Russians can't make good mov

>Russians can't make good mov

Really though, after collapse of USSR there was almost no good movies made in Russia. And even recently they mostly shit made by "academic" directors wasting state money to project their insecurities and shit on people/history/said state.
I myself don't watch them much

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_28_Men

sexy fit girl nude?

The last one I saw was Viking and I only watched it since it looked ok in the trailer

and also because it had some nice sexy scenes

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dunno, it's from this russian movie

Dis one is pretty good, though might be a bit too hardcore for plebs.

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>that one movie where the guy is walking you through the Kremlin saying pretentious nonsense all the while
That movie fucking stunk

are Americans too stupid to recognize kino

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I wrote a paper about this film in uni and earned the highest mark possible. the lecturer still shows it to students as an example

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How's the film?

quite simple
when you're opressed and there's no money in the industry the only people that will make movies are the ones that have something meaningful to deliver.
I mean check hollywood. all rainbows and sunshines and movie franchises with no meaning at all is all that you get. the occasional art school degree director comes along and tries to do something passionate and it's better than the franchise shlock but still not as hard hitting as films made in unconvenient circumstances.

>what did the communist mean by this?

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>after collapse of USSR there was almost no good movies made in Russia
1. The Return/Vozvrashchene
2. Durak
3. Mayor
4. Gruz 200
5. Leviathan
6. That last movie about a debt collector was quite good
7. Brat was a decent action flick
8. Dueliant is an interesting take on quasi-capeshit, plus it has great visuals
9. there was that Volverine-like quasi-capeshit Mechenosets/Swordbearer that was interesting visually (it was lacking in other aspects)
10. the first part of that Mikhalkov's sequel to Utomlonnyje solncem is interesting (I know that Russians don't like it, but I'm Polish)
11. Gadkiye lebedi is a decent sci-fi (even Obitaemyj ostrov would be decent if not the leading actor)
12. Metro is a very good disaster movie
13. Ostrov
14. Tsar is decent

This is what I can name from memory

pretty gud

it was absolute shit

here's some recent movies I liked or heard good thing about them. - historical drama/action. - SoL drama. Some people were saying it was good. - another SoL drama. Same shitty movie as Leviathan, but a little better since it wasn't made by hipster liberal director and not projected USA-based story onto Russia. - road movie talk comedy. Really nice/funny since we don't have that sort of rabid feminism and still can talk about things. There's continuation with almost the same name. - WW2 action drama. There's isn't that much _good_ WW2 movies made in Russia now, mostly shit.'s_28_Men - another nice WW2 action. Crowdfunded. - historical fantasy. Better than Viking at least. - fairy tail/fantasy. It's not bad, but you need to know some Russian folklore/fairy tales. - sci-fi action. Once in a while ayy lmaos invade Russia instead of USA. - historical drama/disaster movie. About fixing broken space stations in 1985. - horror fantasy. Loosely based on "Viy" by Nikolai Gogol (read his books!) (Gogol. The Beginning) - horror fantasy. This one now about Gogol himself.

That actress is gorgeous in this movie

Any good mob/crime movies?

This movie is really good

im russian and this movie is garbage

u can check this one

Is Stalingrad any good?

Other movies:
-there is one decent musical Stilyagi
-9 rota, Afghan war kino (recently the director made a very mediocre sci-fi Prityazheniye and one mediocre movie about the battle of Stalingrad before that sci-fi)

Nah, it's quite inteteresting, I know that some Russians don't like movies like that because they supposedly overstress negative aspects of Russian society (from what I know there is even that term "chiornucha"), but objectively speaking it's a decent movie (not a masterpiece like Vozvrashchenie, tho). Generally speaking anything by Zviagintsiev is worth watching, especially Izgnaniye and Elena. I've heard that Nielubov is great, too.

not really 3/5

this better
but if u interested in stalingrad story u can check this out

It's interesting visually, but the story is meh

If you're into action movies, I highly recommend "Nepobedimiy" (Unbeatable). You can watch it with English subtitles on youtube. He's got a gimmick, where he has a case and he bolts bulletproof plates on it and then uses as a shield. Pretty fun
Check first action scene starting at 7:00 in to get the idea.

There's also a TV series which is a prequel or a sequel to the movie, I'm not sure. It's called "Kremen" (Flint). First season is a full on Rambo in Russian woods. And I mean a full on Rambo in russian woods. Cop that harasses and tries to kick the hero out of the city. Still, some nice action again. Here's the 1st season on youtube.

2nd season just let's go off the breaks and goes full Matrix+John Wick
Check this at 31:00 minutes in

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Lies from a Ukrainian faggot.

>burnt by the sun
>night watch
>day watch

>>when you're opressed and there's no money in the industry
What do you mean there was no money? All communist countries spent a shitload of money on financing culture, and they could make actual art, no one can get that kind of money in capitalism without sacrificing artistic integrity to the "free market" (i.e. selling out and making propaganda).

Russian Ark is good.

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>Lies from a Ukrainian faggot.

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Those are all shit. Whining about muh Nazi body count, RC Cola versions of Western trash media, or muh underdevelopment. That seems to be all they can do.

That’s the one. Fuck, that was awful.
>No fart jokes
>no nigga jokes
>White male pilots
>Femine heroine
>No forced SJW shit
>No funapocalpse
How can Hollywood even compete?

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Sokurov is a real filmmaker, but ultimately he'll always be in Tarkovsky's shadow. The Hungarian Tarr has done a better job of taking Tarkovsky's influence further, in a personal, distinctive, flexible way. Sokoruv, like the (far inferior) Bartas in Lithunania, seems to have a persona, rather than expressing his deepest personality.

USSR is an example, why the Creator needs censorship to fight with, as only with obstacles he can create true art and not shit.


Dont talk shit about RC Cola



>yтoмлённыe coлнцeм.

Hardly even kino. And sequels are shit.

>Product Placement watch

Clipmaker shit.


Literal shit. How moscow and pidorsburg (((intelligentsia))) views rest of Russia

>no Hyperborean spaceships
historical revisionism at its worst

too white, ugh

Taking an amazing book and making it a literal shitfest isn't good cinema at all. Too bad Strugatsky brothers seem to be unknown outside of former USSR

>What Men Talk about
I'm not sure the jokes translate well - but yeah, those guys were peak 90s-00s comedy

I really enjoyed Brother, but it's an extremely time-relevant movie. I mean, if you don't know anything 90s in Russia, it would probably seem confusing
Also Generation P, though, again, it's deeply rooted in everything 90s.

>pidorsburg (((intelligentsia)))

kek this part is so true

These all sound dreadful. You assume we want to know about Russian culture - we want pure cinema! Tarkovsky taught us something about the Russian soul by making pure cinema we had to see. This is all genre stuff that's been done before, or only of local interest.

The two Brother movies were pretty fucking kino. Excellent time capsules of the miserable 90s Russia wrapped in amazing cinematography, acting and music all on really tight budget

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Same. Took me an eternity to find, was too hype just cos the trailer they cut was very good, it's just OK apart from few scenes.

> not talking about the elephant in the room

Sup Forums will never know

The first one is an absolute kino, even though I wish they finish it with the song from the starting scene
The second had its moments but the plot was ridiculous
> kill the staff of a bad american fat cat
> kill random guy who was talking to him, could be anyone
> get my friend money from the fat cat and go back to Russia
> surely nothing will happen with my friend after I went to talk with his former boss murdering a few people

Yeah, though I feel like they were setting up for a third movie where the protag's lack of foresight would bring his demise. Pretty sure the lead actor ripped not long after the 2nd movie came out, so guess we'll never know

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Just google translated the director's old interview, and from what I could gather, I was actually wrong. The lead outgrew this role and didn't want to come back, whereas the director felt that the character's arc would be better if left as is, so they never actually had plans for a third movie. Hope I got it right

Are you russian? There is no point in discussing russian cinema here.

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>Russians can't make good



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I saw them both the first week they came out at my local arthouse theater.

DURAK (2014)

I just fucking hate the sequel. And fuck everyone who quotes this stupid "power is in the truth"-shit. In th sequel the main guy guy is just a retarded moron.

Scorsese talked about it in the commentary on DVD of SOY CUBA. Initially the movie was shown to the cubans but they thought it was too boring and slow, then in the USSR the commie critics thought it was too frivolous and mostly meaningless, style over substance. So the Mosfilm studio shelved it and subsequently Soy Cuba was rarely shown on the festivals and shit like that. Until Marty contacted them and bought the rights to restore and release it.

Even now in Russia there's no such thing as indie cinema (aside from shorts here and there occasionally). And even if they manage to make something without the government or private studio support, it usually looks so poor, literally wooden sticks and paper.

mob/crime - 90% of it kek
good ones? hmmm...

Loved the movie. The russian chekist/jewish oligarch chemistry was qt.

>How can Hollywood even compete?
Easily. Those russian movies are literally who on the international market, even if they were dubbed professionally and not just released with eng subs.

>no nigga jokes
Because there's no PoC in Russia. It's very toxic there.

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Not just any censorship. In the 60s through 70s and early 80 it was looser, just look at Nikita Mikhalkov's or his brother's (Andrey Konchalovsky) filmography. At that time the censors didn't just say "no" and that was that. The creators argued with them and stood their case and a lot of the times succeed.

So no censorship at all or any kind of censorship is not an universal answer. For example, the puritans in the censor committee were against oversexualization, so writer/director needed sound reason to keep female nudity or underage nudity in. Most of the time they'd just welcome you by saying "What's wrong with you, filthy degenerate?". Konchalovsky would just shrug and say "It's art".


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>Also Generation P, though, again, it's deeply rooted in everything 90s.

You better watch it as high as possible.


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She cute

>Incomprehensible mumbling in left year
>Snorting and snot spitting in right year
>Vepr Y everywhere

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i am watching the war and peace russian 4 movie epic is it good or shit ?

Forgot to post a pic

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t. nigger

Russians suck at making movies. I watched a WW2 movie made by the Russians and it was so incomprehensible that I just ended up shutting it off.

oy vey, the Russians got rid of kike propaganda industry; the shame of it

What movie? soviets made 100500 war movies.

you know that one where we won. I'm off watching the new marvel movie now

some larpagan faggot from hatepol