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NO , you dumb drumfer, it is because we all know clinton is going to win.
Well, except this echo chamber.
They do this with several major tossup things. Like they print championship shirts for both teams so they can make sure to sell one of them immediately after.
However, I wouldn't put it past Newsweek to jump the gun on shit like this.
>dropped below 270
>i-it's fine
leaf plz
So the people cannot win? Democracy doesn't exist? The elites will get what they want and the people will just shut up and take it?
No fuck that shit, the government needs to be overthrown and all people working for it need to be lynched. I refuse to believe we live in 1984 and there is nothing we can do about it.
Is this the new Dewey newspaper meme?
>Clinton "went high"
You can tell this was written before October 31st.
The losing teams shirts are all sent to Africa.
This. They do this with presidents and super bowls and shit like that. I'm sure there is a Trump one. Either not being shown to cause paranoia in the Trump camp or they just haven't printed it yet.
you nigger they do this every election so they can get out the one who wins quickest. its the response to dewey wins
Not really news. People selling merchandise usually create both possibilities so they're the first available. It's the same with sports teams.
wow and how about trumptards calling the election rigged when it hasn't even happened yet?
Nothing unusual for a newspaper to prepare for both scenarios, they constantly prepare for the deaths of famous people and shit
of course you're retarded and didn't even wonder if maybe a trump version of this exist
Maybe not as advanced because hey, sorry to break it to you, Trump will lose and everyone knows it
Fascinating, Tell us more
wouldn't surprise me
But I have to ask
I need to know how genuine this is, lest anyone fall for another "lol dumper trumper falling for our obvious b8 to make em look stupider lolol"
I need to know
Exactly. South Park does the same shit as well - it's how they can air a post-election episode even if the election only happened the night before.
Hopefully it's just a good photo shop.
Exactly this
I pray Trump gets a copy so he can recreate "DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN"
So where's Trump's edition?
The losing magazines are sent to Sweden to be used for warmth
Someone gave me a newsmax copy once, it sucked.
They are geared towards 75 year olds, who have zero ideas outside whats said on Fox. Theyre adds are all for seniors, and the articles have no real explanations.
They suck, but i bet they have a trump one printed up as well.
The hand blending in makes it weird.
I wonder what their Trump victory edition looks like.
Probably just bloodstained pages of coupons for a suicide apparatus
They do it with super bowls and other similar highly watched outcome events
Pic related. Wouldn't be the first time.
People are voting right now you stupid fucking frog
I used to print Newsweek in a plant in Oklahoma, actually. It's either being ran on a different press (possibly in a different plant) or it's being ran later on the same press.
Sometimes they run the cover and certain pages of the magazine that's the variant. I can't tell from OP's image, but it seems like it hasn't gone though the bindery yet. They'll probably stitch once they're confident on the evening of, distribute over night, and have them on shelves on the 9th and 10th.
Holy shit it's the new Dewey. This is going to be fantastic.
Don't you all realize this election has been rigged from the start? They were never going to let anyone but Satanic Hillary win this election.
All this shit is fixed, the peoples votes mean nothing.
I haven't read any post in this thread besides yours but im confident that people have told you just how retarded you are, stop making threads, you're just proving the lefts point with your uneducated thoughts.
That is all.
Reminder: Newsweek's Kurt Eichenwald is a brain damaged paedophile
They would waste hundreds of thousands of dollars printing 2 different issues for one month?
And do what with the one that doesnt win?
Bullshit, Hillary is rigged to win.
Printing 1/6th of a magazine isn't as expensive as you think. An entire magazine is probably $0.50 at most. The rest is editorial and profit.
They always do prepare these in advance you moron. I bet they have some about Trump as well.
Newspapers have orbituary for half of the people as well already prepared.
C'est bien de vouloir se la ramener mais ça fait longtemps que :
1) les gens ont commencé à voter
2) des cas de fraude ont été relevés, notamment en Floride. À chaque fois des fraudes avantageant, et c'est très étonnant, le parti démocrate
thanks for correcting the record