I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast

I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast

Attached: download (1).jpg (225x225, 5K)

You eat breakfast?

Ew, you eat shit for breakfast?

you eat shit for breakfast?

you shit after you eat breakfast?

You eat pieces of white ass for breakfast?

You eat breakfast on the shitter?

You shit in your breakfast?

The price is wrong, bitch.

what's the basis

You will not make this putt, you jackass!


Attached: basednig.png (479x460, 520K)

we ain't going nowhere but got suits and cases

Is this the first ever portrayal of a Trump voter?

Attached: sTsLIey.jpg (498x539, 30K)


Attached: 20180322_113244.jpg (148x140, 14K)

dude wtf am itripping

*with guns

what's going on with the person on the left

Attached: peek.jpg (2576x1812, 916K)

Here's a nice piece of shit!

Attached: images (15).jpg (240x210, 9K)

Channel 10 eh
