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>Leah, has anyone notified you that you have a lollipop to be in the spin room at tonight's debate? Are you up for it? I'd be with you so can tackle things not specific to the convention with you.
I'm not sure I wanna know.
Should make Podesta/Clinton vid with the music:
Do they like to wind down after these debates with drugs? Statutory rape? Confectionary? What is it?
Do it!
There was a report I remember reading a couple years ago about a new oral pain-killer medication that was distributed in the form of hard candies or suckers... but drugs hardly makes sense in this context.
"My only regret is that I didn't take my lollipop with me"?
>loli-popping experience
wtf i luv dnc now
For the end-titles:
>these people raped and killed a blonde british girl at some point
It's code for something.
Is lollipop slang for something on the streets?
What. The. Fuck.
Ha! I love that rockabilly/surf sound.
I'm trying to make it make sense in those terms in my head, but it feels like a lot of mental gymnastics is required to reach that conclusion. It still sounds off.
o no
My friend has had a fentanyl lollipop it may be that
hope you have a decent rifle
Why they still free?
It could be fentanyl, but it sounds like something more.
It could be a dick.
lollipop = hard candy
y'all know what hard candy is right?
I can't think of any context for this other than it's something either illegal or kinky.
Search all the emails for more use of this word
i hav dis
Blatant terminology for the pedo people themselves
Probably a BJ.
It's drugs or sex, those are the only things that make sense.
"...thank you for being with me during my first "lollipop" experience..." Definitely just sweets.
If they are cartoons what's the big dealio?
Yeah they just look at it together!
podesta is such a deviant fuck jesus
Yeah with their spirit cookies!
Drugs may not be far off
From searching it with wikileaks
>The Fentanyl lollipop offers medics a faster way to ease the pain of a
battlefield injury as the drug can be absorbed more rapidly through a
lozenge in the mouth than from a needle injected into a muscle, Block
Might be a stupid question, but why would you need "support and [a] steady presence" when taking painkillers?
Could it be code for a new/untested intern?
and for that matter, why would you want to 'take it with you' after use?
How do they test these interns?
So you don't fucking kill yourself. Lots of people have a straight man the first time they try a drug so they don't get go too crazy. Drugs effect us all differently after all.
Probably forgot to ask if there was more and where to get it.
>"lollipop" experience
>Being so fucking new that you actually put quotation marks around the coded phrase
>regrets he couldn't take it (singular) with him
Yeah, he fucked a kid. It's as blatant a Hard Candy (CP) reference as you could get.
I've heard about that kind of thing when taking hallucinogenics, but not for painkillers.
Sounds like bumhole pleasures to me
So, alright, if we accept for the moment that this was a reference to a little kid, is there anyway we could look at the time and place referenced, maybe check who came to the building and in what rooms? Probably nothing anybody could get indicted for, but maybe some more supporting evidence exists
You're trying to tell me THIS GUY didn't have sex with a minor? Gimme a break
Gute idee.
He does look a bit molesty.
Oh dear.
While they are definitely using codewords, just one reminder:
DO NOT JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS. We don't know if they are talking about drugs, child prostitutes, adult prostitutes, or something else.
Nothing to see here, please.
Candy, dumbass.
They even put it in quotations.
Obviously they're speaking in code and anyone who says otherwise is fucking blind.
It's probably kiddy diddling. The elites are sick.
Just because degenerate 4channers use the word 'loli' doesn't mean the word has any meaning to the rest of the world.
It probably does indicate illegal drugs/sex stuff though.
Lolita is almost universal as a word for underaged girl.
literate people know what a loli is, you mongoloid yank fuckbag
It's definitely suspicious though, right?
Must be a new one
It comes from Lolita, an incredibly famous book. Luddite.
Christ mate, stop making us look bad and read a few classics.
>4channers use the word 'loli'
Russians confirmed for oldest shitposters.
Also, "lollipop" is literally HARD CANDY. They couldn't be more blatant if they tried (Hard Candy = CP).
not really it is rarely used or heard in regards to underage children. Yes people recognise and know of the lolita novel but children are almost never called that or referred to by paedophiles as lolis.
> Leah, has anyone notified you that you have a lollipop to be in the spin room at tonight's debate?
I don't know what a lollipop is but you can cross reference with her twitter that she was actually at the debate in NY that night.
April 14th 2016 was a democrat debate in NY...
I am thinking it is a chance to suck up to someone and not taking it away means not getting contact details.
that's why I said literate people
as in people who read books
fucking hang yourself, anglo scum
popping a loli chrerry??????
Mentions the "lollipop to be" in the "spin room" so we need footage of the spin room and see if we can pick out kids among the reporters.
Like it could be a democrat internal version for a pay to play. President shills could give her a posting overseas or a cushy job.
How many licks does it take to get to the center of corruption in the United states?
The world may never know
Phenergan lollipops are great for severe pain. Doubt that's what she is referring to here.
CRT, idiot or both.
Add the hyphen as user above you. >Deflowering a girl
I'm thinking it could be this also, as the only other podesta leak that contains lollipops mentions them as lobbyists
According to the Leah Daughtry from the email, lollipops are some kind of sign thing.
lollipop = virgin lolita?? i.e. popped cherry?
I feel like it doesn't matter what we find, because it just won't reach the people.
This loli shit will probably get picked up by alex jones and written off as another shitty conspiracy.
With how many shitty infographs and fake news Sup Forums has been spreading, the normies will just think it's made up and not even think twice about it.
Is there a way to get the FBI to act on these finds? The problem is that it's not explicit, and the feds can't just arrest people for talking about lollipops.
The only way this could do any damage is if it gets out to the public as is, but the MSM will never cover it.
I'll tackle this one
CRT, idiot, or both.
Was this one fake or not?
">"My only regret is that is that I couldn't take my lollipop with me"
They are absolutely talking about child sex, it's the only thing that makes sense in this context.
Just my 2 cents but "a lollipop to be in the spin room at tonight's debate" sounds either like some kind of underling/intern position that prepares her or some kind of prepared interview with a journalist. It went so well with this person that she wishes she could bring that person with her.
Recall that spinroom =
>a designated area where journalists conduct interviews with politicians or their representatives after a debate or other political event.
"Lolita" is a very well known term. It's a best selling book for Christs sake.
This adds up to child rape the more and more you look into it.
>>a designated area where journalists conduct interviews with politicians or their representatives after a debate or other political event.
Like do we think this lady fucked a kid in the spin room AT A DEBATE ?
I think it originated with Lolita by Nabokov no? So yes, well known
>Can't take my drugs with me
>Can't take my prostitute with me
>Can't take my child prostitute with me
They all make sense
No no, lollipop to be, aka not ready.
Morphine lolipops. They still exist in oncology departments.
Source: Medfag here.
But what is it actually? What could it actually be?
What is a spin room?
Could be. Makes more sense to have someone watching over you if it's morphine rather than fentanyl - don't you think?
We have to do something guys this is so fucked up
I honestly think a lot of your codeword conspiracies make much more sense if you replace them with drugs instead of children. Liberals have a more casual relationship with drugs and are more likely to speak about them in code through email. But what do I know.
Also a lollipop in the context of drugs is usually candy infused with heroine, lsd, ecstasy.... but mostly heavy pain killers.
>Leah, has anyone notified you that you have a lollipop to be in the spin room at tonight's debate? Are you up for it?
So somebody has arranged for this lady to have a child prostitute waiting in the SPINROOM at a DEBATE without even knowing if she was "up for it" ???
Not a child, likely a possible big $ donor.
>Are you up for it? I'd be with you so can tackle things not specific to the convention with you.
Why would they be talking about the convention and presumably other policy matters with a child? They wouldnt