Watching Star Trek TOS

Watching Star Trek TOS.
Why does every women crewmember wear miniskirts with stockings and boots? It makes my pee pee hard.

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Because 1960s.

Gene Roddenberry

>that episode where kirk raped the yeoman (woman) and her panties showed

>it's a "Kirk struggles to explain why slapping a women on the butt is bad" episode

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There's a great episode where a woman takes over Kirk's body and he swishes through the entire episode. Highly recommended.

you mean the last episode of the show that was so bad it killed the show

The show was cancelled before that episode dingleberry

It will be a different time

more like roddenberry lmao

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Was that the episode where kirk gets duplicated by the transporter and there's good kirk and evil kirk? I will have to pay closer attention next time

>evil Kirk
>it's just Shatner with eyeliner makeup playing himself


Actual answer: Nichelle Nichols wanted to show off her legs. Being able to causally wear miniskirts was a progressive thing back then.


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It's to air out their junk. If women don't wear stuff like that the odor builds up.

Star Trek is one of those shows I haven't seen but seems like I have. Maybe I saw bits when I was a kid, or bits of the movies. The only thing I definitely remember was watching an episode/film of them going to 1940's Earth. I love the show despite never having watched it. It seems so comfy, and clips of it online are enjoyable. I don't wanna be a fucking loser tho. Should I watch it?

IMO the earth episodes are some of the worst because you feel like youre watching a typical 60s sitcom. Somehow, being in space, you dont feel like its 1966

example episodes to skip
>tomorrow is yesterday
>that one where the alien goes back in time to set off some rockets.

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Uhura was usually all about the legs and ass but TMP Uhura was top tier titty Uhura

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Why not watch TOS? You could do worse for retro entertainment.

Maybe you're right. I've seen the Twilight Zone and used to watch What's my Line, loved both

Watch The Animated Series as well

This wasn't in the script btw

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holt shit why hasnt shatner been METOO'd yet

Yeah. Just watch it.

>Why does every women crewmember wear miniskirts

in the original pilot the female crew members wore the same uniforms as the men. It was NBC that turned them into strippers to boost ratings.

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That was the best decision

To make your pee pee hard.

It's good entertainment, and it's far more intelligent than you'd imagine from the autistic fanbase it got.

Why does the alien's head looks like a testicle?

That length of skirt just demands that your hand snake up it...

Yeah. When TOS is good its great.
The camp and production values would probably make it hard for babyfigs to get into it, but it's really good.
They did and HD remaster years ago where they updated the special effects and for the most part it's pretty effective. For example the Enterprise is a the CG model of the Defiant from the mirror universe enterprise episode.

They've lost virility but have very potent thoughts, so their heads look like nuts, I guess.

I dislike the new effects. The planets look a lot more samey - every class M planet looks like Earth, then they beam down and its landscape red-orange, like the shots from space originally showed it. Tiresome. There's a room on cytube when the episodes get streamed without those alterations.

*is red-orange

i want all the effects to be big budget STD tier then it cuts back to the interior campy style for maximum whiplash

I wish they used a better CGI model for the ship. Looks like PS2 tier graphics while the original model actual model. all they needed to do was clean the film stock

The men also wear boots, user, just their pantslegs come down a considerable length of the way.

I gotta disagree with you user. I know that a lot of the chromakeyed miniature shots had some fuck ups where part of the enterprise would be transparent and whatnot, looked kind of janky, but the CGI is so jarring in comparison to the simple set design. And they made a bunch of Lucas-esque changes in addition, replacing matte paintings with CGI landscapes, replacing the effects for all phaser fire and etc. One that really stuck out to me on my recent rewatching of the series is that in one episode they replaced an analog chronometer with a digital one. Fucking why? I get it man, it's the future, but there's absolutely no reason to wholesale replace this shot because you feel that it was anachronistic. Did i mention that they changed all the phaser beams from red to blue? That really wiggles its way under my skin.

At least they didn't do that bullshit a lot of old shows do for HD remastering where they crop down something originally shot in 4:3 to a 16:9 aspect ratio, sacrificing a third of the image for the sake of making it fill the whole screen on modern televisions.

>crop down something originally shot in 4:3 to a 16:9 aspect ratio,
This pisses me off to no end

This is it. I think they might have lost the original materials for those shots, but to be honest I'd rather deal with grain than with the already dated CGI of the remaster. Then there's the cropping...

>At least they didn't do that bullshit a lot of old shows do for HD remastering where they crop down something originally shot in 4:3 to a 16:9 aspect ratio, sacrificing a third of the image for the sake of making it fill the whole screen on modern televisions.

Shit, I thought they did?

Because LIBERAL 1960's. fixed.

I mean, all the TV airings I've seen recently of these versions have been aired that way, I'd need to check the discs again to see if they did it there or just provided TV with cropped versions.

I'm a big fan of The X-Files and they did it for that show. Both on Netflix and on the BluRay releases. Fucking inexcusable, man. I've been trying to get the DVD box sets because of it.

I'm just coming onto the end of season 3 this week, rewatching on Netflix. All episodes have been 4:3. It's been at least a year since I've had cable or access to it but say about two years ago me and my old man would watch Trek together on the Space channel and it was always presented in 4:3, with the updated visual effects.

thank god i still have my 4:3 tv and unedited DVDs

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That's good to hear.

"Turnabout Intruder" is a good episode if you want to get into the series

Much better to start at the beginning, I think. Shatner is excellent in that episode though, great at acting the body language of a woman operating a man's body.

Also watch it in PRODUCTION order. At least the first season. Otherwise there will be tons of inconsistencies between the episodes and it can offput some people.

because back then men knew to keep women in their place

A different user here, currently watching S1 without having any idea about Star Trek and it's tons of fun. Episodes seem mostly hit or miss though. Like the one about the pimp smuggler or the one about sperg who could make people disappear were just... bad. Episodes like Balance of Terror, Corbomite Manevour, Naked Time, make up for the bad though.

Airdate order starts with The Man Trap and Charlie X (which you didn't like).
Production order starts with WNMHGB and The Corbomite Maneuver (which you did like).

Production order starts out with stronger episodes and has a better chance of getting people hooked.

ok Sup Forums, I watched TNG and I watched DS9, what trek show do I watch next? I haven't touched TOS and I can't stand VOY.

Watch TOS

And who, pray tell, should I watch Taking One Shit?

BASED CRT interlaced VHS poster

>what trek show do I watch next?

Tbh I'd blast through the movies at this point. VOY is trash, ENT is a mess. TOS is very dated but give it a go.

thanks friend

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I used to have that exact same TV, good choice friend.

>unedited DVDs

i like the original special effects. they fit with the show and were surprisingly effective for TV at the time. I'm worried they are going to do a 16:9 cropped blu-ray release if they haven't already.

finishing DS9 left a very big hole, coz i really liked it. I think i like it even more than TNG. I'll give TOS a go, i'll probably like it coz Kirk and Spock and 60's scifi atmosphere.

It has component video so i'm satisfied

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