude what? As long as you are registered, you can vote early.

Though there has been confirmed rigging going on in Florida. Really, you should have to forfeit a state for that shit. I hope the court gives that one woman's affidavit an investigation and case before Tuesday.

>Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes!

Is YEB still the governor?


>Trump loses
>Brexit stalls
>Russian general elected here tomorrow


>mfw Israel gets glassed

Voting break down for florida is approximately

70% white
15% hispanic
10% black
5% other

(((climate change)))
(((Nuclear Iran)))

Eat shit, kike. Your people rejected Christ. You are of your father, the devil, and you do his work. Your father is the father of lies. You do not care about what happens to America, you simply have been taught that the goyim owe you safety. The day is coming, and know that it is coming soon, when the American people will cease to be your guard dog. You will be drained with the rest of the swamp. Find Christ, or Iran may not deal you the only death you experience. Abandon Judaism. Stop spitting in the very face of God.

Screenshot it then faggot and make a thread November 9th making fun of me the average Joe if I'm wrong. I'll be there and I'll apologize personally to you. Make it at 10 am EST. See you there pal.

NOTE: the electoral college will save HRC.
Yes, it is the last last resort, but some EC will abstain or flip, to make HRC win. Anyone who thinks Trump has a chance, does not understand how deep the HRC mold has grown.

NV is doing better than at this point in 2012. Plus, independents lean heavily Trump.

This is ignoring the number of D voters who are going to vote for Trump this time.


I understand your rationale, but the elderly go to the front of the line regardless of voting early or not. When I went, it was mainly people aged 25-50 waiting in the line. There were a LOT more white people than 4 years ago.

I already voted Trump in Florida, my dad and his wife voted Trump here too. I'm in the process of redpilling my girlfriend with these John Pedosta threads, she'll vote Trump too

If you look at their voting history, Colorado has always been much more republican than NH. The only elections where that was different was the last two ones (because there are more blacks in Colorado and they voted for King Nigger). Black turnout will be much lower this election

I believe!

Take up my challenge you little bitch.

Michigan has turned from blue to gray already

these are shills just so you guys are aware. They are usually phrased the exact same way.

Trump will win NY, NJ, PA, VA, FL, MI, and CO.
He has a shot at CA.










Show her the audio of Hillary laughing about successfully defending a man who she knew raped a 12 year old girl. Show her how she tried to destroy the integrity of a child by claiming she basically forced herself on her rapist.

Women can't stomach that. At least none of the when I have showed that to have been able to. A couple already voted Trump, most went to Jill Stein (just as good frankly) and most just said they weren't going to vote at all once they knew that.

The "crooked Hillary" angle is very effective getting liberals to just stay home and bitch. "Rape enabler" is effective at getting feminists to stay home. I don't necessarily care if liberals turn around and vote Trump, I am fine with them just not showing up for Hillary.

...all you have to do is tell the truth.

>They’re not sending you
this seems to be a really important line.

and one more good reason to vote trump

If this actually happened Democrats would always win.

Holy shit, trump has basically already lost Nevada, you're kidding yourself if you think we have a a chance

Wisconsin will be red

come on now m8

Directed by m. Night

Fuck off defeatist

No, he lost Las Vegas. He was always going to lose Las Vegas. Not the whole state.


I don't give a fuck about you and your shitty country.

Republicans are up in early voting. Obama only won Florida by one percent in 2012 and that was with him ahead in early voting. Trump could win it by 5-6 points.

TRUMP 2016