What is some communist kino?
What is some communist kino?
Other urls found in this thread:
Battleship Potemkin
Pokemon the First Movie
Fight Club (1999)
Man with a Movie Camera.
Why is blatant communist revisionism not really challenged on Sup Forums while any slightly right wing post gets tons of butthurt replies?
>ablooo bloooo I'm a victummmm :(((((((
Literally SJWs.
You just proved him right, pathetic redditor
Everything made by Eisenstein
>abloo abloo I'm a victim fucking Sup Forums ruined my board :(((((
Literally SJWs.
The Chekist from 1992. It's on youtube.
It's about a Cheka agent who is forced to interrogate and execute countless of innocent people. Eventually he just goes insane from the atrocities that he had to commit.
Subtitles aren't great tho
The absolute state of triggered redditors
Great post, great thread.
It's about the commies
Would I have gotten butthurt replies like this if I'd posted communist/neoliberal propaganda?
>neoliberal propaganda
So, capitalism?
no that would be communism, are you paying attention
>implying reddit is right wing
Are you retards even trying?
yes, you came from reddit, just admit it
not everything is black and white like your cartoons you fucking 15 year old
The first teacher
Why are you even on this website when the entire rest of the internet would fit your taste better? Cry all you want, but you're a pathetic faggot and no one gives a fuck if you get offended.
He could say the same thing about you lol
>Why is blatant communist revisionism not really challenged on Sup Forums
Because you're selectively blind and lying to yourself.
Except all other sites are left wing. And unlike him, I'm in this thread to discuss movies (as I was giving recommendations to the topic) rather than just whining every time anyone mentions anything that might disagree to my political opinions.