Is he a chad?

Is he a chad?

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Is that Hitler?

Ask Ray Purchase's wife


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Fuck you


you and he were...buddies...weren't you?

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Cool it Sanchez or you'll get a knuckle supper! Look Dagless you're an excellent doctor, but you're also a livewire maverick, who when he's not bucking the system, is biting the hand that feeds, which in your case, is this hand. Now I'm not about to tell the immediate family of the deceased that we're going to have to burn what remains of his body in order to close the portals to another dimension. I just won't do it. This hospital's got a reputation, which I intend to keep. I've yet to see any demons on the ward, and I'm particularly observant. So go back to your lab and make a pill that can cure madness, or I'll kick your arse so hard you'll be able to build a pool in the footprint. Understood?

Nah hes like some drama / comedy / singing nerd.

Great. But doubtfully a Chad.

Whoa whoa whoa hold up sugartits

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on-screen based, but not a chad


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Moss is the real chad


Haha gay

I can't actually remember anything about it, but the episode with his brother made me laugh more than I've laughed in years.


Toast becoming a freemason was kino

Gonna rewatch toast of London it's been a while.

On a pom comedy binge since finished peep show in its entirety

Kino voice and presence, that’s for sure.

is toast of london good?

i just finished peep show and it's the funniest show

And yes he is.

Just watched toast of london. It's good. Definitely more eccentric and offbeat, but it has some absolutely hilarious moments. I just watched The IT Crowd and Toast of Lonon over the past week and he is ridiculously funny. Had never seen him in anything else, but I immediately had to check what else he was in other than The IT Crowd because he has such presence and incredible timing. Awesome voice too. Will have to check out Snuff Box next and some of his other stuff.

watch darkplace NOW

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Uh-huh. Bye.

You should definitely watch Snuff Box

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Torrenting it now. About to head out to the bar. Will definitely be watching this tonight.

First time I saw this scene I must have laughed for 5 minutes and kept replaying. The way he just fucking changes tone of voice and attitude randomly "Yes, your honorrr." gets me every fucking time. Also, good to see that ridiculously sexy vixen mother from the inbetweeners on something else.

Oh I am well aware of TPB my friend. Rewatched that show numerous times. Gonna be weird seeing season 12 (i think) watching Lahey but knowing he's dead. Not very high expectations, but I'll watch it anyways.

Matt Berry might be the funniest person I've ever come across. His voice makes everything funny.


He's not a chad but...

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He's excellent on Vic & Bob's House of Fools

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Only found out recently that Richard Ayoade actually directed Darkplace. Guy's pretty fucking kino.

When Matt Berry was young he stole a briefcase from his school headmaster because he liked the look of it. He swiped it when the guy was in the bathroom, went home, and discovered it had £50,000 in it. He concluded that his headmaster was probably doing something sketchy, so he kept his mouth shut and just spent the cash over the next couple years.

Matt used to tell this story more frequently in interviews because it's kinda fun. But then he stopped. AND THEN a couple years ago, he ended up guesting on an episode of Community where the plot ultimately involves around a grift and a briefcase full of money, along with decoys. So now if you try to find old interviews where Matt told the story, your search results are the decoy links about the plot of that Community episode.

Anyway, here's a podcast from 2011 where he tells the story in an abbreviated way. Jump to 47 minutes.

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what an amazing ridiculous man