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Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

kek lefty/pol/ is so fucking pathetic

What movie is this?

Jesus... Impeachment any day now


Who will play him in the biopic? And who will direct the biopic?


too red around the eyes. Looks like he's been peppersprayed rather than crying.

Idris Elba
Greg Lansky


The moment he's out of the office, he's getting divorced as well. Melania only stays to keep appearances, but it's obvious she dreads every second she is near that retard.

nice falseflagging, retard


Idris Elba/John boyega

what's wrong BLUMP?

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>tfw you get tricked by Facebook shills into voting for a literal retard to run your country

How did this happen Americbros

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Don't worry Sup Forums, /ourguy/ Donnie doesn't need experienced lawyers to beat Mueller! He doesn't need any lawyers at all!

What did he do now?

Is just the new liberal meme, I like it. Also nice dubs.

>being this fucking new
lurk more

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Because our election process is fucked and half of the country is that stupid.

trump is going to show all you fucking cucks. wait and see

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You were voting for a literal retard no matter what.

Why is Melania Trump so unbearably hot? I want to fuck her ass. I'd only pound her in her ass and throat until I'm exhausted.

Literally a whore. Not only is the president married to a whore, he cheated on her with another whore. What is it with this guy and whores?

True. But did rednecks really have to pick the guy making physical threats to ex VP Biden over twitter?