Lads.. is Trump gonna lose Nevada?
Early voting strongly in favor of the Dems
Lads.. is Trump gonna lose Nevada?
Early voting strongly in favor of the Dems
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Fucking spics will be the death of Trump.
early voting usually favors democrats. means nothing.
i doubt the spics will vote on a pedophile like hillary. they are into family and shit.
>Over 57,000 votes were cast in populous Clark County, a single-day record that propelled Democrats to a statewide ballot edge larger than they held at the same point in 2012, when President Barack Obama won Nevada by nearly 7 points.
Seems big, no?
it doesn't mean nothing
unless turnout for trump is massive nov 8 nevada is lost. he needs to flip another state like colorado where spics dont have so much control
pray to kek florida isnt lost
>being suprised that satan's asshole, Nevada, is voting for a satanist cunt
Isn't Nevada critical for Trump? Or was it always assumed that he wouldn't win that state?
I've got $1000 on Trump lads give me hope
Isn't it a rather interesting assumption that all D's are voting for Trump?
Well, yes, if you think traditionally.
However, PA and MI are in play, as well as NH and even VA in some polls.
If he can win ANY of those, Nevada is officially a non factor.
Repeat after me:
Madame President.
critical. Unless he wins PA.
> 1 county
> Ignoring Independents
> Ignoring the fact that a lot of D's hate Hillary and will write in or vote third party/Trump
> Ignoring the fact that R's turnout significantly more on Election day
> Ignoring the Monster Vote
It's literally nothing, go fuck yourself
>early voting usually favors democrats. means nothing.
This line fits perfectly into another hitler video.
There is no stats on how many Dems have switched to Trump.
People often register for a party and dont bother to change what party they're registered to
nevada isnt the end, its only 6 electoral votes. if he can flip CO, WI, MI, VA, or PA it wont matter
NH will probably go trump but it won't put him over the edge if he loses NV
Relax m8 I'm not trying to demean Trump I'm just curious about his chances of winning this state
Only if Independents weren't majorly for Trump as CNN polling says.
Thanks for the links.
The info is still quite preliminary and a bit speculative. The key lines seem to be:
"Ralston flags the numbers from Clark County, which contains Las Vegas and three quarters of the state’s population, and where Democrats have drawn much of their support. So far, he writes, 73,000 more registered Democrats turned out than registered Republicans in Clark — and if those voters back their party’s candidates, that’s a big lead in raw votes that will be very difficult for Republicans to overcome with the more sparsely populated counties elsewhere. (In 2012, Obama beat Romney statewide by about 70,000 votes.)
Anecdotally, there appears to have been very high turnout among Hispanic voters in Clark on Friday"
There's also the effect that this year, more registered Republicans than usual are voting Democrat or independent. This may be counterbalanced (to an extent) by shy Trump voters, or people who never usually vote coming out this time.
But for now, it seems that the Democrats are pulling comfortably ahead in Nevada, which will mean that if Virginia and PA do the same, then the election is over. It might be that Florida and Ohio don't matter at all.
Hillary has 20% worse early voting turnout and GOP is up in all areas meaning he'll surpass her Big League in 8th.
mfw the Dems win all the states that have early voting
What percentage of independents vote trump compared to hillary?
Reassurance! Thank you boys
Let's hope a lot of the Dems are voting for Trump and the Hill shills are once again celebrating way too early. Praise Kek we will win!
wheres her path to victory????
ohio? no
florida? no
north carolina? no
new hampshire? no
pennsylvania? no
michigan? no
colorado? no
i guess she will rely on nevada and new mexico???
ahahahaha AHAHAHAHA
Pretty good, tbqh. Early voting polls are conducted about the same way regular polls are, if that give you any idea of how full of shit vox is.
Doesn't need cucked NV when he flips PA, NH, VA, and MI.
((( )))
her path is the fact that demographics are changing so much the dems have a firewall of 272 electoral votes and trump has to break the wall u nut
Btw lads why do the Dems beat the Repubs in early voting? Is it because the Repubs are at work while the Dems are at home collecting NEETbux?
These three are all polling solid Democrat and have been in almost all polls for some time. That's why Nevada is crucial, so we should be looking very, very closely at the early voting there and what it tells us about new trends. We need better info. What's the latest count in all counties there?
All in all, Dems are only 38k ahead in the whole state and that's not accounting for Indepedents.
56 to 28 R-D
>solid Democrat
Polling shows them either even or within moe you faggot
>the dems have a firewall of 272 electoral votes
This is fucking disgraceful.
This is why the Dems love illegal immigration so much, fucking cunts
5% without even trying
Early speculation at this stage. Either way, Nevada isn't going to turn the election.
nice sources faggot
No, under Obama they've discovered that they can bring in more niggers by using early voting and "souls to the polls" projects. Niggers, millenials and liberals are just too lazy to vote on the 8th.
probably this tbqh
Nevada's corrupt as fuck (anyone's actually surprised?)
The mafia owns this state and as long the Clintons keep signing those checks, they're with her. Not to mention cuckifornians have been migrating in droves and they all think Trump is literally Hitler!
Sad this used to be a great state. Now it's another faggot freak show like the rest of this country.
huffigntonpost and Huffingpost and vox are so biased for the democratic party they makes fox news and sean hannity look neutral and non partisan in comparison
Stfu freak
Hello maple nigger. Still wasting your life on this site you faggot loser?
Do everyone a favour and jump off of nigger falls you piece of shit.
>huff post
C'mon man.
I dont think ive ever seen such a faggot OP in all my life.
>democrats voting trump so much they put their party in lead