FACT: Hundreds of thousands of people every year are murdered by guns in the U.S...

FACT: Hundreds of thousands of people every year are murdered by guns in the U.S., a rate many times more than other countries

FACT: Places with more guns have more gun deaths and crime and are more violent

FACT: Houses with a gun are 46 times more likely to injure or kill a family member instead of an intruder

FACT: Gun control legislation has proven to be effective in reducing crime and murders

It's 2016, not 1850 in the wild west. We have police and we absolutely don't need people walking around with weapons of war on our streets like automatic ar15s with extended clips. Studies show that 95% of Americans want common-sense gun control, but congress is bought and bullied by the NRA and their rethuglican supporters.

Most people only own a handgun or shotgun in rural areas and they should probably be allowed to keep them. The gun nuts are the problem since they are the ones that shoot up schools though, so it's reasonable to confiscate all the assault weapons and have a mandatory stay in a psych ward for their owners (they are clearly unhinged or they wouldn't have bought them in the first place), and it won't be a big loss because they are usually racist and Drumpf supporters anyway.

Other urls found in this thread:


How can you know there would be a mass shooting if armed civilians stopped it?

No murder has ever been prevented due to gun control.

>Oct. 1, 1997
>Luke Woodham fatally stabbed his mother at home before opening fire at his high school, killing two students and injuring seven others. The attack was stopped when Assistant Principal Joel Myrick retrieved his .45 caliber handgun from his truck and confronted Woodham, detaining hi

Oh and and inb4
>muh constitution

The second amendment doesn't give you the right to own guns, it gives it to the militia (i.e. the National Guard).

How can it be classified as a mass murder if it was stopped before anyone died? There are countless instances of people using a CCW to subdue a gunman.


>guy shoots first guy
>armed civilian stops shooter
>doesn't become a "mass shooting"


OP is a faggot.

>that pic

It's adorable when Democrats think they are some authority on how firearms, carrying and gunfights work.

>humm that's the shoulder thing that goes up right
>assault clip magazines kill children everyday!

In the last 100 years over 100 unarmed, innocent civilians have been murdered BY THEIR GOVERNMENT. I'll keep my rifle, thank you.

LOL 100 Million

You seem to not understand the definition of militia. I'll save you the embarrassment.

Ordinary people need to be equipped to overthrow their government if it gets too corrupt. The regular army is your adversary, not your militia in that case. The right to bear arms is the founding principle of our progenitors used to secure our country in the first place.

All memes aside, there's no justifiable reason for civilians to be allowed to own assault weapons.

no one asked you anything, faggot

The Muslim shooter in Texas was killed by CCW legal US citizen

Cool, well then don't have guns. Best of luck come Day of the Rope.

It aint called the bill of needs faggot

if someone stopped it it was not a mass shooting anymore

The trick is to make sure that only immigrants and minorities are kiled.

>mass shootings
cool cherrypicking there bro, how about armed robberies?

saged cause slide thread

The bill of rights is a deeply flawed document that allows for the oppression of minorities and women. Want to trample on the rights of GLBTQ individuals? You're protected by the first amendment. Want to shoot a POC on his way home with a hoodie and a bag of skittles? Sure, lie and say he attacked you. Hell, you fought like hell to keep your military grade high capacity assault weapons even though the second amendment was written when there was only muskets.

That document was written by bigoted, misogynistic, racist slave owners 200 years ago. It has no business acting as a governing document in modern times.

If they are stopped how can they become mass shooters?

The milita is defined by US law as any man over 16, read some fucking US law you leaf bastard

One of the civilians who subdued Jared Loughner was armed. That's the only relatively recent case where a mass shooter killed enough people for it to count as a mass shooting before citizens intervened and stopped him.

Assault Weapon =/= Assault Rifle you leaf.

Assault Rifles are fully automatic, assault weapons are semi-automatic and have a pistol grip. Which is fucking retarded since you can get THE EXACT SAME WEAPON without a grip and it's not an assault weapon.

>inb4 ar-15s aren't for hunting
AR-15s are one of the most popular hunting rifles. Semi-auto, round that won't outright destroy prey, decent capacity magazine, rugged & durable & light, it's the PERFECT FUCKING HUNTING RIFLE.

Always Canadians

Canada is legit the teenage pink haired SJW with eargauges.

Pretty much this.

Small-dicked NRA republicans use them as penis compensators.

It's like a religion at this point.

More people are killed in biking accidents and car wrecks than guns. We need to start banning those first and work our way down the list.

>first google result



But that's wrong.


Wait, when was the trolley square muslim shooting? A civillian stopped it.

false, absolutely false, the constitution is the rights of the people, THE GOVERNMENT cannot violate it, the people do not fall under that same rule.

I can say that gay marriages are not real marriages and am protected under the 1st Amendment.

A faggot can get married to another faggot under the same Amendment. (literally, the entire gay-rights argument is backasswards because it's a matter of belief ffs)

But why am I even responding to leafs?

>the gun nuts are the school shooters
Not a single school shooter in the U.S. was vocal on gun rights.
Not a single "gun nut" has been a school shooter.
>Trump's a racist
Into the trash it goes.

I hope nobody else replies to this. It's terrible bait

>implying you can carry in a gun free zone

no law abiding citizen is going to carry at a school and risk losing their permit forever

learn to fucking think jesus fucking christ idiot

Havent even bothered to google you faggot?


The national guard is owned by the state?
It gives us the right to own guns, because anyone can join a militia.
Matter of fact, a single person alone can be a militia. Ask google to "define militia". There's no number required.
Get rekt.



>Assault Weapon =/= Assault Rifle
I never claimed anything contrary.

>Assault Rifles are fully automatic
Wrong. Stop spewing ignorance.

Take the M16 for example. It had the full auto firing mode removed after the initial model, yet the M16A2 and M16A4 are still considered assault rifles, despite being incapable of full auto.

>OP ignores post and continues to *larp in libtard+

>has to conceal comma and still has no argument

I just joined the militia of North Haverbrook Home Owners Association. What now?

>FACT: Gun control legislation has proven to be effective in reducing crime and murders

Uh huh. Pic related.

Gun murders are irrelevant because the point of guns is self-defense.

Without guns people can murder in other ways and guns can help protect people from those other ways of murdering.

UK gun control was passed when UK had 1/5th the murder rate of US and today UK has 1/5th the murder rate of US.

Sorry but the UK is actually worse. Not in terms of posters, but just the public opinion and media in the UK.

UK posters on Sup Forums are usually better than Canadian ones because the situation is worse over there and Sup Forums is their only solace from the rampant cultural marxism and complete lack of freedom of speech.

>Ordinary people need to be equipped to overthrow their government if it gets too corrupt

Only in america you'll hear this argument.





Fuck off

FACT: Come and take em, faggot.

"assault weapon" is just a scary buzzword made up by libtards and kikes. It doesn't even have an official definition

You guys think that the government will never hut you. Pretty pathetic and historically ignorant.

It's still possible to stop a shooting after it reaches the necessary number of kills, user.

>I need a fire extinguisher and a fire blanket because:
>I'm part of the fire department
>My whole county in on fire
>I wish I was the Human Torch, but my attempts fail

This can work both ways.

What happened to you France?

You used to be cool.

>FACT: Hundreds of thousands of people every year are murdered by guns in the U.S., a rate many times more than other countries

You wanna know how I know this is a shitpost? Drop the proxy, Leaf.

>an ameritard calling me historically ignorant

Oh god.

I find pathetic that americans need guns to feel safe, the good side is that thry keep killing each other

Actually I'm pretty sure there's an FBI statistic saying that mass shootings stopped by civilians usually have something like 2.3 deaths versus when they're stopped by the police where there's an average of 10.1 deaths.

I know I've seen it posted here but I can't find it right now. You'd be completely refuted were someone be kind enough to post it.

>deaths by firearms higher than anywhere else in the world
A dubious claim at best but most of these are committed by blacks killing other blacks with handguns

Are you sure about that?


Only America was founded on the principle of liberty, Mohamed

Aren't there actually like 12 good examples that sound straight out of a Michael Bay script?

>We have police
Good luck with that. Average response time 10 to 15 minutes. You're dead, nigger gets away.

Fact: Only cities with increasing minority populations are increasing in gun violence.

Reviens quand t'arriveras à ortographier une putain de phrase de deux mots correctement tête de bite.

>Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

~Chairman Mao

I'd say that he understood political power, and I prefer that it be in the hands of the people, not government stooges.

>Actually I'm pretty sure there's an FBI statistic saying that mass shootings stopped by civilians usually have something like 2.3 deaths versus when they're stopped by the police where there's an average of 10.1 deaths

Sounds pretty obvious. Remember Pulse last year the cops stood outside for hours while 100 gays got Aloha Snackbar-ed

> the good side is that niggers keep killing each other

fixed. Look up how many of the annual "gun deaths" are gang members killing each other, Giovanni

My state allows carry on all public schools. Even then, most signs banning guns aren't legally binding and the most that can happen is they will ask you to leave.
You only really get in trouble if you carry in restricted places like federal buildings or secure airport areas.

I carry all the time in places with "No Weapons Allowed" signs because fuck them, I won't be defenseless. Concealed means concealed after all.

lol nice quads

>extended clips
>implying gun nuts (assume you mean NRA members) shootup schools and not autistic liberal NEETs

I'm conflicted here OP. Is this supposed to be bait or are you just retarded.

fuck guys, the National Guard now has time machines to travel back to the 1700's so they could exist and be considered in legislation then

Why aren't they using this technology to stop the Holocaust?

well the part where the violent rebellion became a string of nutjob tyrants running huge purges of anyone they viewed as enemies might have changed their mind.
Honestly look at history and violent revolutions don't usually end up with enlightened democracies afterwards, it's usually some variant of a radical ideology that keeps all the weapons and rules in the name of the people despite what they actually say

I too am for tighter gun control.

Blacks should never own a gun.

Will be pasting something I wrote to address campus carry in my state of Kansas.

Pic related. It's a poster that has been put up all over campus next to a poster I created in response.

Here you go:

Those who oppose the lawful carrying of firearms for self-defense rely on arguments based in feelings. Unfortunately for them, facts do not care about your feelings. This short letter serves to take a look at the most common feelings expressed by those who oppose the lawful carrying of firearms for self-defense; especially on campus, and attempts to answer each with facts.

>no mass shootings in the past 30 years have been stopped by an armed civillian

1. That is objectively false.

2. Most mass shootings occur in places where nobody else has a gun.

There was one very recently in a mall.

First Feeling:
People should not be allowed to carry guns.

First Fact:
In 2008 the Supreme Court of the United States held that, "The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense..." It is the natural protected right of every lawful citizen to keep and bear arms. This right includes the right to self-defense. The government has no authority to prevent the lawful carrying of firearms in public spaces without insuring the protection of those that occupy these spaces.

Supreme Court ruling:
Kansas Constitution:

>Frog doesn't understand freedom



Stetson Hills HOA chapter checking in. Don't fuck with us OP or we'll make you mow your mom's grass.



Here's two on the first page of google, fucktard.

Second Feeling:
If people carry guns on a college campus, the campus will be more violent.

Second Fact:
Colorado State University has allowed individuals to carry concealed firearms on campus since 2003. In all that time, there have never been any problems caused by licensed carriers. On the other hand, campuses that refuse to allow the lawful carrying of concealed firearms leave their students and staff at risk. For example, the University of Nevada at Reno had a gun-free campus. Because of this, Amanda Collins, who had a defensive handgun license, was left unarmed in a parking garage at the university one night. Amanda was raped in that garage which actually served as parking for the campus police station and there was an emergency call box several feet from where the crime happened, but the station was closed for the night and she was unable to reach the call box. The university's anti-gun regulations served to leave Amanda defenseless while it did nothing to stop her attacker who was not a student, was armed in violation of the rules, and did not possess a concealed carry weapons permit. Her attacker did not care about the law, and the knowledge that he was in a gun free zone did not stop him. Amanda professes that had she been allowed to carry her firearm, she could have protected herself and stopped the attacker who went on to rape two other women and murder Brianna Denison.

Campus carry in Colorado:
Amanda Collins:

Keep posting meme images Pierre. Won't change the fact that you're getting buttraped by somalians and there's nothing you can do about it.

"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,'' Trump told New York magazine in a 2002 profile of Epstein written three years before Epstein began to be investigated. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

Epstein to investigators:
In 2010, Epstein pled the Fifth when asked by a lawyer representing one of Epstein's victims about his relationship with Trump:

Q: Have you ever had a personal relationship with Donald Trump?
A. What do you mean by "personal relationship," sir?
Q. Have you socialized with him?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Yes?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?
A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.


Australia shitposts.

Canda post shit.

>Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

It has happened a number of times. But there have been a good number of governments that have murdered a bunch of people in the past too.

I'm for gun control for liberals and gun grabbers. Most of them are too unhinged to own a weapon

you wouldnt do shit pussy

because the shootings get stopped before they become a "mass shooting"

its a bullshit loophole argument for liberals.

Third Feeling:
People who carry concealed are dangerous.

Third Fact:
According to both the Crime Prevention Research Center and the Connecticut Law Review concealed carry permit holders are actually incredibly less likely than the general public to commit crimes.

Connecticut Law Review:

The police are never racist and always treat people fairly and should be trusted implicitly and are the only ones who should be allowed to carry weapons guys! Obviously! Can't you see what year it is?

You want our guns motherfucker? Come and get them then.

idk Zhan he looks pretty white to me


So Liberals think police are superior to civilians all while calling them shitty shots and killers?

>mfw sitting in Utah with campus carry for 20 years

Probably because all the mass shootings took place on Gun-free zones, dumbass.

Fourth Feeling:
You should need a permit in order to carry concealed.

Fourth Fact:
Although many other states require permits in order to carry concealed, and Kansas used to, the Constitution of the State of Kansas reads, "A person has the right to keep and bear arms for the defense of self, family, home and state, for lawful hunting and recreational use, and for any other lawful purpose." Kansans have a constitutional right to carry firearms for self-defense both openly or concealed. As a natural and constitutional right, lawful citizens do not require a permission slip in order to carry a firearm for self-defense and it would be unlawful to require such permits in Kansas. However, the implementation of constitutional carry in Kansas did not change who is allowed to carry concealed, and in order to purchase a firearm in Kansas one must still pass a federal background check. In addition, those who want a permit shall be issued one.

Kansas Constitution:
Concealed carry in Kansas:


The only reason a civilian in 2016 needs a firearm is to compensate for their tiny penis.

I have a concealed. It makes you much more aware of the law. Last thing I want is to get in trouble doing something stupid while I have a Glock on my hip.

I'm in the non-Asian part of Canada.

nice job giving me an example of one massacre that happened 4 years ago. Should we also ban trucks because of the Nice attack? It killed more people than any lone gunman in history