Open the link

>open the link
>click trump over 9000 times

Other urls found in this thread:

ooh now i found something i can do while im afk, good think im experienced with autoclickers.


This pleases my autism.

+:: ExitApp
ö:: Reload

here is a real simple autohotkey macro, you might want to replace the ä and ö with something that is actually on your keyboard.

Possible to send packets directly to click thousands of times per second ?


Are you proud of me

thank you brit

yes, my son.

propably, but that would just destroy the whole thing, sure it would be funny to see trump have 200 trillion clicks more than chillary but it would be shut down of fixed if the the ones hosting it are awake at all.

on it, give me a bit
they mined their javascript but it's basically a websocket connecting to "" doing an emit("t","1")

should be possible to connect another socket in javascript and have it auto send, or send larger numbers



function start() {
setTimeout(start, 500);

// boot up the first call

Tread carefully.


The numbers currently translated to dbz:

Trump = Frieza second form

Hillary = Krillin

>tfw you can click almost as fast as hillaries count goes up



this might work, hard to tell

var test = function(){
var t, e = {
path: "/presidentclicker/",
transports: ["websocket"]
t ="localhost") === -1 ? io("", e) : io("localhost:3000", e);
setInterval(function(){t.emit("t","1"); console.log("sent"); },1);



>not caching the selector
(function repeat(e){;
setTimeout(repeat, 0, e);

I have an unlocked scroll wheel.

>set left click to scroll

Definitely some serious server-side rate limiting going on. Otherwise I could make Hillary catch up in a few seconds.


>experienced with autoclickers
>a program where you literally just turn it on
good job finland. let me guess, you work in IT?

seems someone is abusing autoclicker

I wish I wasn't so lazy or I could have made a heap of shekels from lazy clickbait sites

no, never worked with computers, its just something i was introduced to many years ago (like 10 and im 26) and have used it to do many things, eventually i had to learn to modify them, but in no way do i consider myself a programmer of any kind.
if someone doesnt have an autoclicker, download this and set the click rate to unlimited and you should be getting 1000 clicks per second

What the hell are you all doing with your lives? This is what the masterrace does with their freetime? Clicking Drumpf's face to make an imaginary number go up? Haha

You sound butthurt that shillary is getting btfo, friend

did my part



Change the 500 to 50 and leave it running for a while
>pic related

It's a natural number, not an imaginary number.


now what


Only one crt shill is clicking constantly at hillrapy.

Fucking hell, Trump is growing by a rate of 200 clicks per second.

Tabbed in BDO while processing, playing Hearthstone on the tablet, browsing Sup Forums and such on one screen, clicking a bit whenever I'm reading stuff. It's my day off, I can do whatever the fuck I damn well please.

Open console, paste in this:
var t=$("#trump");setInterval(function(){;}, 50);


use auto clickers, and set the interval to a couple of milliseconds



right side is low energy as fuck

Open your browser dev tools, find the dev console and put this in:
setInterval(function() {
}, 1);

It will try to fire a click trump event every second automatically.


It's like watching a side by side of a Trump and Cliton rally

For every click on trump one illegal is removed.

Get firefox, install iMacros and use this macro:

set the loop to 999999
autohotkey is useless for multitasking

I meant every milisecond not second

press f12 paste this and press enter
(function click_fast(){ document.getElementById("trump").click(); setTimeout(click_fast, 10) })()

Still going strong.

u can tab out and leave it for an hour

Praise kek

getting bored now

I got 100 clicks/s going for Trump


Good thing i got this.

hahaha le over 9000 meme




mein nigga, got the same one

over 100 clicks/s seems to cap, but it might be because I'm underclocked now

by god... Keks Favorite number

Inspect elemented this shit, can we frame CTR?

>forget it's on
>go to change tabs
>instantly genocide all my browser tabs

Rigging this election is impossible.

>Trump wins autism election

i can't even count the number of times i've done this.

I gave Drumpf a pity click.

Don't even need to click, sheer will of kek does it for you.

cough cough



look at my score lads

Clicked, got bored, stopped

I this some sort of honeypot?

Download autoclicker lol

if you're gonna do that, just open the developer console and type

bitcoin farm

Everyone should download a fast clicker program. I have 500 clicks/s going for Trump.

die india

sorry, meant to say
no need to click or have the mouse over anything

get on my level familia

ofcourse it's a leaf

How does it work?

fookin hell

low energy

Trump is winning by a tenfold margin.
Why is it that autistic people (who are bad with social interaction and good with machines) are so drawn to alt-right and Donald Trump?????

Thanks for the chuckles, OP.

Stop wasting time in this stupid game, this was probably made by a CTR and you guys are falling like retardeds

recorded with gyazo gif so its slow as shit

>actually using a program to physically click the page for you
>not just writing a short script that allows you to click 100 times a second even if the tab is not active

jesus christ



Poo in looie did it!! The absolute madman!