Why the fuck do Germans put salt on their pizza? It made it disgusting. Seriously, what's wrong with Krauts?
I've seen many (((refugees))) here too. It's really tuning my trip. Sup Forums is always right
Why the fuck do Germans put salt on their pizza? It made it disgusting. Seriously, what's wrong with Krauts?
I've seen many (((refugees))) here too. It's really tuning my trip. Sup Forums is always right
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head south for switzerland, why the fuck would you ever go to germany
Fell for the meme of Germany being the best. I'm in Bayern, so somewhat close to Switzerland.
and if you take my advice, only go to the central area (german speaking) part, they are at least educated and speak english
the italian side is much better than the french. the french side is absolute worst. should be nuked.
Is that true? lmao
Brown people are everywhere. So many race mixing females too with niggers. It's sad. Wtf Germany. I thought pol was wrong. But it's not
>mfw salt on pizza
I meant about the salt on pizza.
dude literally what the fuck are you talking about
I'm not sure if the people at the restaurant were Italian. But they were brown. So I doubt it.
Oh, yeah I ordered a pizza. And they brought out salt with it. Wtf. I looked around and everyone else had the same who ordered pizza
They probably were Italians. Everybody knows that Italians aren't white.
Why would you put Salt on your Pizza?
No German does it. Stop the lies.
Salt is just on every table in case you want more salt... But never seen it used on pizza
Are those banana peppers on that 'za? Nice.
Wait, are they stuffed with some cheese or something? What the fuck am I looking at?
They always bring you salt and pepper, doesn't matter what you order. Isn't that customary in other countries too?
>%60'er sharting slave of nignog king
>"omg brown ppl everywher!"
Don't forget where you are coming from burger
kek you fell for the meme
germany sucks
I expected an all white country
>he traveled to germany and ordered a pizza
I don't know, I visited Germany in 2006 and it I loved it. However, not sure how Germany has changed in the last 10 years.
Yeah well I hoped pol was wrong.bit it isn't.
>not putting salt on your pizza
lmao what a fucking retard
what the fuck who told you that bayern was the best? if you want real germany, try either berlin or something along the rhine. maybe even hamburg. berlin is just mildly cucked.
Vid related is from highschool prom in western turkey
Why don't you put a prom video from US?
fuck up osterreich
Stay out fatso
My god who let a roast infestation get that bad in that nice of a hall?
1. that's sugar
2. just because it's on the table doesn't mean you need to put in on your fucking pizza
we had the same thread last month so stop with this shit nigger
In the US, salt and pepper are usually already on the table.
In Denmark we put spaghetti on pizzas. Gross.
Yeah right faggot.
The only native German cuisine is Doener.
Nice bait. If not, consider killing yourself.
i don't see one white person, only t*rkroaches
>something along the Rhine
So basically french
>highschool prom music is from the opening of shitty tv series
Just like those backwards niggers from central Africa who open restaurants after 80s action movie stars
This is what my sister's Jewish friends Said she loved about Germany
Who the fuck goes to Germany and gets a Pizza?
Do those still exist? I thought collective guilt had convinced us to leave the floodgates open.
is this an automated bot thread that appears after a time? everytime the same shit
>travel to germany
>eat pizza
If you had to live in Cuckmany you would do everything to shorten your lifespan too
München ist schon länger verloren.
Freising auch...
It's sugar rather than salt and you're supposed to put it into your coffee.
Nobody here expects you to put it on your pizza.
Wondering that too, then again they're not very good with either realism or creativity, so it might just be that.
Very funny goyim
That pizza looks fucking disgusting
>putting salt on your pizza
Who the fuck even does that
I bet you also put the peper tabasco and soy sauce on the pizza
>glass of piss
Yep it's Germany all right. They love drinking piss and eating shit
salt on pizza is good as fuck you normies
whenever i reheat pizza i put salt, garlic, more cheese, olive oil
salt is in papa johns seasoning even though it sucks since they changed it
salt is an essential part of tasting food. if food smells good but tastes bland add salt. if all the flavors arent coming through add salt. dumb ass microwave tendie eating nigs.
I have never ever seen salt at a pizza place.
Never fucking ever.
doesn't look like you're having any difficulty eating it you fat fuck
>go to germany
>eats pizza
whats the point of travelling if you are not even going to bother with the local traditional cuisine?
You should try Prussia, owait
Who is doing that? Sounds disgusting!
Yes an they have to go back.
It's Fanta.
fuck off you disgusting nazi
It looks like it has zero fizz.
Why in gods name are you eating pizza in Germany? Take that pizza and feed it to the nearest turkroach because that is all its good for.
> The refugees are raping the German women!
> N-No actually they date them willingly in masses!
You gotta pick your narrative pol.. (its the former btw)
Schäuferle mit Klos is where it's at.
quads of truth
They have sausages in the US too.
At least OP did that right.
The pizza is also a deep frozen product, so what.
>retard puts salt on his pizza himself
>now complains about Germans
German food is almost as bad as British food... still completely inedible. While I was there I barely survived by grinding up schnitzel and jamming it in my ass to passively absorb some nutrients.
Have you ever had Dominoes, Pizza Hut, or Papa Johns?
why are you eating pizza in germany?
you travel to germany to eat fucking junk food?
fucking amerifat
I had some pretty good food in Germany
>hating on Schnitzel
what the fuck
Those plates.
Congrats you ate at a tourist trap and the food was guaranteed shit.
Ja de Klöös mid 'ä' jäg soos
Ahahahaha no, no it wasn't a tourist trap. It wasn't even in a tourist town Lmao
We also went with a German, it was packed full of Germans and it was amazing
You are dumb. Kys
Absolutely haram.
that looks fucking great
I don't speak your language
Go that looks disgusting. Looks like they found a rat and killed it right on your plate and it shit and pissed as it died in the oven.
avoid the major cities at all costs
germany is one of the most beautiful countries on earth.
You must not know what good food is Lmao
Go eat McDonald's or macaroni and cheese or something, faggot. Develop your taste buds and stay mad
To be fair it's interesting to see how other nations ruin foods that are by this point fairly global.
The Netherlands for example puts mayonnaise and lettuce on their pizzas.
It was really amazing, actually.
the only german dish that you know
Only good food in Europe is in Switzerland, Italy, and non-shit parts of France. There might be a single city in Austria with something decent.
>Order a pepperoni pizza
>Get a pizza covered in fucking peppers
>Order a cheeseburger
>Get the most confused god damn looks
You Germans are actually retarded.
stay in your country and leave us alone
>t. amerifat who travelled europe for a week and knows shit now
No, definitely not. You haven't traveled much and so you should stop watching Anthony Bourdain and pretending he's you
T*rkroaches dancing like the little roaches they are. Do you consider black hair and brown eyes to be white? Hahaha this is too much. This is even worse then when argies think they're white.
I hope the PKK will blow your people up. T*rks are gross little roaches.
Salt and pepper is customary in the US, but not for pizza places. They always have parm and crushed red pepper.
Ethnic restaurants may or may not have salt and pepper out, as well.
>schtupid mericunts, evry tim
Deutschland im 2016. lel
>Roach thinks it's allowed to speak to humans.
It isn't.
Fanta originates from Germany you dumb faggot.
>he doesnt put a pinch of salt on the pizza
What next? No cucumber on pizza?
Goddamn anglo barbarian.
I heard they put sugar on popcorn too. Barbarians.