Storytime Moxi

I was reading this column (we'll miss you, Joe) and I found this comic, I like it. Thought I'll storytime it.

This is Moxi by Bill McEvoy. It's very short.

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's a variant.

By the way, this is from Lightning Comics, and the other half was Hellina.



That I have to post this way, Christ...












Moxi also showed up in a sequel comic (Strange Daze), a comic about her friends, and a Lightning Comics swimsuit special.

But I can't find those comics anywhere.

The artist is on DeviantArt.

Link to the artist's DA?

The only Lightning Comics I have read before was Creed.

Did you like it?

This looks like some weird Image shit.

Kinda looks like she'd be paling around with The Maxx, or something.

I don't remember well. Just the crossover with tmnt.
