Reylo general

>Reylo general

Attached: 1512874814333.jpg (618x597, 144K)

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used to be bots, now dirtbags making $15hr

Probably the most annoying thing on this board

ye, the autists keeping in their easily filtered threads are the most annoying thing on this board. not the Sup Forums, cucked, blacked, hairline, dicksize, cp, what went wrong, oh nononononono, or jew conspiracy threads

Why is that the only shipping thread allowed? If you try to make another one it will get deleted.

It's the most annoying thing because they protect it the most, they let all of that other stuff run rampant.

>the autists keeping in their easily filtered thread
And yet you're here? Why are general posters that started using Sup Forums through a general thread so dishonest?

>the autists
yeah, no. It's 99.9% shills. Used to be bots.

but nice try shill

>Why are general posters that started using Sup Forums through a general thread so dishonest?
they're paid shills. don't be a dumm7y.

they do the same thing with Grimes on Sup Forums

and yes, used to be bots. The GoT generals from last season where straight bots.

sad thing is the bots were more convincing

yeah, I know.

Youre a schizo. And one person. Stop flooding legitimate threads. Thanks, sweetie

>Avatar 2 countdown

Attached: vwmpn.jpg (412x351, 20K)

should I take off my tinfoil hat and take my meds?

You should.

>And yet you're here?
because I'm not annoyed by it. i have a power that obviously eludes you: the power of ignoring things that dont interest me.

when the reylo shit annoys you, you could not only hide it, and hide the stubs as well, but also just ignore it.
yet you fags keep making a fuss about it instead of moving on

thanks Mr. Shill.

Might be time to change up that template.

Youre seriously mentally ill. Get help. Stop letting internet threads trigger you

you forgot to mention Alex Jones.

Is this true? Can someone who can ban evade try this out with some other movie ship? If this is true, then this board needs to be nuked

Imagine being so autistic that you feel the need to uphold the "quality" of the worst board on Sup Forums when filtering exists

Reminder they're tumblr scum from Sup Forums
Here's one of the main ones that pretends they're Sup Forums oldfags

>Reminder they're tumblr scum
hi shill

Haven't seen that in days

>we're not butthurt about a thread we can simply hide
>its about ethics on Sup Forums!

Nah it's really them. You can search "Reylo Sup Forums" on tumblr and you'll find hundreds of posts linking stuff from here
The other person you're calling a shill is one of them and most likely the person i've linked in

it's on the board right now

nice try

>why can't we take $15hr to fake relevancy for commie propaganda in peace!

nigga no one here is stupid

find honest work

But theres proof

>the Sup Forums, cucked, blacked, hairline, dicksize, cp, what went wrong, oh nononononono, or jew conspiracy threads
That stuff is what makes Sup Forums Sup Forums though and part of this boards charm because you don't see it anywhere else. Shitty tumblr deviantart images and shipping are not Sup Forums