>DC making a movie adaptation of New Gods
How are they gonna fuck this one up?
>DC making a movie adaptation of New Gods
How are they gonna fuck this one up?
They make it as true to the original as possible.
>Ava DuVernay
Pretty badly
By attaching an utterly unproven woman as director.
>Ava DuVernay after that trainwreck Wrinkle in Time
Now I firmly believe DC Films are just a big tax write off for Warner Bros.
I legitimately believe a higher up at Time Warner is trying to set up DC as a whole to sell off to someone. Between their movie clusterfucks and doing shit like hiring Bendis on an exclusive contract and DeConnick, someone doesn't want the property.
How could you want to give away Batman? Maybe consider the rest of DC to be overrated (debateable) but damn Batman is one of the most iconic creations period.
Don't even worry about it, they won't make it.
Think of all the projects they've announced and not happened i think they are on a 5/1 relatiion on that.
>series of movies set up for Darkseid
>last movie gets canceled
they already did
>del Toro's Justice League Dark
Kane and Finger estates wanting a piece of the pie? Same thing that resulted in the MoS clusterfuck.
This is worth a watch, really fucking sad how Finger got screwed big time by Bob Kane. Makes Stan Lee look like a saint.
A series of Constantine movies directed by Del Toro would literally save DC, they would never do that
>How are they gonna fuck this one up?
how aren't they?
I have movie pass, go see anything on a whim and man.....Wrinkle In Time was bad. I dont get how all the people, all the millions of dollars, how they make movie so cringey and poorly down. There's no real narrative, the kids are awful actors. The Super powerful Ms.W women are really out of place and not well explained or even have any pay of or real purpose. Ive never wanted a kid to die in a movie more than charles wallace. Also all the close ups of an ugly black chick. Cast a black girl as the lead, but don't put an ugly one.
New Gods by Ava will be praised for its diversity. WB is going for white guilt the CGI shit fest.
>How are they gonna fuck this one up?
not letting snyder do full epic mythological fantasy
Honestly, after being totally misused and creating possibly the worst possible versions of Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, I think Snyder would 100% have excelled and made a flawless New Gods film.
>people still believe Snyder has talent
Constantine will be dressed up in tights under his trenchoat, which will be done entirely in CG to make it look like it's constantly billowing in the wind. He will shoot fireballs at demons and fly.
They just said Snyder could do New Gods, which sort of tracks. 300 is his only good movie, everything else is mediocre bullshit hyped to high heaven or actual pure shit.
I don't even know how you envision a remake less intelligent than its 1970s original, let alone actually create it.
Diversity, huh? So Vykin the Black and Beautiful Dreamer will have a love story which will be the focus of the movie.
i think it would be a green trench coat, over regular clothes so they could do the cgi.
Trending streaming numbers. Despite having the largest film catalogue available, he puts up the worst numbers. No one above five can watch the 90s and Nolan ones more than once and the MCU is just shinier for that demographic.