I never understood this scene.
Did he take out his penis or did he just have a boner showing? And if its the latter, why was she upset over a boner? Its only to be expected when you're making out with a girl.
I never understood this scene.
Did he take out his penis or did he just have a boner showing? And if its the latter, why was she upset over a boner? Its only to be expected when you're making out with a girl.
lol jews are so funny
perhaps you don't understand the meaning of the word out as in out of his pants?
wasn't louis ck working as one of their part time writers around the time this episode came out?
he unzipped dick
I'll take the bait and call you a retard
He took. It. Out.
I never understood why she was so off-put over him taking his dick out. It's not like he was some stranger, you're alone together and making out, is it THAT weird for him to want you to touch his dick?
I've seen quite a few shoops in my day
She's a sociopath. She doesn't understand compromise. All she lives for is her own selfish desires, and when another person presents something to her (the "something" obviously being expand dong) her brain goes to Defcon 1. What a self-centered cunt.
>needing a website to know this
cocks, too
>yada yada yada
yeah on reddit
I've had so many girls suck my dick the first night I met them, they were the initiators, but then refuse to do it when we started dating.
you should probably start washing your dick regularly you idiot
Cant. Skin’s too tight
And when you wake up?
What happened?
DROPPED meme doesn't work when the entire world knows you're a jew
big if true
theres creams to help you stretch it, silly. don't just let phimosis be
Or when you're not an anti-semitic brainlet
Seinfeld never tried to pretend like it wasn't Jewish.
get in the oven
>the jew recoils in anger
Not the same user, but what kinda creams? Over the counter stuff?
I'm unironically a blue eyes, blonde haired, German American with dual citizenship, and I'm going to dream about beating the racism out of you
I want those fucking socks.
I mean not specifically those
I want my own pair
what a fag
steroid creams, you could just ask a pharmacist or google the stuff. it's a legitimate treatment so theres plenty of info on it
when I was young and watched that back in the day I thought she meant that he cummed because of kramer's comment about them coming up for air
Try hydrocortisone or betamethasone. Fluocinolone is fine too. Use it twice a day and do exercises of retraction on your foreskin. The treatment should be at least for eight weeks.
His dingus was so big and hard it broke his pants and Elain was impressed and went around telling everybody the guy had a big cock but her tight jewess vagina couldn't take it so she didn't even try.
go to bed user
Then hurry up and order some. I don't think he's gonna run again.
fuck this cunt for supporting baby's dicks getting mutilated because she finds uncut cocks nasty.
>Little smelly uncut pink dicks being judgmental
Can other Seinfeld historians confirm?
He's full of shit.
>i dont wash my dick regularly
Not the issue. I just want to highlight the fact that most women are more willing to put a virtual stranger's dick in their mouth than a partner they've basically locked down.
Not me.
I wonder if Elaine took it up the butt, how come that was never a topic of discussion in Seinfelds apartment?
>We were doing it and then he -you know- started knocking at my back door
>You mean he started checking for oil?!
>Didn't even warn me!
They recorded an audio commentary for that episode. Pamela basically said "Louis's whole comedic belief is that female nudity isn't funny but either neutral or erotic. Dick's on the other hand are just funny."
It's funny how he lulled them into thinking he wasn't just being a total sleaze.
>Not the issue. I just want to highlight the fact that most women are more willing to put a virtual stranger's dick in their mouth than a partner they've basically locked down.
It never occurred to you that they don't want to suck your dick again because they are now aware you don't wash it?
Literally no one likes jews
ive always wanted to take it out
Is he a big guy?
No, because I have no issues with hygiene.
same, but i've never had the balls to do it
This. In last 200 years or so Jews took control through central banking, then the media, then by infiltrating government and suddenly anti semitism is evil. Before that it was just normal.
don't forget astroturf
I don't get it is that hard?