ITT: Hillary Voters

ITT: Hillary Voters

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well if I got roasted that bad by my own momma I'd want to lash out against society too.




>Trashone coats
>Trash on coats.


Millennial? Bitchtits looks 40

Avg IQ = 50



>Trashone Coats

It's like blacks know their kids will be shit from day one




Is this how the party of Omar Mateen ends?


>Thomas, a fucking name
Do niggers just come up with surnames while sitting in the waiting room or what lmao


Literally one vote on election day. Everyone else is secretly voting Trump



no doubt

>User was triggered by this post.


This selfie i just took


> Trashone

Seriously what's the context of this photo. This is too funny


Before and after one year at a liberal arts college

I'd kill myself if I was named trashone

Shit, Sup Forums, since when did it become wrong to kill police? Its literally the one thing the radical right and radical left can agree on: agents of the state don't need to keep drawing breath.

really makes you stink

That post gave me fucking cancer! i honestly don't want to live anymore....

Trash one... Fitting.

Most women have an emotional struggle getting an abortion and this bitch just jokes about it.


Degenerates like you belong on a cross.


"Hillary Clinton. You’ll make one hell of a president in 2016. Much like your husband, Bill, you will be one of the greatest."

Kek there was a news article here about a guy that pled guilty to a felony on the condition he be allowed to go early vote before his conviction.

Guess who he voted for, lol.


His fucking name is Trash One, he is number one trash. Jesus fucking Christ

That guy works for the NSA

>trash1 coats

Hillary voters


>a right which other women died to give me
And what about all the men that died to give you that right to?

>Trashone Coats


You merely adopted the trash. I was born in it, molded by it.

The Trash One

Michael Ervin from NFL Today?

>interaction engineer

Is this the new HR meme

If the guys I knew were any indication then pic related
Military officers , especially higher ranks ones are hillary believe it not not
Less about them being degenerate and then being conditioned to do and believe what they are told ,
>CNN says trump is a racist cheeto and they believe it without another thought

T. Militaryfag

i believe it. it seems that being pro-social justice is like rocket fuel for an officer's career under Obama.

Witch Doctor Pavel fukked wit you instead of us. We finna need what he told you.





Or because they know that their path to glory is blocked once the perpetual 4 year peace army strikes again.

That and the fact, that the one man wig party basically questioned the whole general staff whilst dodging the draft. Which makes him a very bloated hippo.

how does this even happen?

looks like that alexander jahans guy

What the fuck is this shit from?


Black parenting, everyone

Literally named "TrashOne" that's on par with Shitavious in terms of google tier names.

>birth certificate to prison pipeline needs to be aknowledged

I would also like to know this

>past life "banker, ursurer, moneylender"
>every time

>born in the year 950 AD in Tibet
>banker, usurer, moneylender, judge
>Magical abilities
>Servant of dark forces
HAHAHAHA. So jews are reincarnated as niggers.

There truly is justice in the universe.

2nd that

They grow up so fast


You guys focus on imaginary narratives instead of looking at real issues.

Here, have a real issue:
If Trump will get elected, he will abolish the iran deal (he promised to do it, remember?)

Abolishing the iran deal, means Iran will keep developing a nuclear weapon.

Trump = Nuclear iran, open your fucking eyes Sup Forums
Abolishing the inspection over the iranian nuclear program is literally gambling on the future of the world.
it's a direct nuclear threat to american and world security.

Trump also said he will abolish the paris climate accord, an agreement signed by over 200 countries INCLUDING CHINA, to save the planet from climate change.
The Paris climate accord just took effect, if trump abolishes it, the damage to crops all over the world from climate change, as well as the sharp increase in natural disasters, will have devastating results.

he's rewatching himself the day after this interview

This, shes a confirmed sociopath. most woman are emotionally unstable for years after getting a scrape job


When Australia vote their only thought after is:

>Anyway back to getting drunk

I bet you not one person cried when they voted.


According to the polls, those are now Trump voters.


Why the fuck?

was reality written by George Lucas or something?

Wtf, I Love Trump now

>interaction engineer

She isn't unstable after the abortion. She took it like a man. Doesn't give a shit. Isn't this what you wanted?


This is white in america


Looks like some faggotry where you get put through some shit that niggers went through 150 years ago so you want to pay reparations. And just be a fuck bitch.


>interaction engineer
you wot m8?




Is this one of those Pipeline Protestors?
