Is this bloated, braindead (does he have dementia or is he an alcoholic...

Is this bloated, braindead (does he have dementia or is he an alcoholic?) mutilated faced chump actually considered funny? This guy has never even raised a smile on my lips never mind a laugh from my mouth. I would seriously be ashamed to consider this guy funny.

Jesus Christ, I've seen Thai whores that have had better plastic surgery. Is he gay? Only gay men have plastic surgery on their faces. Holy shit. Is this what Americans consider brainy, witty comedy?

Get some fucking taste. This plastic faced faggot IS the joke.

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's very funny in small doses. But otherwise he just rambles about inane shit noone cares about.

His show fell off a cliff once he stopped being edgy and started doing the interviews in a respectful manner.

Norm was funny in the 90's. A large chunk of ultra-contrarian Sup Forums only likes him because they're under the impression he's right wing.

this fella loves whacking off

I mean, op is a real jerk!

I've never seen a more shallow assessment on here

I’ve never heard him say anything clever or funny. I thought he was like able enough if not groaningly unfunny until I saw him on the (admittedly pretty bad) YouTube awards. Not only did he spend the time making unfunny, snarky remarks but he demonstrated just in an incredibly smug manner how out of touch with the shift in media paradigm he was.

He is a serious hack who would have never made it amoung the competition of the digital age. Fuck this unfunny hack.


t. brainlets

Norm is funny and I prefer him to Dane Cook or whoever your favourite probably is

Really comparing him among the elites there

Dane is literally 50 times funnier than this mincing corpse

Nah, he's funny as hell. Does need to lay off the xanax though

he's only funny if you are an old man or a virgin

that must be why all the old virgins on here love him so

He is a reactionary figure like murray. He is anti comedy. The Im too good to try 3rd wall kinda broken at all times. the sucess is a reaction to the neoptism and controlled nature of the industry. The false outsider.

He doesn't say anything funny, basically has no clever jokes but is still my favourite comedian. It's about the timing. Or something. It's comedy I don't have to explain shit.

heck this guys head is hotter than a $2 pistol

>Oh don't laugh about 9/11. I walked through blood and bones in the streets of Manhattan, trying to find my brother.
>Yeah, he was in Northern Canada.

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No clue why Norm never did a 15 minute "Weekend Update" style show on Youtube once a week. Should have been obvious. His talk show is kind of meandering and long as hell.

norm only does what he wants, it's admirable and sad at the same time

He's funnier now than he was then. Much funnier.

A lot of people on here don't understand anti-humor.

>shift in media paradigm
Literally nobody cares about leftist award shows and diversity trophies. He rightly took the piss.

>Sup Forums hates Norm now
Stupid contrarian bitches

hes not funny
hes just a meme thats gone too far
like drive
where faggots ironically say something is good to the point where actual retarded anons trying to fit in fool themselves into thinking its actually good just so they can feel like they belong

i feel like people here only like him not because they find him funny, but because they think they're supposed to find him funny, and they think they "get" that the joke is that there is no joke. like this guy

"Now they didn't show that in the movie, but why not?" is one of the most perfect in-character gambits by any stand-up.

so does doing that shit to your face make it feel good or? it can't be because anyone thinks it looks nice

it was funny when he kept calling tim allen 'candyman'

t. riggered brainlet

>norm isn't right-wing

you must be retarded.

Norm, I know what you're doing. You realize I can't tell if you're fucking with me when it's all text, right?

He's fucked up on pills. Compare the first series of NML to the latest one. Plus his son's friend OD'd in his house...

He's a good guy.

>Plus his son's friend OD'd in his house...

Which tells me his son's friend stumbled on his stache, went to town, and then OD'd. Norm must keep piles of the stuff around.

You mean 4th wall.

He didn't do that to his face, it's a shoop.

Because that would be pathetic, and besides, Norm doesn't own the format. His stuff is genuinely funny, but it's at a level you don't usually get on mass media platforms in America, where even the hippest comedian is usually part-corny hack.

>ahhhh we got a lot of power here
>a lot of JUICE
what did he mean by this at the Radio-Television Correspondents Association?

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I'd like to hear what this angry shit taste faggot considers funny. Norm's YT show first season was hilarious, Norm's Howard Stern appearances are always good. The guy has a unique sense of humor, who gives a shit about his looks you shallow cunt.

t. underage libtard
I'd like to hear this utter cretin explain his 'shifting paradigm' reference.

Norm is a conservative, pretty obvious and he's said so himself. Don't be daft

what's his comedy got to do with being virgin? I bet that's just your go to critique of anything people disagree with you about. This reeks of projection and I would bet any amount of money that you get no pussy

He's got good jokes, the joke segment in the 1st season of his YT show was really funny imo

Norm gets a Netflix series; anti-Norm threads start appearing.


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this. Sounds like the haters just don't get it or just haven't listened to much of his content. Listen to his Howard Stern interviews or the 1st season of his YT show with Adam Eget, its damn fine comedy

ITT: retards who can't spot obvious photoshops

nobody is trying to fit in at an anonymous online forum ya dummy, this isn't your pathetic high school life

These contrarian kids probably think Gilbert Gottfried is unfunny too

>he doesn't think that the star wars prequels were kino

there are certainly underaged brats here who would beg to differ. usually they are the most hostile

*yells while high on coke*

*mumbles while high on xanax*

>acting like an uppity faggot on Sup Forums
>"hur dur im not trying to fit in i swear"

when did i ever say that?
stop it with the autistic false implications

>shift in the media paradigm

its like you're just inserting nonsense adjectives because you either don't understand the meaning of words like uppity or you just have nothing sensible to say but still really need to get out your impotent rage

Doesn't he have brain cancer?



who jackie?

No, he takes tranquilizers randomly whenever he gets stage fright. Also he smokes pot.

OP is none other then... you guessed it... Frank Stallone

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Dane cook was the highest paid touring comedian for years... So just think about that.

Amy Schumer is hilarious

>talks about impotent rage
>reeees uncontrollably
uppity faggot, cry more

People are anti-Norm because he is a doddering, mumbling old queen who looks like a tranny

This thread reminds me of that tragedy.