What are Sup Forums's opinions on Synecdoche, New York?

What are Sup Forums's opinions on Synecdoche, New York?

Attached: synecdoche-ny-poster-big.jpg (504x746, 195K)

probably "reddit" or "soyboyism"

I love this movie, the man who desperately fears his impending death manages to outlive everyone else.

Excellent movie with a terrifying premise that makes my skin crawl with fear and regret. Hey, on another note: I was just thinking about this idea for a movie that I had. Was wondering if I could run it through you whenever you've got the time. Oh...you won't be free for a while? Well that's alright I guess I can just wait. Not like I'm doing much at the moment with all the being between jobs and stuff, ahahaha. I know, it's going on four years now since I left school but I'm TELLING you...when we get this movie out we're NEVER going to need to work another day in our lives. You've got my word.

Love it. I could see somebody not getting on board with it, but I think it's heartbreaking, funny, smart, original... It basically runs the gamut of human emotions and has good visuals, acting, and pretty interesting abstraction. One of my favorites, definitely due for a rewatch.

absolute kino, one of the few 10/10s in my book

heartfelt and complex

Boring and pretentious. I felt like humming it's not going to stop as I watched it and shed a single gay tear for the whiny protagonist.

Can someone give me a quick rundown on this movie? I watched half of it but felt my test levels decreasing so I had to quit

I liked it

>Has such low test levels that watching a Kaufman films can lower them.
You should probably just kill yourself

dude fears death, tries to create art that encapsulates everything real and meaningful about life, fucks up.

other shit happens too.

Probably one of if not the best endings in film history. The real debate is which is better: Synecdoche or Adaptation?

Being John Malkovich

low i.q adhd millennial capeshitter detected.

I'm sorry for abandoning you to have anal sex with my homosexual lover Eric

I swear, dog rapists are the worst.

While it's very good I don't think it's as good as either of the other two.

>Synecdoche or Adaptation
Both are great but Synecdoche has more repeatability while Adaptation is honestly best the first time

It's Adaptation for adults

>I watched half of it
>the watching only part of a movie meme
either watch it or don't, not my problem if you can't enjoy an actually good film

>watching a movie you don't enjoy
>being a time cuck

Attached: 1501888047438.jpg (640x640, 66K)

>watching a movie you don't enjoy
>implying i said to watch it if you dont like it
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