The Flint water crisis is the most perfect representation of Libertarianism I've ever seen

The Flint water crisis is the most perfect representation of Libertarianism I've ever seen.

The only difference is in a Libertarian society, the people responsible would be getting corporate bonuses instead of jail time.

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Really? I just see a colony of africa in america.

In a Libertarian state there would be no expectation of free water, there wouldn't have been a problem, people would have just bought water.

Kind of like Somalia. Another Libertarian paradise.

>state run water monopoly fucks up
>It's the free market's fault, guys!

I wonder what the common denominator to all these places is...

thats the end game of libertarianism: a white rich corporatist minority society overlooking a subjugated majority of peasants

>The only difference is in a Libertarian society, the people responsible would be getting corporate bonuses instead of jail time.
where would they get the money? remember that it was taxation, and a tax funded bureaucracy that did this

niggers run their city into bankruptcy
then blame whitey

Build your own river and sell your better water to the masses pleb

>libertarian society

>overly regulated black shithole run by government Democrats

>the browner the skin, the browner the drinking water

A disgusting lack of funding for minority communities?

>The Flint water crisis is the most perfect representation of Libertarianism I've ever seen.

Are you saying that the citizens each individually have a choice of water vendors and they all picked the worst one? And they are sticking with it despite all it's flaws?

It's truly a pity that america doesn't allocate more funding for the oppressed minority somalians in somalia.

More like a perfect representation of the corruption that goes on when the government handles your water.

bottle of piss

That water bottle legit looks like its filled with piss. I would know, seeing as I have a piss jug right next to me

Right, but I can't sell it to you through the tap because another company owns all the water pipes in the city. And to build my own I would have to tear up roads and yards that belong to other people, thus violating the NAP.

I swear to god if you libertarian retards would just spend 15 minutes thinking this shit through you'd realize how fucking stupid it is.


And a Libertarian society would have prevented this how? Considering there would be no legal way to hold any party responsible.


Wow its like you dont understand property rights or court systems

>being a retard

Read a fucking book

>The Flint water crisis is the most perfect representation of Libertarianism I've ever seen.

Far from it.

If you'd researched the case you'd learn that before this crisis Flint was buying their water from a private company that was treating it for them. The city decided they wanted to pay less and proposed a government run water treatment plant to replace it. The company that was providing the water countered by lowering their price to make it more cost efficient than a government run plant; but since the politicians wanted to brag that they "made new jobs" and built something they turned down the private company's offer.

Unfortunately the government run plant wasn't online in time so they had to start using an older condemned plant because they had canceled their deal with the private company. This resulted in them pumping their water through rusty old pipes which contaminated the water supply and destroyed the cities water infrastructure through corrosion.

A Libertarian just would have written the company that was handling the water a check rather than tried to create a government solution.

in a Libertarian society someone would have seen an opportunity at a market that is being under serviced and in one move can move in, take over the whole market, and remove the competition all at once by just offering clean water at a manageable price

>If you'd researched the case you'd learn that before this crisis Flint was buying their water from a private company that was treating it for them.

They were buying it from Detroit's municipal water, not a private company.

>municipal water service changes the source of its water
>to a river managed by a state-run environmental agency
>which routinely failed to use state resources to apply corrosion inhibitors to the water supply
>exacerbated by a failure of the state and federal agencies to address the issue in a timely manner

>most perfect representation of Libertarianism I've ever seen

Iibertarian societys can't exist.

uh yea you know there are other things you can do than drink tap water, which most of them likely don't even pay for

>They were buying it from Detroit's municipal water, not a private company.

Right you are, its been a while since I researched this case.

400 lb hacker too terrified to move out of parents basement and face reality, dislikes personal freedom associated with libertarian principles?

Sounds about right.

You realize that kind of breaks down much of your proposition, right? Flint wanted to switch water because they were led to believe it might be cheaper in the long run, and they were about to go into bankruptcy. When the emergency manager was assigned to take over the city, this plan was just starting to be proposed and he took it because it looked cheaper.

Last I remember, Detroit only offered a lower price once this whole lead crisis came about.

I live in southeast Michigan and this whole fiasco is constantly discussed.

I lmao'd

>Last I remember, Detroit only offered a lower price once this whole lead crisis came about.

No they offered it, after Flint said they were going to build a new plant but before construction began.

That PDF I posted covers it; but since its a government memo its a long boring read.

>You realize that kind of breaks down much of your proposition, right?

I don't see how, replace "private company" with "Detroit municipal water" and my argument is the same.

The city wanted to "make jobs" and they barreled ahead with it in a half ass way that ended up destroying their water supply.

Glorious Libera the Libreterian Paradise.


What kind of twisted logic does a person even use to call every failing of government an argument against libertarianism


>there would be no legal way to hold any party responsible for poisoning you
you don't really "get" defense, do you

>still isnt participating in the libertarian society of bitcoin





genuinely just want to read about it

Haven't heard about this, someone want to give this dumbfuck a tl;dr?

This right here lads.

it would have 50 companies competing to sell you many qualities of water

Bitch please. It's the perfect representation of how niggers can't into modern civilization.

>don't pay taxes
>get top tier civil services

You can choose one.

Flint isn't the only instance, only the most covered and reported.
Much of the water distribution in Americas larger and older cities are made with lead pipes.
As they corrode and break down, the lead leeches into the water.

This. In in an ancap society they'd have clean (enough) drinking water. State mismanagement isn't the same as the free market.

>North Korea is the most perfect representation of Libertarianism I've ever seen.

How is government managing of funds and customers who don't pay a representation of the free market?

Aren't they heavily subsidized by the UN?

How so? This is the government switching water sources to something cheaper because they aren't held accountable for a utility that is a monopoly. In Flint, you can still buy water bottles from private companies that are perfectly safe. All this shows is that the government is less competent than the private businesses.