Hard choice.
Hard choice
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Yes, she should have done the criminal activity in the right email address.
>who used the wrong email
Nice try at trivializing the problem, but that isn't what happened at all. She used a private, unsecure server. Not just that, but she has hundreds of other scandals we can talk about.
While he has just said things that are misconstrued to be mean.
It really activates my almonds how nowadays a politician who says mean things is somehow worse than an actual corrupt politician
Almost fooled me.
>treason isn't as bad as mean words
I can't wait to kill liberals.
>a lying, misogynist, racist, dangerous, unpredictable narcisst
>a lying pedophile, warmongering, dangerous, unpredictable narcisst
Yeah but what about Trump?
>lying, misogynist, racist, dangerous, unpredictable narcissist
How is Donald Trump any of those buzzwords?
CTR pls
How delusional do you have to be to ignore all of the crime and corruption that Hillary represents?
These people are so delusional. I guess the contents of the emails don't matter.
or a woman who sold stinger missiles to ISIS and let 4 Americans die in benghazi and called blacks super predators and bullied a 12 year old rape victim
And those wrong e-mails could have cost lives if enemies got a hold of them. Funny how liberals change their tune once their own lives are in danger and contradict themselves with other BS.
It's called being ignorant.
Such a tough choice: a criminal, inept, warmongering, corrupt, security risk or a man who said mean things.
This is pretty easy.
we're through the looking glass
What utter bullshit. The scandals are conjecture and hyperbole. If there were anything to prove the countless witch hunts would have come up with something.
The email hype has been a fucking joke. Just weaksauce evidence of any wrongdoing. At worst the private server is a gray area and not illegal.
Poor America, such a tough choice: a lying, twisted, heartless villain who's on Saudi payroll, who's husband is a rapist and possible pedophile, who went off the grid using a unsecure, private e-mail, or a man who used the wrong words
Why do leftists faggots always do this? Is there some kind of word to describe this? They could suffocate a baby and trivialize it
>what's worse a racist, blah blah blah or someone who didn't give a baby enough oxygen?
Oy vey goyim, we have all the presidents and Jay Z telling you the right choice, why don't you stop making a racist xenophobic shoah and vote for her?
I keep seeing people use "emails" as a way to brush off Clinton's actions; as if the emails themselves are the core of the brouhaha, rather than the info they contain.
"Using the wrong email" isn't why people are throwing a shitstorm over Hillary. It's the fact that the emails, now that we've read them, show that she rigged the democratic primary in her favor, ran the state department like an international mafia, and artificially inflamed the situation in the Middle East to generate another war to sell arms to both sides of the conflict and make bank.
It's physically impossible for me to take Clinton seriously now whenever she goes on her tangents about caring for women and children when she's financially responsible for the current situation in Syria and its subsequent refugee crisis fallout.
why is she worried about small aggressions?
>She just used the wrong email haha guys
>just ignore benghazi & pay 2 play goys
so she cares about things like "superpredators" "hot sauce in my bag" "taco bowl engagement" then
Well they somehow have to rationalize their idiocy to themselves.
>I don't care about actual display of criminal activity and corruption, but I do care about appearances and words that hurt.
>(((David Schneider)))
Oh, jew!
>liking their own tweet
white allies
>I care about racism
So is providing billions of dollars worth of military equipment to regimes where LGBT people are thrown off buildings and beheaded in public to cheering crowds "caring"?
Or is it okay to prop up racist, sexist and LGBT-phobic regimes as long as it's only random Arabs getting fucked and not Americans?
who the fuck is this guy? twitter keeps verifying people who matter the least
... you people don't actually get payed for these poor attempts, right?
You are just some random guy who wants to "troll", eh?
You guys focus on imaginary narratives instead of looking at real issues.
Here, have a real issue:
If Trump will get elected, he will abolish the iran deal (he promised to do it, remember?)
Abolishing the iran deal, means Iran will keep developing a nuclear weapon.
Trump = Nuclear iran, open your fucking eyes Sup Forums
Abolishing the inspection over the iranian nuclear program is literally gambling on the future of the world.
it's a direct nuclear threat to american and world security.
Trump also said he will abolish the paris climate accord, an agreement signed by over 200 countries INCLUDING CHINA, to save the planet from climate change.
The Paris climate accord just took effect, if trump abolishes it, the damage to crops all over the world from climate change will have devastating results....
A narcissist or a genocidal war criminal? Democracy is best and hard choices :D :D spurdo.gif
> le 10% of Shia Muslims are the real danger even though Sunnis are 90% of all Muslims and behind all terrorist attacks in the West maymay
Translation to English:
"Poor America. Such a tough choice: Said mean words, said mean words, said mean words *bonus unsolicited ad-hominem labels* or a woman who destroyed tens of thousands of articles of government intelligence"
Essentially this guy just compared 5 meaningless adjectives with no context to an actual event that he's misrepresenting in a trivial manner.
It's so easy to distort reality like that that it convinces nobody of anything and it makes you look stupid. here, watch:
Poor America. Such a tough choice: a lying, corrupt, secretive, warmongering, sociopathic traitor, or a man who gets horny from time to time.
>used the wrong email
like Ted Kennedy took a wrong turn
t. Israel
Why is it always the fucking Jews who downplay literal treason?
Oh wait right because they're all traitors.
Lol. Iran having a nuke is just healthy for middle east politics. Stops you kikes from pushing else around. Relations between Iran and its rivals will normalize after they have a nuke becouse no one wants to risk nuclear war.
>world security
Threat to your security, pussy. I'm not sure what the problem is with Iran, 'cept they say fuck you to USA and kikes. Don't see a problem with that.
>Oversaw a coup in Honduras where activists were slaughtered
>sold the Saudis jets which are currently being used to massacre Yemeni people
>continues to NOT disclose millions in donations she recieves from foreign governments, some not even aligned with the U.S at all (which she is required to do)
>broke rules of primary debates by continually meeting with aides during breaks (minor, but shows she's a cheating cunt in all aspects)
>concrete evidence of alliance with DNC during primaries, when it's supposed to be objective
These are all facts, should I keep going you miserable faggot?
And also, kicked people from his buildings because of the shade of their skin. And also, got paid by Russia to put US at odds with the rest of the world. And also got rich by conning people.
>Nuclear Iran
Acording to this... Israel is doomed, right? I can't see the problem desu.
It's pretty sad that normies don't care about hillary's war crimes, instead they trivialize them and get angry when trump says something 'mean'. Don't these faggots care about the future of America
Yes, and Hillary Clinton said she wants to enforce a no-fly zone over Syria.
Who are you more afraid of? Iran (lol)or Russia?
Apparently, the fact that Trump actually burned several contractors (which makes him a thief) is not taken into account because... well, he bullied them into a settlement with his superior legal council and thats legal lol.
>burguers and their power hungry plutocrats sucking their blood lol
Turned Libya into a failed state and oversaw the rise of ISIS while "mistakenly" arming them.
So, just politics as usual?
Did you check the flag? Israel is much more worried about Iran than Russia, that's why they keep bombing their centrifuges.
Liberals are really this ignorant. Numale's last name doesn't surprise me in the least either.
Oh, totally missed that.
Well, good luck Israel. Low level Jews are fucked anyway with the pro-Islam bullshit
And who's the GOP candidate?
this is 7/10 satire of the average ledditor
American mind: hmmmm I can't decide tho
>I don't care about an actual satanic cult of top level washington insider pedophiles literally murdering and sacrificing children in occult bloodmagic rituals, but I do care about my imaginary femnazi buzzwords
>who used the wrong email
This is like saying Hiroshima and Nagasaki hurt japanese peoples feelings
This reads like a politifact "fact check".
Loads one side with inflammatory buzzwords and completely ignores hard evidence for the other.
I fucking hate this argument. What makes people think that just because she's a woman, she should be elected? I'd take someone who says mean things over a corrupt witch any day.
This is literally the narrative spouted by Hillary voters. They say she's the most qualified to be president, & in the same breath excuse her use of a private server as the result of her being too old & un-savvy to understand how technology works. Fucking retarded.
>non american giving opinions on american politics