Diet Another Day

>Diet Another Day

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>Originality Another Day

You can literally see him gazing into his THICC AS FUCC future, plotting, scheming, planning.

Piers Brosnan is an architect and his medium is the female form.

Leave this glorious man alone

Piers stays winning my dude. He likes her like that. Plus he started to date her back when he was a young thin 10 who was literally supermodel tier. Every smile you see in a photo of his is a smile of genuine distilled happiness.

Keep in mind this is also a guy who lost his first wife to cancer. That can fuck some men up for life, but he kept going strong.

Redpill me. Why are we making fun of happy guy who unlike half of Hollywood is very loyal and doesn't change objectively 10/10 supermodels every few years?

>I bond burger'd your braphog

We dont make fun of him.
We have fun with him as you can see his happiness

The lunch is not enough

>making fun of

>Dr. I need you to lose 150lbs right Now

>Dr. I need you to GAIN 150lbs right Now


>The Cake Is Not Enough

The spy who fed me

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>from russia, with love handles

casino royale with cheese

On Her Majesty's Secret Room Service

what does she smell like?

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Gibanica Pie


Like strawberrys

for her thighs only

Quantum of sauce

Fuck these never cease to amuse me

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Live and Eat Pie



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Wonton of Solice

Never say veggies again

The Man With The Golden Bun

I wonder if he's still Piercing her buns


Dr No I think we will take a look at the dessert menu actually

Pretty sure chickens don't have fingers

Never say Never when the question is do our want a second helping Again

Quintal of sausage

By the gods, NO!!!!

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He is obviously Gay.
She is obviously his beard.
That's why they appear so happy.
Deluded children in here.

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Cinnamon rolls.

KFC Goldfingers

A View to a Grill



Pierce said he would divorce her if she got a gastric bypass.


>The world is not enough