Taylor Hickson, an up-and-coming actress, was disfigured on a movie set. Now she’s suing

Taylor Hickson’s breakthrough came when the Canadian actress was cast in a small role in the superhero film “Deadpool” and filmed a scene with its star, Ryan Reynolds. After the superhero movie shattered box office records in 2016, Hickson was working on her next project: a horror flick titled “Ghostland.”
But because of a gruesome on-set injury suffered when she was 19, she says her career has stalled. Hickson recently filed a lawsuit against the movie’s production company, Incident Productions in Winnipeg, Manitoba, where “Ghostland” was filmed.

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And that's a good thing.

that beautiful boy from Maze Runner got his face crushed in a horrific stunt gone wrong. He disappeared for 2 years and doesn't look the same anymore. I wonder how often this happens and we dont hear about it

she looks alright to me

I don't remember her from the Deadpool movie

Who cares?

Pic related, her at the hospital (might be shoking).

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roastie btfo tbqh

Just watched Ghostland, it's a pretty good horror movie (same director who did martyr).
Ppl might wanna know about the dangers of movie production.

>filed a lawsuit against the movie’s production company, Incident Productions
>Incident Productions

>He disappeared for 2 years and doesn't look the same anymore.

We don't care.

He got Vanilla Sky'd pretty bad

What happened

If I remember correctly, she kept asking if it was safe and they kept telling her it was fine and to just do the scene and then ends up getting her face mangled as seen here

>Hickson, who’d turned 19 just days before the December 2016 accident in Winnipeg, Manitoba, was performing “an emotionally charged scene” in which the director had asked her to pound harder and harder on the door, with her face right next to the glass pane, according to the suit filedFridaywith the Queen’s Bench in Winnipeg

>“In the course of shooting the scene, the director [Pascal Laugier], consistently told [Hickson] to pound harder on the glass with her fists,” the suit states. “At one point during the filming of the scene, and after being asked to increase the strength with which [she] pounded on the glass, [she] asked one of the producers and the director if it was safe to do so. That producer and the director both replied in the affirmative.”

>While filming another take, the suit states, “The glass shattered, causing [her] head and upper body to fall through the door and shards of glass. As a result of the incident, [she] badly cut the left side of her face” and was rushed to the hospital, where she received about 70 stitches.

Pascal Laugier (Martyrs) made Ghostland. Pascal Laugier hates women.

Well that sucks. On the bright side, her eyes are unharmed and she doesn't really look bad


Something hot about her with that scar tbhfams

Men dig scars!?

He looks the same. The only person with a fucked up face is your own uglyass face

I don't care if the girl isn't horrible, a pretty face with a scar can be even more attractive.

A well placed scar just makes you look like a badass.
She should take an empowering role like a T2 Sarah Connor or Furiosa type, the media wouldn't shut the fuck up about it & she'll be a darling for a few years.

/ourgirl/? I'd make a Punished Taylor edit but I'm too tired. If the thread is still up in the morning I might give it a go.

Don't they use sugar glass for scene like this?

Some scars.
That is a nice scar.

Fortunately for her, the scar is rather well placed and gives her character... But yeah, that's a very traumatic experience for her and and i hope she'll win her lawsuit.

They only use sugar glass if it's supposed to break.
That'll probably change after this lawsuit, though. Most production companies probably won't allow real glass on set after this.

I don't mind personaly. I prefer a girlfriend with a leg or an arm missing than a fat cow with deformed body.

>small scar on cheek


Found the non white whoms’t browses tv

She's still attractive though. That scar hardly constitutes disfigurement.

I mean, if Tommy Flanagan can still get parts sporting a Glasgow smile, so can she.

it will heal up to be barely noticeable, and plus she has a hot banging body of a young women. slim and athletic, still very physically attractive

Have you seen these videos of young women who lost their limbs and sporting bionic arms like Rebeca Marine, still gorgeous even with just 1 hand

Unless she turns into a depressed hambeast

>girl gets a couple of spots on her forehead
>panics over how ugly she is

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Fuck me. That's pretty savage.

Still would...but maybe not pay for to watch it on film.


>That scar hardly constitutes disfigurement.
You are a retard.

Sugar glass will still cut the shit out of you

The director sounds like a piece of shit.

I've always wondered when watching shit like this on films, where there are things like knives being used etc, how I would shoot them or handle it - especially when it comes to sharp objects or fire. I always wondered if you would like a paranoid reatrd for asking for things like shatter proof glass or sugar class to be use in scenes like this, but I suppose not.

There are thousands of actresses who arnt scarred on thier face and hollywierd had a high attrition rate for unblemished actresses. Remember, she's competing against the most attractive people in america and being judged by the most decadent and perverse hollywierd insiders.
She probably stands to male more from this lawsuit than the average actress makes in her entire career.

It's almost as if society puts unreasonable pressure on women (and especially women in the entertainment industry) to be attractive

I thought practical effects were a thing though

can't she get that scar pretty easily cgi's out.
or have coverup applied like for tattoos?

Tina Fey's done well despite the facial injury. This can be her motivation to begin writing her own shows.

No, that's if the glass is meant to be break.

I assume there was nothing in the script or pre-production that said she would be banging on glass. It probably read "bangs on door" or something, and the door happened to have a glass pane, and this is the result.

I know on crazy big budget flicks they will go really far when it comes to things like this - when they're building sets they'll often use plastic/toughened glass etc because they assume with crews and equipment going around, accidents happen. But if this was just a small crew on a real location, and the director is kind of an idiot...This happens.

It was like that incident kinda recently where the director asked the crew to fucking film a scene of an oncoming train by setting up on real train tracks and filming the train. They got smooshed and killed one of the crew.

why go through the extra cost when you can just pick the other thousand young women who don't have scars

Would you cast an actress that you had to pay to cgi over throughout the whole film, or an actress that you didn't have to pay to cgi over for the whole film?

>It's almost as if society puts unreasonable pressure on women (and especially women in the entertainment industry) to be attractive

Come again?

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Scar - no. No one is going to pay to do that unless they've already invested money in you.

Tattoos get covered up with make up, and even then stars didn't get them until they were "stars" and people would give enough of a shit to cover them up.

If she was Emma Stone and it happened mid-film, they'd probably do it.

For a no-name? Probably not.

I don't mind

>Shit-teir British tv actor I only recognize because she was in doctor who

It actually adds some characters to her face, espixally now that Hollywood is all for the strong women thing

unlike men, who're allowed to look like shit

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You stupid fuck.

>lean in to give her a smooch on a cheek
>she sticks her tongue out
hot desu











traumatic experience, I'm sure, but she looks fine.

why aren't people like this just forced to get regular jobs?


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She is forced to get a regular job, retard.
The reason she's suing is that she now can't act in any films unless the character is supposed to have a scar.
Negligence on behalf of the production company has probably cost millions of dollars she would have made throughout her career.

poor angel. look at those haunted eyes. i want to kiss her boo-boo and make it all better.

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>some minor capeshit nobody cared about
>"breakout role"

pffff whatever, if anything this could be a blessing in disguise. she's already getting publicity, and if she manages to get some memey role as "the stronk empowered scar woman" then at best this could kick off a career of typecast roles, at worst she at least has one big thing instead of being generic hollythot #1,394,592, which is more than the vast majority of actresses ever get anyway

she's not innocent

>suing anyone in the film industry
Her career is over.

Roastie Toasted


or is it just beginning?

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in that moment she was. as soon as she healed up then it was back on the cc.

>incident kinda recently where the director asked the crew to fucking film a scene of an oncoming train by setting up on real train tracks and filming the train. They got smooshed and killed one of the crew.

Top fucking kek is this real

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how can scarlets ever compete?

I want to comfort her

she's fine

She gets internally comforted by Chadmen every day probably

This. She's definitely fucked black guys before.

And now she's gonna be in some weird porno where guys cum on her scar and tell her she's ugly.



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That sucks. At least she's still hot. Hope she wins that lawsuit.

why didn't they just dangle off one of those logs?


How’s her brap game tho?

It’s already “healed” and it looks fucked up.

Because they had an expensive camera and a hospital bed.

How did Sup Forums get infested by the worst legal fetish?

>Men with scars are cool
>Women with scars are unhirable
This is unironically sexist, and Sup Forums will defend it.
I find her scar hot, by the way.

And also she was in Winnipeg which is worse than getting glass in your face.

It takes all kinds

Acknowledging something isn't an endorsement.

>I find her scar hot, by the way.
This. She honestly looks hotter with the scar. Sucks that she'll miss out on roles because of it though.

Not necessarily, she could be hired as a villain, hitman, or drug addict, you know, the same roles every man with a scar gets.

>and this is the poster they actually decided to use for the film

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Why has no one posted her scar pic so that permavirgins can pretend how good she still looks?

That's cheeky of them

Are you blind or just stupid?

>Literally the first image in the thread
>Literally still hotter than any woman I've met in person

That cracked me up

It's the OP image you mong.

Are you pretending you don't see the scar? Are you the permavirgin?

Dylan O'Brien. There was a big deal about it and now he just looks fine.

>I find her scar hot, by the way.
That's because she's a pretty white girl and the scar barely retracts from that.