DNA Tests

post 'em if ya got em

Why do you write like a fucking nigger?

Your mother fucked around, huh.

you mutt

i dont need a test. 100 % scandinavian ancestry here

>Selling your genome to companies to be used as aggregate data.

Lol what a moron.

What am I?


Not dna from centuries ago.

inbred sandnigger

1 drop rule always applies

Luckily it won't be passed on to my children. Well, 96% white at least.

What do you think they're going to do with it that will harm you?

Sup ahmed

Clone you, kill you, and enslave the clone

It's in his genes.

Uganda doesn't kill gays. This is bullshit

How much are these? And what company does the best one?

$99 and did mine on ancestry.com

>paying jews to collect your DNA



100% American


Which company did this one?

I want all those badass stats too.

Wait, what?

disgusting mutt

>Not being jewish

Youre 1.7% middle east.

100% european you filthy goy

A fucking sandnigger lmao

Beautiful, brother.

Here is mine