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Deep in your mums pussy
hahaha they already said on CNN that poeople in colorado shouldnt even bother voting for Trump since there are over a million early votes from Denver for Hillary.
have these ballots had their vote tallied yet or are they just going by registrant?
vote by mail and absentee ballots are assigned a part by the last affiliation declared by the voter.
They can vote however they choose so if these ballots are only being listed as returned according to the party affiliation listed for the recipient and not actually the Vote on the ballot yet this is inconclusive.
Many dems are voting Trump so enough of a percentage of dem registered ballots might have Trump votes on them which may not be calculated until they are officially added to the vote Nov 8
Early voting results say nothing about party compliance or independent split you shill.
Isn't Colorado a blue state? Now a toss-up?
I'm pretty sure Hillary is going to get rekt.
drumpf will never win, its impossible that is why their saying that trump supporters shouldnt even bother voting because it wont matter.
Colorado has been a swing state for a while. It used to be solidly red, but importing Mexicans changed that.
That sucks. Thanks for not letting me waste my time anyway,
Polls are propaganda.
fucking leaf
>early voting lead of 133
You know Democrats vote early, and Republicans vote on the day, right?
>people seriously trust polls in [current year]
What does it feel like to be a braindead retard who believes everything the media shits out?
Filling out absentee ballots, 2000 in total.
Can confirm.
I think one of VA or PA are going to be a surprise as well
they're basing their polling models off of antiquated high Dem turnouts in 08 and 12
Virginian Republicans came out in hordes for the primaries while the Dems slumped, if that's any indication of excitement or voting day turnout she's fucked there too
How exactly has he lost? Helldogs been urging dems to vote early for ages. Wonder why?
The (((leaf))) strikes again.
Keep dreaming, Drumpftard.
it's good to see Trump can still win without Nevada, I have this bad feeling that he'll get cucked there.
Votes can't be counted until Tuesday you fucking idiot.
They're making assumptions based on how many votes have been returned by voters who are registered to a party.
>not realising Democrats normally outperform Republicans in early voting, vice versa for election day
>not realizing people don't have to vote based on what party their registered with.
I believe they're just going by the party that was registered by the voter. The article I read earlier also said nothing of independent voter's ballots.
Fuuuuck...I tried senpai....It's all the californians moving in....
Guess my vote....Didn't really matter..It was my first vote too....
Maybe voting isn't worth it, I'll just escape into the mountains and live as a monk.
I'm sorry senpai!
This. Trump will never even get the 1237 delegates he needs for the Republican nomination -- It's simply impossible, as anyone with a brain knows.
Hahaha, I can't wait to watch cnn tonight to see what they found in todays wikileaks. They said I can go to jail for looking at them myself, so thank goodness they're here for me hahaha
Seriously though, all the people from Netherlands are pretty smart with this shit, cause thi sisn't the first time I have seen someone with that flag tell it like it is. Do numbers fascinate netherlanders?
Not sure about the rest of the country but I do have a MSc in applied math
>importing Mexicans
and californians
I work with a cloggie contractor atm. What seems to fascinate him is railing blow off of hookers tits...
Only winning by 133 ballots? She's fucked.
You called Hollanders Cloggies?
Why is your language so indecipherable?
Larimer County here.
Did you vote yet fellow Coloradans?
>Live in nice place
>Be liberal
>Vote liberals into office
>liberal government turns nice place into shithole
>shithole flooded with immigrants
>Move away to another nice place
>Vote liberal
>liberal government turns nice place into shit hole
>rinse and repeat
Why is this allowed?
Cos they used to wear wooden clogs...
what's the definition of madness again mate?
yea and lets not forget how mysoginist and rassist that guy is! eww
As the results from the countryside comes in, expect more trump votes to be in. Also, there were 2% more democrat votes as of yesterday so that's a huge jump for republicans.
Can confirm. And I am a registered Democrats who voted for Trump and there are millions of people just like me.
These party affiliations they are reporting on don't mean shit during this election
So the dems/feds are going to murder white male gun owners for not turning repeating rifles (the media will call them assault rifles.)
I'm a Republican voting 3rd party so he lost some votes also
>counting "ballots returned"
>not actually knowing what's in them
I'm so sick of this shit.
>used to
A lot of still do. Not all day, of course. But for instance when we have to go out into the yard for a second, or take out the trash. Faster than putting on your shoes, or having to remove your socks to put on slippers (wearing slippers over socks is looked down upon here).
Any Dutch person who does not own a pair of clogs, ain't mah nigga.
And the independents?
Jefferson County, Trump.
Not to mention those that go 3rd party
its a democratic tweeter, who is holding onto the last turd in the toilet bowl as his life is flushed down the toilet by an orange reality star.
Is it
Underrated post.
Dem for trump here.
Don't think there's a ton of us per se but more than reps for hill
Trump is winning in independents. If the dem vs rep is really that close in early voting, that's great news for Trump
Top Pollster Exposes The Hillary Fraud
It's not even the shilling that gets me.
It's how cancerous your mannerisms are.
I can smell the stench of Plebbits and Tumblrinas.
No arguments,no strategy,just "LEL le Drumpf will LOOSE XD"
Unironically kill yourselves
The article linked here:
will give you an idea as to what this all means.
By and large, good for trump.
>tfw voted trump
Why do dems keep celebrating having all their historical early votes margins reduced to statistical errors?
how do they know who the votes are for? they aren't allowed to tally them yet
No clue. If I ever make a country, I will make sure to introduce something like local citizenship so that cities, districts, and states can deny newcomers the right to vote unless they fulfill whatever requirement they want. Sure, they'll still be able to vote for president and stuff, but no local representation at any level.
But the other guy on twitter said that Dems have 75k lead in one county only.
Now it's just 133?
We've lost it hilldogs ;_; It's over man it's over
Currently, it seems to go like this:
-Assume 30% of republicans are voting for hillary (no (((poll))) ever showed a margin greater than 20%, most being around 10-15%).
-Assume only between 0-5% of democrats are voting for Trump (which, again, doesn't reflect their own previous number at any stage, instead of the 10-15% margin that was actually seen).
-Presume independents are voting in the exact same fashion as they were doing for Obama, ignoring their own (((polls))) which show the opposite to be true.
And tada.
they don't call us swampjews for nothing.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results
Denver here. Already voted for Trump.
GJ here. Already voted for Trump
>I was eating a heavy wheat toast
>one of the seeds got stuck on my uvula as i tried to swallow
>coughing ensued
>it triggered my vagus nerve
>and halfway through eating my eggs and toast breakfast
>i vomited a portion of what i just ate
>this literally happened about 5 minutes ago
a definition
also fuck that game and that shitty character
This is so true.
I am in florida and so far the (((((((((Polls))))))))), show a higher than usual democrat turnout.
There is only one problem. We know for a fact Hillary does not have the enthusiasm to do Obama's numbers.
So for what candidate are the democrats turning out for?
Donald Trump for sure.
I am a registered democrat and I voted Trump. I can assure you that is the same story with a lot of democrats and independents.
Farcry3 shitty? Hang your head in shame, son.
Although crysis3 was better, esp when psycho calls people a bellend and my burger mates didn't know what it meant.
Nice dude. No party independent that voted Trump as well... and 420
0-1% of dem ballots are stein
0-5% ballots are Johnson