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A Conversation with Zak Bagans WHEN

By Azura!


That's Right Jay!

We're laaahcked in with this portal to HELL

I'm in one.

>Mike starts to open up about his personal interests and decides to share one of his weirder hobbies
>uniformly shit on for it

No wonder they hate the fan base

Only now i realize that Mike is balding hard as fuck.

He's 40, that's about the time it starts to go unless you've got great hair genes

>When a man stops believing in God he doesn’t then believe in nothing, he believes anything.

>we don’t know if they exist or not
>we can disprove it
Every fucking time

While the fan base is detestable it's hardly for that, he likely expected it. His best friend Rich Evans is the one who spilled the beans and mocked him for it.

Anyone else get the vibe that Mike and Jay really don't like each other


>spilled the beans
bitch Mike has been dragging Jay into talking about his interest in the paranormal since 2014 at the latest.
See: first movie reviewed here:

I ain't afraid of no ghost

I already believed

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I just found it so bizarre. Before this episode I would have thought that Mike was the type of guy to take a hard sceptic approach to real paranormal stuff and Jay be more open minded.

It broke new ground!

it took you this long?


Am I the only one who thinks Mike believing in ghosts makes him more endearing?

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Jays entire personality is crafted by devoting himself to movies and doesnt have a shred of imagination

It sure helps the "mentally deteriorating alcoholic" image.

ghosts are real

I hate this fucking guy so much more than necessary. I still have only watched one Best of the Worst with him at the table, and I don't know if I can handle another.

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Sure they are, Mike.

Mike's fascination with the paranormal and star trek is what obscure B horror movies are to Jay. Stop bullying him.

I mirror your thoughts exactly, Mike.

Looking at Mike's old photos we should have known he was ghost-fag

you'd have to be a fucking moron not to believe in ghosts

No, I don't get that sense at all. They seem like good friends.
Just out of curiosity, do you suffer from any form of mental impairment that might interfere with your ability to read social cues?

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I feel sad for people that don't enjoy paranormal stuff. must be hell having no imagination

Shit bait

Him being a trekker let's me not care if he believes in ghosts.

>Mike is the one who keeps starting Ghost Adventures threads

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or at least you'd have to be a fucking idiot to conclude with complete certainty that ghosts aren't real

I mean, I hear he's an obnoxious cunt on twitter but I've never gone to that site because I'm not a faggot. On the show he's just there, he never really does anything extremely offensive or annoying.

That Mike had an interest in the paranormal is one thing, and everyone knew that (he also seems to like true crime); Rich dropped the idea/news that he actually believed in ghosts.

I may not believe in ghosts but I do believe in skeletons. In fact THERE'S ONE INSIDE OF YOU RIGHT NOW, IT LIKES IT WHEN YOU LICK YOUR TEETH.


but i'm a ghost

Then you have a ghost skellington inside. That's like 10 times worse.

was the episode you watched the one where he seemed to become legitimately angry by the shenanigans?

I don't find him very annoying, and he's actually pretty good in Re:View, he seems to have a more thorough knowledge of film theory than most of them.
His tendency to be "guy who explains the plot" is a little bit tiresome, but it's fine as long as it doesn't interfere with a good joke.

>tfw you have two same interest as mike
This is getting spooky

mike is cute, stahp bullying nao

if ghosts aren't real explain how Zak went blind

no one would care if he didnt try to seem so self aware and “skeptical” about it while totally also buying into it. His insecurities about it are what make it fun to attack. Seriously look at how the ghost hunter threads here handles being called out. They go “DUDE WTF YOU MEANS ITS NOT REAL??”

just ironic enough to be self aware but there’s some mystery left to if they actually believe it. meanwhile mike puts on a sour face and says “yeah look up escapism in the dictionary!”

you’re asking to be made fun of

If you watch them talk about anything Jay is a lot more analytical than Mike, who tends to judge things based on emotion.

How so?

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I wish Mike was trying to convince me into believing ghosts.

Damn Jay was really fat when he was young, i wonder why he doesn't wear his glasses on cam.

Yes, that's exactly it, they were talking about eating Shaq

He was trying to explain the plot of a boring, terrible movie that the rest of them were far too drunk to care about and got frustrated when Rich told him "nobody cares". It's hilarious.

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But that one was strangely satisfying because he was so obviously being an annoying little bitch and they told him to shut up.

A scene from Mike's long lost student art film "Humanity - A Mike Stoklasa Story" which won him Best Actor at Cannes 1999

That's a bad foot to start, that's easily his worst apararition.

It took BeardFat four viewings of Eraserhead for him to understand the basic themes and mood of the film.
He's a retard.

I had no idea skeletons were so kinky.

Well if they had though The Last Jedi was awesome you would've shit on him too so don't be so high and mighty.

no mike nnno nno

M8, Mike has talked about his interest in paranormal shit AT LEAST as early as 2013. This isn't new.

There’s a difference between enjoying paranormal stuff (like Jay) and honestly believing in ghosts and ghost hunters like a retard (like Mike).

Stop calling Mike a retard, fuck you i bet you all tough guys wouldn't say that shit to his face, fuck off cowards

he is a massive retard if he thinks ghost hunter shows aren't entirely staged fake shit

Or that ghost hunter books aren't also full of fiction.

Fuck off before I sent my ghosts after you Mike.

explain how zak went blind

Calm down Jack.

He was probably talking about force ghosts and played all of you.

I find it amusing that these are one after the other.

he touch his pee pee too many time

sceptics get the fuck out

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>proving a negative
Is this bizarro world?

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Jay doesn't enjoy paranormal stuff though, he enjoys horror movies which makes him a bigger retard than people who believe ghosts are real.

Jay and Rich have openly mocked him over it. He knew what the reaction would be.

I find it humorous to think that Mike has probably at one time thought either his personal house or their production studio was huanted by ghosts. The thought of him setting up cameras or walking around carrying special meters with genuine concern makes me laugh.

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You also forgot Colin cracking up over the news.

around 80% of people are haunted at some time in their lives

Him doing that made the jokes funnier, imo. That episode wouldn't have been nearly as good without his straight man there.

>mfw watching the first ghost adventure doco now
>mfw that apparition

s p o o k e

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How much you wanna bet Mike is a regular poster on /x/?

The ghost of Canadian Jim being there makes it even better.

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Around 80% of people can suck my dick lmao

But killers are real, checkmate.

bunch of ghosts ITT that are saying ghosts don't exists because they want to roam freely committing evil without being extinguished

explain this

Is this why Mike loved "A Ghost Story" so goddamn much?

He thought it was a documentary

mike stoklasa lunch lol

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>Think Mike is finally blossoming into a proper patrician.
>It was only his ghost retardation funneling itself into an obtuse way.

Oh man.

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What's even more humorous is that you can tell he so desperately wants to be on that ghost hunting show, or get some attention from them for mentioning them.

He certainly does.


you people are only to pretending to not believe in ghosts right? you can't be that retarded

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Think of a story from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark series

Now imagine how Mike would handle being in that story

>His smugness and happiness: Gone

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i've seen many ghosts and you niggas are trying tell me they aint even real




No need to get racist Mike.

he looked at this

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The phenomenon is real but it's not your dead Grandmother, they're are beings of pure energy from the 11th dimension.

It was about time Rich get his payback.