She did nothing wrong

She did nothing wrong.

Attached: gone-girl-01_1485x612.jpg (1485x612, 279K)

yeah aside from fucking up her plan like the dumb blonde that she is i guess she did ok

She killed and framed a guy

To make billions.

Attached: Amy on period.webm (1280x532, 2.95M)

>if I leave her she'll kill me
Is Batman going to be okay, bros?

true, doogie houser had it coming.

By fooling trillions

Jesus Christ, I thought that faucet was her nipple.

Fincher is such a kink, he framed that shot so it made her look like she has huge nipples.

Attached: cunt wife perfect wife.webm (1280x532, 2.99M)


>I've killed for you
Has she though? That was just to cover her own ass. Was getting robbed part of her plan?

Attached: amy adding sweetener.webm (1280x532, 2.84M)

She wasn't attractive enough to warrant going through all that shit.

I uronically want a wife like that.


Attached: 1520862588630.webm (1920x816, 1.97M)

she did everything wrong

You did everything wrong

I don't really remember, what the fuck was her problem in this movie? She frames her husband and kills her ex why?

Fraud, identity theft, wasting police time, obstructing a federal investigation, perjury, and murder. Also, blackmail.

>he had it coming

Is this the "Aziz Ansari" defence?

Why does he keep shoving her into the wall and having the same conversation?!


same, she's fucking perfect in this movie.
bravo Fincher