Redpill me, why is he making so many movies right now?
Redpill me, why is he making so many movies right now?
Needs to finance Israel.
Mossad agents arent cheap
He is? Usually he does like one or two every few years.
He has gambling debts.
Weinstein damaged the rep for jews in hollywood, so the big wigs are having Spielberg come in and mend bridges. He makes bank so they are having him make films with alot of hot-topic issues to appeal to the masses. Genius move but completely transparent.
Aeons ago, the reptilians made a pact with the primordial beings that later became man after panspermia sent them to earth. The premiere caste of our race made this ancient deal: for so long as they glorify Them in thespian ceremony, so shall they see unnatural seasons above their brethren; a nearly eternal life, especially in the perceptions of our common ancestors who typically only lived to ~40.
It's not about the fame, it's not about the money. People ask, "Why do they do it? Why do they keep raking in the millions? Why make that shit movie when you're done?", but it's not about security or prestige. Spielberg is projected to live to age 340 at his current rate of production. This applies to actors too. Throw in some of the reality-bending properties of Kabbalah and you start to form a picture of why Hollywood Jews do what they do, from Spielberg's questionable but constant output to Dan Schneider's feet licking escapades.
Trying to do as much as he can before he gets outted as the king kid diddler of hollywood.
he has nothing to do, and enjoys being on the set and editing the picture.
you can see there is nothing relevant about his movies anymore. his prep production is probably irrelevant. he just does what he knows what to do. make films.
He wants to cash in on the 80s fad before it collapses
also money laundering
He's probably dead.
Work ethic. Something none from your generation will understand.
What do you mean, right now? The four months between The Post and Reddit Player One aren't anything unusual for him. He's constantly been THE hardest working and most regular director in Hollywood in terms of filmography, besides perhaps Eastwood and Woody Allen (on a much smaller scale). Always delivers under budget and before end of schedule, always juggling multiple projects at the same time. Masterpieces after masterpieces, in completely different genres, while keeping his unique style and auteurs themes, often TWO per years while most filmmakers DREAM of making one film of such caliber in a decade or building a filmography with such cohesiveness and integrity. And there are still ignorant cynical redditors who think hating on this absolute master makes them original and cool.
1982 E.T. AND Poltergeist (officially Hooper but everybody knows Spielberg ghost directed it while Hooper was in rehab)
1989 Always AND The Last Crusade
1993 Schindler's list AND Jurassic Park
1997 Amistad AND The Lost World
2002 Minority Report AND Catch Me If You Can
2005 Munich AND War Of The Worlds
2011 War Horse AND Tintin
Like holy shit, hate his films, hate his kike ways if you want but how can you not respect the guy. So strange a fate, doomed to be the most popular and influential filmmaker of all times yet will always be severely underrated and underappreciated.
should of stopped at 2002 2bh
Because he loves his job.
Working is gay
Somebody has to pump out some palatable leftist propaganda in the Trump era. Spielberg is usually the guy they call in such a scenario.
He could have stopped at E.T. and still would have had a better legacy than most. I personally really like his post 9-11 era, he lost his touch with the big spectacle blockbusters (terrific craft but something's definitely missing) but the smaller films like Bridge or Munich are fantastic.
More like no one else has been able to.
People arent buying cultural marxism like they used to.
>like oy vey goyim, why arent you letting muslim rape gangs groom your duaghters and whore them out. Are you a racist Goyim?
Shit doesnt fly when they cant control information. Fuck they cant even control their own shiskas anymore. #metoo.
>"And as I’ve mentioned, we’ve all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking – and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging." ~~John Podesta
It was always organized from the very top. They mindfucked us and produced an entire generation of homeless unemployable white boys on purpose.
They all deserve the rope.
make as much money as he can before the upcoming pedo revelations sink his ship?