Friendly reminder that conservashit voters vote against their own economic interests

the daily thread

>economical interests
Why is it that in the modern world a bit of wealth is more important than safety, community and happiness? What is this absolute bullshit materialism that the hypocrite liberals first claim to oppose, but when it suits their retarded views they support?

actually conservatives are for their own economic interests while liberals would like to stupidly spend on entitlements (buy votes from idiots)

>Dems think Repubs think in terms of taking things from others because that's what they want to do

classic projection

>liberal millenials want higher minimum wage
>so they vote for more immigration/cheap labor to push wages down

Hey shitlord don't assume my income!


Polite reminder.

Crime is caused by socio-economic factors though, not just economic. There's more to nigger culture than just poverty.

daily reminder that after 8 years of king nigger, the poor are still poor, and the rich got richer.

Another polite reminder.

correction, bums will have less. and wagecucks wont have their taxes being pour into bums wallet.

Thank you Fin!

My life is not, and never will be, measued by the dollar. My worth is determined by my deeds.

>It's surprising a black water town in the middle of no fucking where has less crime than an inner city suburb with tons of people
Golly gee wiz, you might be on to something there- sherlock

Drumpfcucks are poorly educated shitbags

It's crime per capita so that is erelivent

It really goes against the "they commit crime because they're poor" narrative.

What makes this a Trump idea
Either you are retarded or you don't understand how to use satire

you need to go bak to reddit. also refute this you can't

No, dumbass, KY town has a population of less than 2000 people while the CA burb has 11K. More people = more crime.

Plus, since It's a rich fucking neighbor, there's more of an incentive to steal shit.
Property crime is obviously going to be low when there's nothing of value worth to steal in the first place, retard. What the fuck are they gonna steal in Beattyville? Cows?

They commit crime because black culture dictates they have to or there not really black
In there minds black is synonymous with violent

As soon as you actually find peer reviewed studies that prove immigration and free trade drive wages down


>peer reviewed studie
Spotted the kike

Friendly reminder that even Thomas Frank isn't pushing this line anymore.

And there is a valuable lesson for you liberal kiddies to learn here: What is best for you is not always what is "right". Stealing money from people who made it just to fill your own pockets is, hard to believe I know, NOT the moral high ground here.

By this way of thinking poor black ghettos so have low crime and rich white neighborhoods should also have high crime rates
But the fact is that the opposite is true
But you stick to your narrative because your pet blacks can do no wrong

it's economics 101, dumbass. any time the price for something goes lower, the price for substitutes will lower as well in order to compete. why would businesses pay higher costs for the same labor

Where by who
Op has a shit arguments full of falseitys

Republicans are wealthier than poorfag democrats

>There's more to nigger culture than just poverty.
yeah, genetics. didnt you read his pic

>you might get less money from government or not as good paying job but
>you car is safe
>nobody will try to mug you
>nobody will try to shot you because you're white
>your daughter won't try to date a nigger because you didn't buy her a car
How is voting for less niggers and hand outs not in your economic interest again?
You don't need peer review study, look at my flag and think about UK, all the proof you will ever need.

Poorest white town -> nothing to steal

>getting replaced by brown people is in my self-interest

wtf op that guy has it all, a bus, guns and three girlfriends