Following this thread. Some ppl think i'm memeing. I'm not.
Now here is the dark story time. It's about the jew's control of Chinese Han ppl.
Following this thread. Some ppl think i'm memeing. I'm not.
Now here is the dark story time. It's about the jew's control of Chinese Han ppl.
Other urls found in this thread:
Where do we start...
Okay let's start from Yuan. It's when Chinese Song dynasty has been defeated. There are saying that ever since the collapse of Song dynasty, there is no China.
I partially Agree.
Now let's pull it closer. The current ppl controlling China is whom?
You guessed wrong, not Han Chinese. Although they make up a HUGE percentage of Chinese population.
It's the (((Machu))) ppl.
The Machu ppl destroyed every single last bit of the authentic Chinese culture. Now the history is either altered or destroyed.
The Manchu and the jews got the deal done back in the Opium war. It is at that time that the Jews bribed the Manchu leaders at Qing dynasty.
They made a good deal. Although it seems that now Han Chinese are controlling the country, but it is indeed not.
> Around the same time the Soviet Union was advocating the Siberian Jewish Autonomous Oblast across the Manchukuo-Soviet border, some Japanese officials investigated a plan (known as the Fugu Plan) to attract Jewish refugees to Manchukuo as part of their colonisation efforts which was never adopted as official policy.
The Manchukuo was funded by powerful Jewish ppl back then. They gave the manchu ppl 'good citizen' card to prosecute Han ppl.
It was a failed attempt. The jews are not that smart, but they are evil.
After the revolution in China, the CCP Chinese government got established. But you think Han Chinese won?
Nah. Far from that, the jewish ppl stole the fruit of rebellion from Chinese ppl. They made Manchu ppl the 2nd tier god, next to 1st tier god (jew).
But few ppl can see that happen. Just FYI, the Zhou Enlai is an Illuminati member. And he made the culture revolution possible.
It was at that time great feminine happened. Tons of Han Chinese died.
I saw a chinese baby irl, he was cute
In 1978, the (((One-child policy))) got pushed. It was jews' propaganda. Strikingly, only the Han Chinese are being restricted. Other (((minorities))) are not affected by this act.
Later in 1984, the notorious earliest modern sjw policies got published.
Bascially if you are a (((minority))) you got all the goodies and u can be exempt from crime. Killing a ppl does not make u into the death sentence.
Does it sound familiar? hehe. Guess who was behind it?
Was you trafficking it?
Bumping for Chinese history.
Guess who was behind it?
He sent ppl to China (((informing))) Chinese that we have too many ppl! And the One-child policy literally cuts Han ppl into half.
But that's not where it stops.
The US government bashes Chinese one-child policy at its home state while promoting it every time it visits China.
See Joe Biden for an example.
go on.....
WTF is this? Can somebody give me a quick summary. I just joined these threads.
>In 1978, the (((One-child policy))) got pushed. It was jews' propaganda. Strikingly, only the Han Chinese are being restricted. Other (((minorities))) are not affected by this act.
I remember hearing my chinese friend talk about this, it really supirsed me, but makes sense now.
But it was never the case. Han Chinese make up the majority of Chinese history. And Han Chinese is PURE.
The Jews bought Manchu devils and pushed them into the high tier CCP government. When the tension between China and US soothes, the elites of China and US made a deal.
At that time even Han officials have to listen to the Manchu&Jew masters.
Manchu devils don't think they are Han Chinese. They think Han ppl are slaves even though we lived together for a whole Qing dynasty. With the Jew masters they can do whatever they want.
So the one-child policy is a no stopping train smashing the Chinese population.
Just a tip: Next time you see a jew chanting (((oy vey you have too many ppl [that a pure and not racemixed]))), kill him.
The horror story does not stop there. As the incompetent Manchu pigs controls China, the majority of Beijing are filled with Manchu scums.
If you have ever dealt with Manchu scums, you will know that they are exactly like their jew masters. Lazy, all-talk, manipulative and cronyism. This is why Beijing is so shit. Beijing literally sucks all the blood from the whole country. We fucking HATE beijing scums.
The Manchu devils in Beijing got the best resources in China, all for granted. Because "Hukou" policy in China, you can't enjoy your Beijing benefits if your ancestors are not in Beijing.
Do you know a lot about China OP? I have a lot of questions. I'm skilled in internet politics, want to help free my country (the US), and I'm curious if that's useful at all to China. I have am sort of sympethetic to China but I would like to know more about the country. My skills in internet politics would place me very high in my countries CTR organization.
You must understand that the ultimate plan is for ALL races to merge into one. When you understand this then every sequence of action makes sense.
And the nightmarish (((One-child policy begins))).
The Manchu devils made a deal with the jews. They performed sacrifice.
You have no idea how dark the execution of one -child policy was.
Abortion, killing the babies, Neutering women, etc, etc.
You can't survive without complying to the gov back then.
But the (((Manchu))) ppl? Oh, they are not effected. Ironically, the other minorities are being benefited too, esp muslim Huis and Uighurs.
I'll give the thumbs up for jews, they really do a great job hiding their intentions.
I thought China liked Jews.
nobody likes jews, when it really boils down to it. they're subversive and whine about anything that doesn't cater to them. they ruin everything.
No. It's not true. The jews will NEVER MERGE. WE ARE SHEEPS.
The darkest sacrafice happened back in 1991, Shandong.
It's called 百日无孩 One hundred days no children.
Shandong is one of the most concentrated Han province.
A town in Shandong province went to such extreme that they literally killed EVERY SINGLE CHILD born in 1991.
So if you ask anyone from Guanxian, Shandong (
At that time, every pregnant female are dragged to hospitals with forced abortion. EVERY CHILD BORN are thrown into the well. The well got so much dead fetus and babies, it was filled.
Today if u dig the well, u can see the dirty is all RED.
And they (((jokingly))) called this: Killing the little lamb.
Do you notice anything (((coincidence)))? Hehe, yeah, I'm disgusted.
>U think the moon being part of these parts is a coincidence?
So, you are saying certain rich jews are direct minions of Satan? I wouldn't doubt.
Kek, NO.
So through this sacrifice, the Jewish masters are satisfied.
In one way their Moloch king was sated, in the other the PURE HAN CHINESE which is an excellent race no matter what your (((western educations)) tell you. Call chinaman and stuff all you want, but check Laozi and Tao Te Ching, I Ching and stuff, we are not niggers.
China is now suffering from the collapse of the population structure with the help of (((One child policy))) and the SJWism that went too far so we can't get it back easily.
Check the Hui sandniggers and Uighur sandniggers bossing around in China, no one dare to touch them. Because doing so is effecting the (((race harmony))). Just remember, under Mao the sandniggers was raising pigs in their mosque. It was true.
What do you know about south Sudan
i thought Sup Forums was forbiden in china. what magic is this ?
Ok, let me put it this way.
The jews are literally evil. I don't know exactly how deep the rabbit hole goes, but everything they touch go into shit.
And they are master of manipulating ppl. Just check One-Child policy.
For the Manchu parasites, the brainwashed Han Chinese into thinking our ancient heros defeating the Manchu & Mongolians are worthless scums.
There was a popular TV show called 还珠格格 which is literally Manchu superiority propaganda.
But the Xi Jinping changed all this. I'll talk about him later. But just see what is the difference between his reign and the former cucked leaders, u'll notice many (((coincidence))).
Anyways, the TV shows containing Manchu history are no longer aired. Our Han Emperor noticed.
What do you think of China's current government?
It's not. (((google))) is.
Not much I know of.
Check this post from indian user.
> Offensive New Delhi,
China's family planning policy may be an international political conspiracy.Deng Xiaoping's visit to the United States when there is a three-hour talks with Kissinger.Kissinger two hours talking to China's population problem.The government of China and the Government of India is completely different.China's political system, the president decide on a policy, it will be executed immediately, future changes will be very difficult.Kissinger affect the thought of Deng Xiaoping, China's four hundred million people less.Jews are indeed very brilliant strategist. .
> Offensive New Delhi,
Chinese people a hundred years to the Jewish revenge.We have to wait for a good show. . . .The third world war approaching, the Government of India to go to hell…
> Offensive Bombay
I have been to Beijing and Guangzhou, China.Population is indeed a lot.Those who want to emigrate to the children who are idiots.India's goal is to America and Australia, allowing more people to settle there.Also, I hope to continue the implementation of the family planning policy, the best crash.If China and the United States, the outbreak of the war, we should first of all get rid of Pakistan. . . .The world of the future, the Indians should be worldwide distribution.
I thought the moon reference you used in the last thread was that Lucifer reference with the moon
It's changing. Just remember Xi is anti-illuminati together with Putin & Iran.
The jews MUST DIE
So, the Manchu scums are basically the proxy of Jews in China. They funded Falun Gong together with Jew Buddhism gangs. They tried to enslave China but failed.
I'm waiting for the next scene to unfold. But basically this. To be a part of the world now U HAVE TO sacrifice to the jews.
South Korea made a huge sacrifice, but the Jews are merciless. They NEED TO BE FUCKING ERASED.
>Chinese people a hundred years to the Jewish revenge.We have to wait for a good show. . . .The third world war approaching, the Government of India to go to hell…
Wait what are you saying. You English is slightly off here. Are you saying India is one of your principal enemies / opponents?
>If China and the United States, the outbreak of the war, we should first of all get rid of Pakistan. . . .The world of the future, the Indians should be worldwide distribution.
Get rid of Pakistan? What? I thought Pakistan was allied with China? Also, what do you mean by Worldwide distribution of Indians? Why would they disperse?
Yes. The Chinese thought the flesh is made by moon and your soul from the Sun.
Ignore all the "meat" bullshit. Do you know in Traditional Chinese Medical System, your organs function according to the position of the moon?
THATS where your body's energy comes from.
It was taken from a Chinese site citing the Indian posters.
The Indian posters made a good argument.
>Get rid of Pakistan
It's all from Indians so there's that.
I don't know how the Indians will be part of this, but brothers, we have to UNITE!
I agree on the point with Pakstan, but im confused
what about bahia'is, and Iran
>Do you know in Traditional Chinese Medical System, your organs function according to the position of the moon?
>THATS where your body's energy comes from.
Never heard of it but it sounds weird
I thought China was the last country unaffected by the hooked nosed heb. This has opened my eyes.
interesting, I thought China was free from jewish influence?
tehey were (((communists))) for more than half a century you dumb leaf
Aiight bruh, read the last one saw you were a Taoist. Read the sutra of Wei Lang (/Hui Neng) any opinions? Also is Toaism a mixture of fight club (You don't talk about the Tao) and sick burns on elites?
Behold, the Han Chinese are waking up. And there is prophecy we will purge them.
It's written in the book with the prediction of I CHING
haha, no.
good one.
They can't hide it anymore. They do the same thing fucking everywhere, and they're not trying to hide it anymore. They are all one trick pony cowards who hide in the shadows because they are puny little fucks who don't have to balls to fight in society like real men do.
Look at this filthy kike. Even through a fucking PICTURE you can see the evil emanating from that putrid piece of flesh. The goddamn fucks need to face justice, it makes me so angry just seeing that fucking smug kike mug through a COMPUTER SCREEN.
This makes PERFECT sense now. I never understood for a people of such history to resort to such degenerate tactics and practices now in the modern world. (((They))) are making them their shabbos goyim, literally.
>Abortion, killing the babies, Neutering women, etc, etc.
>It's all MANDATORY.
Of all the things these filthy kikes do, this is the one that makes me sick to my stomach and bone. These motherfuckers must pay for their crimes.
I just... these kikes, the anger, the sadness, I can no longer put into words.
They MUST pay.
Try to read stuff from Laozi. Zhuangzi too maybe.
Laozi is the jesus of Taoism.
But yeah Tao can never be told, only partially described.
Everything u (((name))) that is perfect is not the ultimate Tao.
hi chinamen. is china holding a huge ammount of bitcoin or everyone is trading bitcoin in china? my data :
You mentioned in your last thread the following:
> There is lost tech. Anti-gravity and zero-point energy. Current (((Clean Energy))) is all a hoax.
Can you elaborate more on this? How can we learn more about this tech?
very interesting stuff
how did WW2 start in asian manchuria?
and is the white dragon society real or is it made up?
Haha, reading that as well. If you believe in wu Wei tho, won't stuff work out anyway? Everything in it's right place kinda thing?
Maybe chinks are the good guys after all
I'm noticing hes not touching Rothschild dependent tates and go for people who opposes Jews (BRICS, ASEAN, and Japan)
In the other thread you said to never donate blood.
I am finishing reading your other thread. In it you implied that there is Extra-Terrestrial life and that you have knowledge with regards to them?
Can you share anything with regards to this?
You're communist of course you rice paddy niggers are Jewish owned.
>In the other thread you said to never donate blood.
Same thoughts, this part seem like bullshit when you can really save someone life donating blood.
>op is ded
I thought Italy having 102 average IQ is a meme but holy shit you fuckers can see trough Jewish tricks like you lads eat your pasta
Italy having another golden age confirmed? (So far Italian Golden ages were Roman empire and Renaissance)
Godspeed Mario
(((They))) only lend the leftover blood which is shit and the reason why AIDS became a legit threat
(((They))) use the blood themselves like the kike motherfuckers they are
There is a reason why the Romans were so dominant. Unfortunately their thirst for power led to their own destruction. Many patrician families destroyed themselves.
Donald Trump
Vladimir Putin
Xi Jinping
Rodrigo Duterte
Will these men be the 4 corners of the foundation that will finally, someday, allow us to live in a Jew-free world?
he said it was cause (they) analyse blood samples to create diseases to target certain gene groups
like how SARS was created
i'm a true son of Rome diaspora tough
besides, what if they cloned you from your blood donation
But Italy being the smartest in Europe proves one thing: Gene Flow is false and the best are still there and aren't using their brains to the fullest as of now
Do u know what it's for?
Because jews.
Wu-wei is not doing nothing. It's seeing the trend(tao) and follow the tao, but not against it.
The jews AREFUCKING the dao.
You're right. Based Duterte.
I explained. Something something in your blood is not what u think is blood.
China's largest carrier rocket Long March-5
China's largest carrier rocket Long March-5
China's largest carrier rocket Long March-5
We're going for it.
We have to unite, bros.
SARS was made by sampling blood massively back in the 80s. A bunch of US (((good guys))) are free sampling blood in China! Oy vey!
>Four Heavenly Kings beating the Demonic Kikes
I like this but include Shinzo Abe since he's anti-globalist as fuck and we become the Power Rangwrs
>I explained. Something something in your blood is not what u think is blood.
you can lose it by donating?
>Do u know what it's for?
> China's largest carrier rocket Long March-5
I don't, sorry. Can you help me understand?
It's not a meme. It's not a meme.
white dragon society, real or nonsense?
ON THE MOON!!!!!!!
Exactly this. Jews are going to be the scapegoat that leads to world peace.
meme magic
he's gone pretty far off the rails since the first thread, when he proved he doesn't even understand very basic Chinese character etymology.
I'd really like to see him try to write something in Mandarin. I wouldn't be surprised if he's never even actually been to China.
I don't know what White ppl are from. But Shadilay, bro.
The true human can stand together.
Are you saying aliens created you? In which case who created the Europeans?
Are there any gravitational devices to communicate with such aliens?
> Not Understanding Chinese characters.
Go to fuck yourself.
I don't know, man. But Hitler knew.
>Chang'e 1, launched on 24 October 2007 aboard a Long March 3A rocket, scanned the entire Moon in unprecedented detail, generating a high definition 3D map that would provide a reference for future soft landings
when can you show us the moonbases on the dark side of the moon? :P
Fair enough.
A divine pentagon to destroy the demonic pentagrams of this earth.
And we will meme it into reality.
wow, even drawing with a mouse that's pretty bad.
Can you try writing a full paragraph now? Not, you know, two words that any laowai could string together?
Have you heard of Benjamin Solari Parravicini? If so, what do you think of his prophecies?
Amongst other things, he predicts that you (or Best Korea) will be the ones releasing the nukes first.
Also, many predictions of ayy lmaos
white dragon society is supposed to be a secret group of asian elites
not much is known, which is why I asked, but it appears you have not heard of them, so maybe they aren't real
Man I really really like you. Would follow.
do you like norway? are we (((fucked)))?
The jews are some fucked up monsters.
Gas em.
We're fetching it.
Shadilay bro.
Go fuck thyself. Finger doesn't lie.
chinabro what should we do to become better psychics? its obvious everybody drawn to this place is a latent psychic.
holy shit, you can write single word phrases. that's amazing.
你的中文很好 很少外國人會講中文
My dick got circumsized because as a kid each time I had to pee it hurted a lot. Its called phimosis.
Am I still fucked? I hate jewscums, they´re the cancer of the earth.
>Im a thread derailing faggot look at my moonrunes.
Okay confirmed a Jew. Ignored.
Physics is controlled by the Jews.
Don't lose hope, bro. U're still human. Just more prone to deceit.
We are always claiming ourselves heir of the Dragons. Chinese Dragons actually.
“The seven-circular-step lunar crater shall reveal its secret to mankind” (late thirties).
“Obelisks on the moon shall one day speak and shall destroy the voice of man” (1972).
“Earthbound civilisation includes a lost civilisation that was far superior to the ones that followed it…” (1960).
Did he mention Jesus?
About jews
They seem to be instrument in some1 else's hands (not jew they are not brilliant enough)
Any idea?
Has China ever encountered ancient Artifacts that point to such ancient technology?
>Physics is controlled by the Jews.
no i dont mean science i mean psychics. like meditation and shit
Of course they are not brilliant. They are just LIARS.
Yes. We have mysterious. EVERY STRANGE MYSTERIOUS.
Oh. Meditation is good for u.
His text literally reads
Unity", and then a phrase that basically means "we're invincible!".
It's a laughably bad attempt by some poor bored foreign chinese student to get some attention.
His English grammar is all over the place because he's not actually a Chinese native. His Chinese is terrible because he's not actually a Chinese native. His ideology and positions keep changing because he has no real agenda or opinions.
Really, it's not that he's a shitposting role player, it's that he's shitposting and role playing so damn badly he may as well not even try.
Your jewness is shaking.
Wait till we fetch from moon.
Do you know anything about the latest Tesla rocket explosion? On camera it looked like a spacecraft flew nearby and blew it up.
Is that where you keep the Chinese friend you don't have to type even a single shitpost for you?
Indeed based Chinese friend. All of these pedophiles and child killers must end.
87- "MARANHATA. JESÚS. EVANG. Jesús llega y reina". BSP 07/1939 (Maranhata o maranahata significa "Cristo vuelve")
"jesus comes and reigns" "Christ returns"
But what dazzles me the most of his prophecies are the ones regarding to the Grey Man. Who is he? When will he come?
Also many, many prophecies regarding Russia and China.
Shadilay, bro.
In China, Jesus returns.
Kek i take the b8 m8 Whats the endgame
The Unity of the people and the world, but not in Jew's sense.
Sucking dick until we all die.