*laughs too hard at a black joke in your path*

*laughs too hard at a black joke in your path*

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Reminder that Bill Burr was responsible for the downfall of Chapelle's Show. He was the one who "laughed wrong" at the skit.


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Is that why he married that colored gal? To atone?

Based Bill getting rid of overrated nigroid bullshit.

Id imagine he also did that for the endless lulz.

good. fuck nigger arrogance and self obsession

No he wasn’t the sole person responsible, Dave didn’t like the amount of time he was spending on the show or how comedy central was using him. It turned from something he loved doing into being worked harder than a slave

I don't follow can i get a quick rundown?

Is there any sort of source to this?

Bill told the story on O&A of how a white guy was laughing at the racial pixie sketch a certain way that made Dave question what he was doing. O&A decided that Bill was the guy in question

How do you laugh a certain way? How paranoid are niggers?

Oh boy what am I in for? I just told my black gf that Bill Burr is my favorite comedian the other day

you have no idea

I'm sure she will forgive your mediocre taste in comedians.

Name 5 comedians better than Burr

Norm Macdonald
Norm Macdonald
Norm Macdonald
Norm Macdonald
Norm Macdonald

Chappelle, Jeffreys, Carlin, Pryor, Jackie Chan.

it was literally bill

and to "prove" hes not a racist he stuck with nia

this shit writes itself son

rewatch the sam adams skit with them in it

you can by the vibe

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absolutely not

George Carlin. Patrice O'Neal. Norm. Dave Chappelle. Richard Pryor.

>that blind item that dave was smoking meth

no.. dave... ;_;;

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name 5 comedians

seth mcfarlane, pewdiepie, terry gilliam, mitch hedberg, jim carry

>using dead people
So you're saying Burr sucks but he's top 10 all time. Sound argument.

Carlos Mencia
Carrot Top
Larry the Cable Guy
Dane Cook

chappelle is massively overrated, so good fucking riddance

Moving your goal posts already? He isn't even the best comedian named Bill.

These but unironically

Seriously name a comedian whose material from the last 2/3 years doesnt suck.

norm macdonald isn't a comedian

hes just canadian

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terry giliam is a director and jim carry is an actor you complete spastic

>James Eugene Carrey is a Canadian-American actor, comedian, impressionist, screenwriter, producer and painter.

his movies are hilarious you double digit iq husk

besides the fact that he was responsible for all the cut away shorts from python
which was proto comedy in nature

>making a funny movie means your a stand up comedian

Tbh Jim stopped doing stand-up after he turned into a movie star

>Name 5 comedians better than Burr
>making a funny movie means your a stand up comedian
Will you choose one question or are you willfully retarded?

>Being blatantly wrong and calling others spastic
Are you actually slow or something? Jim started out doing years of stand up comedy long before his acting career.

OK first of all.... Jackie Chan doesn't do stand up anymore so.. Point moot.

>There are people in this thread right now who think comics like rodney or rickles are dated and therefore unfunny

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show me tery giliam doing stand up comedy or forever hold your peace

>99% of his jokes are my wife's son

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Amy Schumer

I love Bill, so here's my top 5 still alive, in no order.

Bill Burr
Jim Jeffries
Dave Chapelle
Patton Oswalt (not his newer stuff)
Owen Benjamin
Bo Burnham

Bill Burr please go. No one likes you anymore.

It's clear at this point you have a learning disability, which leads me to believe you actually are bill.

I actually like you Bill, buy your drumset back pls

>I get no respect, I tell ya
I fucking crack it no matter what Rodney Dangerfield says

source: your ass

what i thought

In the hopes you embarrass yourself further i'll clear things up for you, my post was about jim carrey which you have suddenly dropped after realizing you were wrong.

and my post was referring to terry gilliam as some retard said he was a stand up. now g finger your ass hole again

>Being this assblasted

When i made that post i was unironically going to add "not including norm macdonald"

Club soda Kenny
80's Carlin
Andrew Dice Clay
Dave Chappelle
Donald Trump

thats not even me

your the assblasted one here

Really unfunny.

Me or norm?


Nah bro I laughed.

Not thinking Norm is the funniest man alive is objectively incorrect

This guy is a real jerk

He's shit.

This user is right. You can technically take shots at his stand up and that is permissible as his stand up is lacking and shit because he isn't at all suited to that aspect of comedy but Norm as a person is the funniest person alive right now. This is objective and dispassionate appraisal.

chapelle was looking for an excuse out

I didn't make that second post but you are retarded if you couldn't infer that the implication was stand-up comedian



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>so triggered by the clear and obvious truth of the matter that he can only blurt out one word denials of it




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good fuck dave and fuck burr

both morons

daily reminder that bill burr's father owned a dental office in 1960's mob-owned Boston where he would perform clandestine surgeries on injured Irish mob mooks and his mob ties are the only reason why Bill was able to get his foot in the door in any mob-owned comedy club in an era where club owners were automatically rejecting guys like Bill because they've "already got enough white guys" (an actual quote that Bill recalls vividly).

That is actually a really cool story. Also, why didn't the potato niggers kill all the actual niggers like the taco niggers did.

b-but muh based italian assimiliation

He was truly in love with Patrice.

I created a learning computer and had it listen to every Patrice special as well as every Patrice guest appearance on the O&A show and then I asked the learning machine what he thought about Bill marrying Nia and it just laughed and said "Bill's a stupid nigga"

I love how just about every comedian, especially the older ones each have their own mob stories.

What are Bill Burr's best stories? I've listened to him some and I've liked what I've heard but he seems particularly good at telling stories.