Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.
Trump has awakened a sleeping giant.
>signs now just in Spanish and not even bilingual
>hundreds of thousands of poor spics getting bussed from Mexico to swing states
Fuck Shillary and fuck brown people.
Multiculturalism is so wonderful
>Huffington post
>dems typically win early voting
>dems getting crushed this time in early voting
Yep, sure. Those spics are totally gonna make a difference
Why do Latinos want open borders? Didn't they leave their country for a reason? Stupid fucks.
How could one song be so terrible?
Not surprising a liberal doesn't know the difference between cubans and mexicans.
>dems getting crushed this time in early voting
How does it look compared to 2008 and 2012 ?
Genocide yourselves, CTR cunts.
listen and believe
They got caught filling out absentee ballots. Sworn affidavit.
They might not get away with it.
They're a socialist race, almost universally. They don't think about policy positions or implications, the most they think about politics is how to get their free gibs. The societies they build are corrupt banana republics.
You're aware we don't have Mexicans in FL. High Latino turn out doesn't worry me.
pick one.
Democrats are currently up by a thin margin (~5,000 votes) in Florida. Independents break for Trump, so it's safe to say Trump is winning. In 2012, democrats were up by 3% in early votes before election day brought that margin down to 0.9%.
Yep, sums up quite nicely.
If it ends Rubio's political career, I won't be too upset.
Why does the Huffington post put articles out like this. Wouldn't these king of documents motivate more trump supporters to go vote?
Nah he's still gonna win on name recognition.
American politics are so pathetic, as American non-working looting shit economics. At least kill those Mexicans, for Christ's sake you enslaved, raped and killed niggers like flies and here you are and can't even get rid of Mexicans. What are you doing? Send them away or kill them.
Looks good to me. I hop you're right.
I try my best but all that propaganda with Florida and Nevada early vote going for Hillary is starting to affect me somehow.
>certainly all colored people will vote the way we like.
>implying any of this is incorrect
Not really. People don't vote if they don't think they can win.
Nevada could go blue, but if Trump can flip PA or MI it won't matter.
Florida and NC are both looking very good for Trump and both are must wins.
You knew the media was going to make this push.
It's great demoralization. The Trump vote is skeptical of mail in and early voting. They crank out bigly on election day.
lol....The Huffington Post
where's your matching article from Salon?
Cubans =/= Mexicans, why do these people insist on putting minorities into such superficial boxes and expect them to perfectly fall in line? Cubans have a long history of despising Mexicans, if anything Trump's comments appealed to them.
This is why nobody takes anyone outside of the USA seriously.
PA's Trend worries me. It looks too close to 2012
>implying japan doesn't need a third nuclear bombing
It's just propaganda, treat it like you would treat a North Korean newspaper article claiming Kim has conquered the moon.
>spics only vote for dems
Are you surprised?
That's literally the primary reason they support amnesty so much.
Think again.
As has been repeated, if we lose this we lose the country permanently.
That's how I feel and I live in the only real republican county in south Florida
I love this fucking election
everybody is in a box, nobody goes outside of it
either way who wins will change things
TRUMP for better, Hillary for worse
anyway best reality show in years, I'll miss this
Trump will lose,The fix is in.If you Burguers Don't revolt and make a civil war,you guys will go down in history as the biggest Cucks in history,Bigger Than Sven
So they're assuming that all the latinos are voting dem?
ladies and gents ive been on the internet a long time
we've reached 1984 tier shit at this point
ALL media, TV or otherwise is compromised.
All social media is compromised
If you can fathom the amount of money that is being put to use to give a person political power, it isn't a stretch to think simple text files cam be sent around to cause disinfo
WE as a people have become powerless now to the "democracy" we have. The masses are used as a weapon and target group to pander too and it's as simple as that.
Latinos are Fucking Up Big Time in Nevada
one big variable for florida is that cubans consider themselves white
for these polls to lump them in politically with mexicans is a mistake
Oy vey!
he's doing much better than Romney in early voting
Latinos can't beat out all the old people and hicks getting up to vote Trump
I've heard those two groups don't see eye to eye before.
Give up on PA. They're the ultimate republican cock-tease; it likes to pretend it might go red and always ends up blue.
Sven Get out of this Mongolian cave Painting and claim your fucking country back you Pussy
Yeah, it's stupid as shit
"Florida Latinos" is a very mixed bag
fuck latinos and gibmedats
That's why you Burguers need to Revolt.
Go to D.C Killing all Niggers in the way and when you get there Kill Obongo and Shillary
i love that you can so clearly tell that whoever made this is mad as fuck.
love how this article assumes Cubans, which are almost all for trump, are not Hispanic.
Florida Hispanics are almost totally different from Hispanics in other states.
Also doesn't account for Haitians, who literally despise Hillary.
Trump is going to get 30% of the Florida Hispanic vote
Open Border's Fault
>"immigrants" come to US for FREE SHIT
didney land in florida on a good day is 10% white 60% spic trash speaking spic trash and the rest is a blend of asians that lack situational awareness and nigs
Florida had 634,000 Mexicans in 2010. I guess that's considered low nowadays compare to other Hispanic groups.
I lived in rural PA and it fucking infuriated me. Everywhere but the cities are blood red. The niggers in the cities only ever get off their ass to vote for the president and they get to override the will of the rest of the state. At least they were lazy enough to rarely vote for Senate and state positions. Had to leave state a few years ago for work but I doubt things have changed.
black turnout is pretty bad this time so maybe there's a chance