The Mummy

Why is it so hated? Not just disliked, but hated with passion. Agree, there are flaws here and there but they are within blockbusters standards. The movie is actually trying to provide new take on well-known story without nostalgic throwbacks, yet still paying a homage to Universal legacy. It feels like they put a lot into this movie, all these unique designs, massive sets or stunts and much more. Why is this one getting so much hate, while other blockbusters get away with dumb action and eyesore CGI?

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I think probably because it doesn't feel much like the original. The first one was brighter, funnier and more adventurous. This one's kind of claustrophobic and troubling, which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it's not what people wanted from a Mummy film.

because Tom Cruise is just playing himself. Granted, Tom Cruise is a great character, but not a good fit for this movie's protagonist. not to mention the NotShield! organization was dumb as fuck and clearly just a setup for the rest of the cinematic universe. it deserved to fail

>I think probably because it doesn't feel much like the original.
It actually feels closer to orginal than ever. Dark, claustrophobic and grim just like these ones from 40s and 50s. Lot of gothic horror charm, especially in church and final crypt scene.

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Brendan fanbase doesn't realise there were more movies before. It's closer to 50s Hammer films one.

Because it’s a shit movie with shit acting, shit story, shit cgi, shit romance, and is a shitty ad for a shit cinematic universe? Maybe that’s why.
>But Muh Tom Cruise!
>But Muh Mummy Waifu! (Gib me Mummy XD)
They were both shit and your shitty taste doesn’t change that.

>shit shitty shit shit shit
A true wordsmith and scholar.

ITs literally MCU tier but with a real lead actor

Because it is mummy movie. Believe or not, but EVERY each reboot was hated. There were different reasons but same hate.
Original movie is from 1932 but 1st reboot from 1940-1944 was hated for repetitive material. In fact 3 of 4 movies (Tomb, Ghost and Curse) are more or less same, some even use whole scenes from previous ones.
Next reboot came in 1959. Hammer production was criticized for "commercialized" attempt. Now it is kind of classic.
Another reboot, 1999. Yes, millenials, your precious Brendan flick was hated. Don't even come up with RT crap. Many reviews are years after release. When movie came out, it was slammed with negative reviews all across newspapers and other shit. Internet wasn't that big thing back then. They criticized shallow and campy tone, often compared it to Indiana Jones ripoff.
New movie, no surprise, is hated for universe building and ironically being different to previously hated Sommers one.

Expect another reboot to be hated too.

Because it's shit you fucking cretin. Your waifu being in a movie doesn't make it good.

It’s literally worse than any MCU movie. Even Thor The Dark World was better than this. And Tom Cruise is a worst actor than a talking cgi tree that can only say three words.

I couldn't get through it. It sucked ass.

But Muh Mummy waifu, user!!!! Muh Mummy waifuuuu!!!!!!

And don’t forget /ourguy/ Tom Cruise! He’s so Based and kewl!

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They got greedy. Much too greedy, much too transparently.

>tfw no mommy mummy gf

100% right.
I'd add unfortunate comparison to Marvel. People are not aware that Universal was the 1st one to introduce concept of crossover/shared universe and they are thinking of this as a copy of Marvel.
Uni stated it's not supposed to be this way.
>The plan is to bring them together in a shared cinematic universe, a la the Marvel Cinematic Universe or DC Extended Universe. However, that doesn’t mean that Universal Monster films are going to interconnect the same way that MCU and DCEU movies do, per se.
It was supposed to refresh 30s ones, not team-up Avengers style - that was made up by public. Movies were supposed to be standalone and they are connected by Prodigium monster hunters only. Thats why Prodigium takes big part of the movie.

I don't hate it, but it was just extremely bad.

>Why is this one getting so much hate, while other blockbusters get away with dumb action and eyesore CGI?
This. It's just an average action fantasy and people act like it killed their mother. Almost no one gives a shit about other shitty blockbusters such as Resident Evil or xXx but this one gets all the hate.

These threads are made by a Finnish NEET shitposter who is too stupid to reset his router (or is too poor to afford a real internet connection) so he shitposts literally every day on Sup Forums using his iPhone/iPad.
Every time you see a thread opening with a low quality picture of either Katheryn Winnick, Bridget Regan, January Jones, Evangeline Lilly, Scarlett Johansson, AnnaSophia Robb, Elizabeth Banks, Elizabeth Debicki, Emma Roberts, Sofia Boutella or Jessica Biel with an iPhone filename and the use of phrases like "squee" or "fämälämäzoid" or "no bully" or "there are many fans of this actress on this board", it's this one lonely mentally-ill NEET Mongolian spamming his C-list waifus from his ghetto phone.
What he needs is not (You)s but urgent mental health treatment

I love this pasta.
Have a (You)

IKR bro

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I don't get it either. It's not a good movie, but it's decent 6/10 entertainment. I enjoyed much more than some overpraised shit like Lady Bird, Phantom Thread and that faggot grooming movie.

i really want to cummy inside that mummy

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No muh funny Brendan and wide opening faces adventure comedy.
The new movie is touching subjects people do not like or don't want to see such as ISIS destroying ancient artefacts, or even bit of necrophilia as Ahmanet is personification of sex, violence and evil. She killed a baby, which is very upset for many people. Movie isn't afraid to show these taboos, and I really admire that. But audience wants to see fictional superheroes fighting fictional threats such as aliens or something. It's just not the right time for movies like "Mummy", just like it wasn't right time for "The Thing" or "Predator" as audience wanted more of "E.T." style.
Inb4 purists coming up with "reee comparing this crap to these masterpieces" okay, I'm just using similar analogy, not about movies but about times of their releases, relax.
It's Batman vs Superman again. Movie is trying too much and in so different tone that half of audience and majority of critics can't accept it... yet?

upsetting, damn autocorrect

All they had to do was tweak the plot so she becomes a protagonist halfway through and Tom Cruise's love interest, have some cute scenes of her experiencing modern life and slowly falling in love with his character as he protects her from the bigger bad.
Then we could have had a glorious Monstergirl Cinematic Universe.

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I actually liked that ending. Princess fate was similar to fate of her victims - she died (??) in the same way. What I didn't like was bringing that blonde back.
To be honest, I expected generic fight, where Nick destroys dagger and kills the mummy, then goes back to that blonde bitch, as that's how 90% of such movies end. I didn't expect him to become Seth. It''s pretty cool, grim ending, closing mummy's story arc but still open enough for (if possible) future.

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It was just boring. The action was bland, the jokes fell flat, the joke sidekick was pointless, big destruction scenes that didn't amount to anything. It was practically a Transformers film.

Also what was with the whole Templar thing? Was that just because people think Templars are cool?

London is full of underground catacombs, so Paris and other big and very old cities. Templars went on crusades, and they actually robbed Egypt, so it makes sense too. Once they came back to England, they brough all stolen goods.
These are not so well-known facts for general audience, and this hurts movie's reception.

Ahmanet was a necromancer, so it was logical she gonna resurrect these, just like Imhotep resurrected army in 1999 movie.

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does anyone remember

>tfw these screams were not in actual movie

As an Ent I am deeply offended by this comment.

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I just watched it. It's shit.

>Why is this one getting so much hate, while other blockbusters get away with dumb action and eyesore CGI?
Because it's worse than those movies in this regard

>another mummy thread
>still something new
I fucking love /tv

It's flawed plebfilter, fuck haters. Give it some time.

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I liked it too. I've seen some old mummy movie before and it was snorefest. It wasn't black and white but the same story. They found sarcophagus and brought it to England. Mummy came back to life in some swamp and can't remember rest.