Holy shit, are liberal media in literal panic mode right now?
Holy shit, are liberal media in literal panic mode right now?
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He knows his stupid head will be put to better use sitting on a pike than spewing stupidity.
look at that face what a fucking kike
>Oy vey get your guns we don't want you to have goyim we need you to stop being the faggot liberals we turned you onto now.
Lol they're pissing their pants.
>The media is deliberately hiding info on Trump. They want that racist to win so they can have their job security spending the next four years tormenting the population with daily stories of "what president Trump did today" just like they did during the GW Bush regime. These media scumbags would gladly encourage WWIII just so they can get the privilege of being the last newscaster seen on TV before the nuclear impacts wipe out all life on Earth.
Reminder that the MEDIA is on TRUMP'S side and that Hillary is the underdog here! Totally ignore the fact that the media's been lambasting Trump for more than a year and that they're all in bed with Hillary!
All the people who supported hillary, even a little bit, will have to back peddle so hard if/when the shield sex stuff is definitively exposed. And they thought they could abandon their principles and shill for hill, when they knew she was anti liberal, but now they won't even be able to dish out i-told-you-so. Trump could literally be the worst president in history and still be irrefutablly a better choice than a child rapist.
God he is fucking cancerous
They are setting the mood for saying "LITERALLY NAZIS MARCHING ON THE STREETS" after Hillary clearly rigs the elections and people start rioting.
There will be less people protesting because they will be afraid of being called right wing death squads and nazis.
This Russia shit is so fucking stupid
Worthless kike
i've been telling people for months that a trump vote is the best thing for a liberal to do
making america great again is a hell of a lot better than having jeb and cletus roll up to your house and execute you
>i know it's a comedy show BUT
So their strategy is literally to accuse the other side of doing exactly what they are doing -- and the zombies fall for it!
They dont even try to hide their bias. its just bold and shameless.
Bill Maher has made many startling pro-pedo comments on his show, he's afraid Trump is going to rat out hollywood.
lmao is this really what the average libtard thinks like in the US?
Never thought liberal propaganda could be this bad, how did it get this bad?
Oy vey... he seems a little scared. I wonder why?
That's supposed to be funny...? Is that a fake laugh track?
mfw Julian said all his leaks weren't from Russia and that Hillary is just spewing bullshit
He played contrarian and devil's advocate for so long he forgot he's started to believe in the left more than he should have.
>secular right-wing coup to prevent corruption/rigging
>Muslims imported to America
>Islamic right-wing coup to destroy science
Why is it that conservativism seems more compatible with atheism.
mfw Trump gets elected and the jewish media will finally have their lying mouths sewn shut
>the FBI apparently doing its job
>muh Russia
>muh right-wing terrorist Nazi frogs
>the media is biased against Hillary instead of for her
Does he actually believe this? Or is he just trying to save himself?
They've had 8 years of easy mode broadcasting. Not like back in the Dubya days were they had to work and find shit to uncover. They don't want to work hard again.
there are people out there who believe the FBI is working with Russia and that every email leaked is nothing more than Russian propaganda.
I didn't think people would bury their head this much
I really love that shitty documentary he made where he attacked Christianity, Islam, Mormonism, and basically every religion except Judaism.
>People watch this shit.
>fbi doesn't indict Clinton even though there is reason to
>fbi obtains new evidence and re-opens the invegistation
I despise leftist media with every fibre of my being.
They don't know where to turn...they're being ground under the giant conservative wheel. They have nothing but baseless emotional appeals. Notice how he said "MEDIA DO YOUR FUCKING JOB!!!", lol like it hasn't been the most biased media in the history of...ever. That's why they're losing their shit, because it's not working and the more they squeeze the more it's slipping through their fingers. It's amazing to watch.
ANONS don't get frustrated or infuriated by this's clearly not working because they wouldn't be collectively, gradually losing their shit more and more if it was. Just enjoy the ride, and know that your on the side of the majority of people that are rejecting this, and they're helpless.
>Bill Maher
>Half Irish, half Hungarian Jew
The humor of the degenerate Mick mixed with the slipperyness of the Jew. Truly deplorable individual.
This thread needs help, lads.
So is it safe to assume when the news reports violent nazi protests in Germany are actually regular conservative peoples standing up trying to make their voices heard?
His entire movie is set in North Carolina and exclusively attacks Christianity. Doesn't even touch Islam or Judaism.
>fake Russian documents
>Trump is a Russian agent
It's so damn obvious he got the talking points memo from the Hillary campaign.
I'm disgusted.
Guys, remember the Clinton sex ring, and how amny of her "support" from celebrities is tied into this. Bill has kiddie fetishes in his closet. Once Pedowood and Clinton kiddy land are public, you'll see lot's of celebrities leaving the country.
He's in panic, full damage control. If not, he's just a paid shill.
Its amusing to watch the same people who applauded the FBI for exonerating Clinton turn against Comey and company.
He probably is a pedo himself, and if that shit is true and leaks...Alec Baldwin is already confirmed to of made trips to Epstein island, and that spirit cooker bitch has pics with Jay-z where they're rubbing foreheads...the ENTIRE entertainment industry is fucked directly, and those that aren't directly. Well those from hollywood that endorsed hillary, endorsed a sex trafficking pedo. So lol, I'm sure they're just a TAD on edge.
>Most vocal atheist in America
>People call him a kike because his nose is big
I can't believe they're still milking some shit that happened 70 years ago.
It's so crazy to see democrats become the ones accusing their political enemies of being Russian agents, they even pulled the Cuba and USSR thing on Bernie Sanders during the primary
>say thing
>Funny face
Christopher Hitchens was right.
Democrats always project their insecurities on to Republicans.
It's a pre-emptive strategy so when the Republicans call them on their bullshit it comes off as 'I KNOW YOU ARE BUt WHAT AM I?'
>spews out infinite buzzwords
>has the audacity to say that we need to get a grip on reality
What the fuck?
Shit bait, Chaim.
>Christopher Hitchens was right
What do mean?
>oy vey the goyim are trying to shut it down!!!
>Jews doing our job for us
>democrat wins office
>business as usual
>republican wins office
people laugh for different reasons. The people in this clip are laughing to show approval and agreement. Note that there are some major dead-air moments when he goes off the rails though. They're so fucking scared lol.
Are you referring to Religulous? He did mock Islam as well, and briefly interviewed Sabbath keeping Jews. It is still rather interesting that despite being a rabid Atheist he still is a vicious Zionist. Its seems that he wants to replace all religions on the Earth with ethnic Zionism and miscegenation. Just the Synagogue of Satan doing what they do.
He sounded so desperate. He knows.
so how would the (((they))) even run a coup?
wow i thought this guy was alright because he supported sam harris in the great battle against mohammad affleck, but jesus christ, here he sounds like Hillary's mouthpiece.
People call him a kike because he's ethnically Jewish
>republicans legitimately take power from the democrats because the voters chose them
>"i-it's a coup!"
jew is an ethnicity too nigger
its projection. They always accuse us of what they are actually doing.
The (((tribe))) always circles the wagons when they start being exposed. He probably doesn't believe what he's saying (although these neurotic kikes can self-delude). It just boils down to the holocaust again. They think if Trump wins they are an inch away from the ovens again, so any lie is justified to prevent that.
that was painful to watch.
>muh Russians
What a complete faggot
Thhey are loosing their credibility. Their are throwing everything they have.
Praise kek guys
We can do this
The atheist jews are the worst ones.
>liberals invoking the red manace out of the fucking blue
how is russia involved with any of this? did hillary just point the finger at them because she's a cold war kiddie who still thinks russia is our enemy?
They know they've pushed too far and are now afraid of getting pushed back. Cowards, the lot of them.
>don't get frustrated or infuriated by this rhetoric
It's hard,,, I'm trying, but it's hard
Is this guy serious?
He actually believes all the crap the Clintons are saying?
There's a lot of tension on that Jew face, for an entertainer to be that worried about losing the election you have to think he's done some really fucked up shit he's worried about coming out if law and order are restored.
We should share quotes from his movie "Religulous" with people
Julian Assange lays it all out, even how the left tries to pain Trump The most revealing interview of the election season, by far..
>Fake documents
We have cryptographic proof they're real. That's impossible to fake.
>right-wing coup
>FBI is politicized and doesn't want Hillary to win because she's a woman and they are sexist
>wikileaks is fake!!!1!
wew lad
As much as I think atheism is cancer
Atheists that see through the shallow intellectual fascade of the left are truly based.
I love watching leftist rats panic. I hope Trump becomes as hostile to the left as they think he'll be.
Have you noticed that they don't refute the content of the leaks? Twhey just blame Russia and shoot the messenger.
All while firing people involved in said leaks.
I can't believe people are falling for such obvious McCarthyism
They're getting exceedingly desperate and doubling down on this Russian nonsense without any semblance of proof. We must be winning. The fear is tangible.
This guy is so bluepilled. So stupid. It's like he watches MSNBC all day and believes every word.
I saw his stand up a couple months ago (my dad is a fan). He literally called for the assassination of trump.
This guy believes the complete lie that the FBI is compromised in trumps favor. And he believes the russians have hacked and fabricated emails.
Where is the evidence of this? He just believes what he's told. He's scared of what will happen if trump does win, because trump sued the shit out of him. He's only looking out for himself.
wew, I knew for a long time how much of a shithead maher is, but this time he really has beaten every record. Im gonna sue him because I think I just got cancer
tfw when way 2 motherfucking intelligent to vote for a racist pumpkin rapist retard.
Reminder that there is a reason why """""intellectuals"""" are purged in coups.
Holy fuck
They're desperate, aren't they?
the last based cucknaidan
> Hasnt realized Mahr is a brought and paid for mouth piece yet
His contrarian days are over.
>there's a right wing coup
Looked like a left-wing coup from here.
I'm willing to bet he knows the true internal polling data shows Trump is doing MUCH better than reported. The left's stranglehold on thought and culture is eroding. Trump's election will seal its fate.
I for one will be proud to be called a nazi and a right wing death squad member
I don't even give a shit about his race/ethnicity, he's a shillbag who was right about a couple things and on every other issue he's yet another drone scumbag who happily pushes the democrat's desired political narrative either because he doesn't want to lose his audience or because it's what earns him his paycheck.
Like most humans Atheists suffer from the innate need to have some kind of moral structure dictated to them by an authority figure, dogmatic ideology is just as alluring to many of us as long as it's secular. People who are willing to expand their skepticism beyond the God claim are few.
You shouldn't use McCarthyism as a slur. He was a good man who was right about almost everything. He's only demonized now because we lost to the ZOG.
post rare mahers
I'm just about ready to go and kick this guy in the nuts when I see him selling hot dogs on the street after his career is over.
FEAR THE ANGLO SAXON AND THE GERMAN GOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[snake sounds]
Shills like Maher are getting people ready for the indictment even after the election. They are putting it in people's heads that Hillary is totally innocent and Republicans are attempting a forceful overthrow of our democracy. The projection is astounding but they are using it so when Hillary is found guilty on all counts, they hope that people who eat this shit up will take part in mass civil unrest to get the FBI to fuck off.
Yep. They're screaming every buzzword and fear inducing catchphrase they can to try and get people to continue voting Dem.
And it's glorious to watch their faces as more and more people turn their backs on the media as a whole.
It's funny how McCarthyism is used in a negative-connotation by liberals, but the lamentation of "Communist!" has now been usurped by lamentations of "Racist!" by the same liberals.
He doesn't believe any of this and understands his role well.
>Muh everybody and their neighbor is a fuggig gomunidst!
>Meanwhile schools are swarming with a writhing mass of openly and proudly Marxist """"intellectuals"""" who indoctrinate young adults in collectivist and authoritarian dogma.
He failed miserably
Who is the worst?
A) Bill Maher
B) John Leibowitz
C) Sarah Silverman
D) Lena Dunham
>mfw he has a meltdown on live TV after Trump is elected despite everything they've done to stop it