Rate my political compass Sup Forums

Rate my political compass Sup Forums

It's 2016 /10

One day you might quit blazing and grow up.

wat hap 2 me??

Rate mine

kill yourself OP


pic related is master faction

Dude weed / 10

was it hard telling your parents you are gay?

me homeboi right 'der


wtf I hate freedomz now

I have the exact same dot, pacifistbro.

nice digits
shit thoughts

You are absolutely right breh.


kill yourself right winged scum

you think Hitler was right-wing, don't you?

r8 my chart


pretty damn good/10

>grow up

Like Gandhi? The guy who freed his country of your oppression without firing a single bullet?

you took the black and yellow pill bby

>implying that Indian Independence wasn't a mistake

weed bro/10



they dont even have toilets


reminder gandhi was a huge racist who said niggers weren't human and should be barred from india