Dave was always great, got even better with this
Dave was always great, got even better with this
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I just was going to post this, lol fucking yes
>Referring to Anderson Cooper and Martha Raddatz’s hostile questioning, he said, “Something about this was backward. A gay white man and a white woman asking a multi-billionaire how he knows the system is rigged and insisting it’s not. Does that sound right to you? It didn’t seem right to me. And here’s how you know Trump is the most gangsta candidate ever. They asked him how he knows the system is rigged and he said, ‘Because I take advantage of it.’ He may as well have flashed his membership card for the Illuminati right then.”
Chapelle is based.
Dave speaks truth to power
He's not a retarded shill he's a smart one.
It doesn't matter. By his own admission he still voted for her. I don't a give a fuck if he "didn't feel good about it". He did it anyways.
Actions speak louder than words and Chappelle is a cuck like all those other comedians.
The redpill is a rough journey.
I can imagine especially so for a celebrity.
I'm glad he's found some semblance of peace.
Careful Chappelle. The last time he went against a woman, he had to hide in Africa.
I always knew this guy was red pilled.
How many blacks will just not vote or vote trump cuz of this
He's lived in Africa. He knows better now.
>He's not a retarded shill he's a smart one.
He's a Muslim, though.
Not everything about him is on the level.
Dave Chappelle has seen first hand powerful elites pull the strings behind the scenes. It's why he left Hollywood.
Of course he's going to see Clinton for the corporate puppet she is.
He still voted for her.
Do you not actually read the article?
Based Dave
If he was still relevant it could have been a repeat of WWE in the 2000 election
is he our guy?
>He also said he wasn’t happy about rumors that Caitlyn Jenner would pose nude for Sports Illustrated. “Sometimes I just want to read some stats.”
>No recording of this sixty minute set.
we need to use our lib troll accounts to tell him to go back to africa
That's the new campaign spin. Hold your nose and vote Hillery
He likened voting for her to a hypothetical situation of actress Halle Berry breaking wind in his face during sexual relations. “I’m still going to go for it,” he said. “But I wish she hadn’t done that thing.”
Noting that he voted early in rural Yellow Springs, Ohio before heading to New York, Chappelle said he “didn’t feel good” about voting for Clinton.
dave chapelle knows, he has seen the monster, he was already being asked to do denigrating shit like dressing as women
thats why he left the industry
respetcs for this dindu
Based dave
no one is 100% based
Alex Jones gets it wrong about 20-30% of the time.
Stefan Molyneux refuses to admit the holohoax, and is a donation parasite.
Even the most based man on the planet The Donald has his weird eccentricities (John Barron aliases) and his weird lip pouting thing.
mighta just said it to avoid too much backlash. saying he voted shillary gives him some room to roast her since he can say "but I still voted for her!"
I'm pretty confident he voted trump.
lol he said in the article he's voting for her
Fucking Christ! Someone says something vaguely redpilled and you all jump on it like a bitch in heat while completely ignoring their ACTIONS.
Are you all retarded? He's defending him ironically. We all know Dave is one of the first celebrities to basically announce that the elites have their own club. His comments are just about how he sees Trump as basically admitting to being in the club that made Dave quit Hollywood and not hiding it with lies like Hillary. Obviously he doesn't actually like either of them.
What you mean wwe?
nigger jonestein gets it wrong 90% of the time
>Stefan Molyneux
Is also a jew
Oh shit now i'm excited for SNL, the most libcuck show on tv right now
>don't do that dave
Is he, dare I say
Dave knows about the pedo murder going on in hollywood. He alluded to it in an interview. By "not right" that's what he means.
So much for his comback. Damnit man
No. He literally voted for Clinton. For fuck's sake, nigger, learn to read.
Is he our man?
Just wait until he hears about Hillary's satanic voodo shit. He doesn't mess with that shit.
Somebody will have an accident soon.
based negro
King Dave.
What about the memes?
Is he...dare i say /ourguy/?
Always liked him, now i like him even more
> mocks Clinton in comedy routine
> in NYC
> 200 people DO NOT get up and leave in protest
Hmmm didn't another comedian try ripping Trump, except it blew up in their face?
Based Dave
He said that shit for his own safety. He voted Trump secretly
Nigga woke n shiet.
Yeah that's dissappointing.
I'm not surprised. Dave isn't afraid of anyone (except the Jews). He has always been a based comedian.
He means you're a faggot and trump will lose.
>Implying he didn't secretly vote Trump.
I don't know why the fuck you're all applauding him. The piece of shit knows how corrupt she is and still voted for her.
Why are you upset?
This means that retarded normies now think Chapelle = pro Trump.
Be happy that we have an authentic retarded normie sample base here on Sup Forums during the elections
>top black comedian dave chappelle endorses trump
>top leftist philosopher zizek endorses trump
is it over?
>muh based nigger
You stupid faggots need to fuck off back to wherever you came from
Calm your autism faggot
>supporting a muslim nigger
chapelle is black jesus. spread this shit you italian or mexican faggot.
>Comedian shocks NY crowd at surprise gig by devoting much of his show to slamming the Democratic presidential nominee
So joking about anyone other than Trump is "shocking"? Kek'd.. fucking liberals.
Only 90s kids get Dave chappelle
And you go back to stormfront
The left hates when their symbols reject them
Another Putin plant??
in 30 years Dave chappelle's gonna be that crazy old black guy that hardly anyone knows except us old people making headlines for saying crazy shit
Back in 2000 when WWE was hot, they basically pushed their fans to vote Bush days before the election. Considering how close the election was many people believe they could have been responsible for Bush getting elected
I never really knew that much about Chappelle, so I just looked him up on Wikipedia and
>On November 12, 2016, Chappelle is scheduled to make his hosting debut on Saturday Night Live, with A Tribe Called Quest as musical guest.
He's literally going to be hosting SNL the week after the election too. And knowing SNL cucks they'll be too scared to shut him down because racism.
Good thing they don't have to do that now because trump has the WWE base locked up
at least stormfront is consistent, you reddit refugee. fuck off back to /thedonald
>Be in NYC
>Talk about how much of a baller Trump is
>Talk shit about PC culture
>Talk about how much of a liar and crook Hillary is
>B-but i still voted for her guys don't worry
This is what a silent Trump supporter looks and acts like.They do it to avoid backlash. Plus if you have ever been to any of his shows live you would know he really fucking good at playing to his audience. He said he voted for her so he can get away with making fun of her and praising Trump without people getting up and leaving.
Chappelle is the fucking man.
Saw him for the first time last year after waiting for 15 years.
One of the best/most red pilled living comics.
Consistently retarded
he's /ourguy/
>Actions speak louder than words and Chappelle is a cuck like all those other comedians.
Yea but the true cuck is Sup Forums for jump on nigger dick for anything sounding slightly pro trump
Look what he said
>The comedian wasn’t feeling so much love for women’s rights, gay rights, and transgender rights activists, saying, “They should not be having that conversation in front of black people. You go ahead and feel something about your rights. But if you’re putting sexism and homophobia and transphobia in front of racism, you should be ashamed of yourself.”
Still a nigger with the BLM mindset
It's like you've never heard of a concern troll before
SJW's turning on Chappele and grouping him with fucking white males when?
Well yeah he is still black.
Fucking based
Legit source? He sounds pretty damn reasonable and is actually echoing my thoughts.
The shit Trump said was vulgar, but it was cheap as fuck for Clinton to leak that as it was a private conversation and there was nothing in what he said that implied lack of consent.
And the fact that the took that scandal on the chin and roared back is a testament to his strength.
God Bless you Dave Chapelle.
He said he felt bad about voting for her early.
Oh gee
This man learned from the Jews to say one thing while doing the other.
And nu/pol/ celebrates him like swedes embracing a Somali.
This board has been so compromised and filled with kikes and black apologist closet cucks, perhaps it would be best for this board to die at this point.
Dave was based
So many good quality skits
KandPeele suck, maybe one to two good ones
All that and he's still voting for Hillary? WTF dude?
>Sup Forums
Dude, if it's not in a picture or headline, Sup Forums ain't getting it.
This is the dumbest board on here and only good for shitposting.
I'm just happy he's got a semblance of reason left to him. He lives near me in Yellow Springs, the epitome of a little ultra liberal shithole echo box.
I'm glad those hats are back
Trump's a real nigga, he's going to over perform with blacks,
I miss Dave
Always knew he was redpilled.