Wtf I Love Dave Chappelle Now

wtf I Love Dave Chappelle Now

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why didn't you love him before?

should make his hosting of SNL tonight very interesting. I remember when Chris Rock hosted right before the election in 1996. Do they always have a black host before elections?

He's always been based and called bullshit on stuff he sees. Kinda worried the media is going to rip him to shreds now. Especially since he's hosting SNL soon.

It's next week

Dave Chappell was always based, one of the few black comedians who actually take the time to say how a lot of the problem in African American communities is apathy.


He's hosting next Saturday.

He's not defending Trump that much and indicated he's still voting for Hillary. His only defense was:

>“Sexual assault? It wasn’t. He said, ‘And when you’re a star, they let you do it.’ That phrase implies consent. I just don’t like the way the media twisted that whole thing. Nobody questioned it.”

(Which I agree with, also as a reclutant Shillary voter myself.)

norewegian scumbag didnt love him before

>mfw despite the odds I don't have to stop liking Chappelle

Says he early-voted for Clinton, but it sounds like he's having buyer's remorse.

Based Chappelle

link ?

Chappelle has been a legit woke nigger for years.

i have always liked dave chevelle

Is he .. dare I say it ... our guy ..?

he's always been based

except for the whole muslim thing, maybe he just isn't into it really deeply to know what real islam is like

Dave Chapelle has always been based as fuck

The whole reason he ditched his show was because he chose focusing on his family over his career. He has more common sense to him.

Based negro

A redeeming leaf

This is wrong. Consent means she wants you to do it, not that she lets you get away with it because you're too rich and powerful to do anything about it.

I'm glad to see Dave Chapelle get more work. After he did his whole spirit searching bit, and quit stand up. I missed him.

He was right too. Fuck Hollywood for trying to keep forcing male comedians in drag.

dave chapelle has money, his black vote doesnt count

No, he stopped doing Chappelle's show because Comedy Central had him on a rush schedule for more episodes, and when he fled and took time off, they released unfinished sketches/episodes as "lost epiodes"

Then he supposedly quit out of pride, but I expect the real reason was that he didn't feel he could sustain the level of quality of the first two seasons and buckled under the pressure. I.E. He was just waiting for an out and chose pride

I thought it was because he realized how he was making a joke of black culture in America (which really is a joke) and most of his material was written by a white guy.

It could be interpreted both ways.

"They let you" -> they're swooned by his celebrity and want to kiss him.

"They let it happen" -> they're too intimidated by his fame to do anything about it.

Trump was clearly bantering and half-joking, so I think it's pretty plausible he meant they consent to it.

And don't get me wrong, I literally think he could end up being a Mussolini or Hitler-esque figure, hate his guts, and am voting for Hillary. But it didn't sound like sexual assault to me.

His comments on Howard Stern about going into pageant dressing drooms to see underaged girls without clothes on are far worse, IMO.

Chappelle is redpilled. All he did was mention he liked conspiracy theories and questioned why they always put black guys in dresses in the media and the jew went after him.

Oh and they ran a story of him playing the race card cause he didnt want BM/WF in one of his shows

he'll be replaced, watch

We're doing it!

Consent means "allow". Jesus, burger, get it right.

Apparently Brennan (the white guy) was responsible for putting the lost tapes out, not comedy central themselves. Brennan and Chappelle wrote almost all of the sketches by themselves.

He's literally already voted for hillary, stop calling him red-pilled, the man already sold his soul to the devil and signed America's death warrant

First posts are a helluva drug...

fpbp Chapelle's dat real nigga

Based Chappelle 2020

Cutting through the bullshit

There is implied consent, as in lack of resistance and/or other signs that show you want it

Also when did "sexual harassment" get stuck right under the all encompassing "sexual assault" banner that covers everything from touching a butt to getting violently raped behind an alley

it's fucking nonsense

anyone have a link to the video? I can't find it

So you're telling me that the phrase

They let you have sex
They don't let you have sex

Are the same thing?

>She’s going to be on a coin someday. And her behavior has not been coin-worthy,” he said.

That honestly made take a step back and think for a second.

If that bitch becomes president she WILL wind up on a coin at some point because woman. Fucking hell.....

it WAS next Saturday.

>a comedian mocking Clinton on leftist night live? never gonna happen.


chappelle bans all phones and shit in his shows now, you wont find any video of it

You guys focus on imaginary narratives instead of looking at real issues.

Here, have a real issue:
If Trump will get elected, he will abolish the iran deal (he promised to do it, remember?)

Abolishing the iran deal, means Iran will keep developing a nuclear weapon.

Trump = Nuclear iran, open your fucking eyes Sup Forums
Abolishing the inspection over the iranian nuclear program is literally gambling on the future of the world.
it's a direct nuclear threat to american and world security.

Trump also said he will abolish the paris climate accord, an agreement signed by over 200 countries INCLUDING CHINA, to save the planet from climate change.
The Paris climate accord just took effect, if trump abolishes it, the damage to crops all over the world from climate change will have devastating results....



I heard he's going to be making a couple of apperances and I knew he was going to be dropping some truth seeing as Dave already called these people out and ran away to Africa for a bit.

Dude got legit scared from the shit he saw and now we know.

Dave Chappelle is one of the most based guys out there.

Dave Chappelle was the reason why I wasn't racist for most of my life. He did more for race relations in America than any other black person of our generation.

He's not living on their plantation, which has to be hard. They'll demonize him for this but he's a hero to me, and not in a "racist white guy likes self-hating black" kind of way... He is an actual hero.

While you're correct about implied consent, and this is primarily a point of semantics, but most jurisdictions have trended away from requiring resistance to prove non-consent. Not saying I agree or don't agree, but that's the current trend set by M.T.S.

chappelle realized what the hollywood machine actually is and what it would make him do and he got the fuck out before they brainwashed him

>Dave Chappelle
literally LITERALLY who?

I bet theyre going to force him to disavow trump before or during snl

Living in rural ohio does this.

This site is 18+
Have a gift

>mfw he redpills all of america on snl next week and 100% of americans love trump now and we kick out the mexicans and muslims and build that goddamn wall

Dave was always the best of comedy. Even when he was ripping on whites, his satire was about showing how fucking moronic it is to obsess about race and racial stereotypes. None of his "anti-whites" shit was ever actually anti-white.

>reluctant shillary voter
There are no words to express the amount of disgust I feel for you.

this desu senpai

chapelle saw that they were going to use him to promote lies and he realized suddenly that all of his entire career was building up to something that did not ever exist and could not ever exist: being a mainstream voice of reason that could be used to tear apart false ideology. he saw that he was the new false ideology and he died inside.

Dude fuck off. I saw your thread earlier. Nobody is listening

Everybody knows climate change is fake as fuck (except literal retards) even the NOAA knows it's so fake that they have to retroactively change their data

>INB4 He gets suicided with 2 bullets to the back of the head

he died too soon R.I.P in peace

>Abolishing the iran deal, means Iran will keep developing a nuclear weapon.
>implying they aren't still doing this in secret anyway
>implying the iran deal isn't just meant to calm down the masses while Iran continues their program and we overlook it

Trump is a narcissistic egomaniac. I don't want someone that arrogant, testy, and thin-skinned wielding more power than anyone else on Earth.

I hate Hillary's guts in so many different ways, but I'd still take that over a manbaby narcissist.

Rabbi you have 200 nukes just stop iran yourselves

DC reppin'!!!

He's the man and probably the cleverest American comedian of the 21st century. He also never sold out to the kikes. I earnestly revere his character and work.

Check my gets, lads. I dedicate them to Mr. Chapelle.

There's no way you're actually an Israeli. I can't believe any Israeli would be this much of an Iran-loving, suicidal cuck.

Based Chappelle

Oil? Who said something about old bitch you cooking?

He's always been our guy, he calls bullshit when he sees it and he's actually funny

Dave Chapelle is one of the greatest most funny comedians ever. His withdrawal from the limelight secured his legend before he started doing fucking children's movies for 15 mil a pop or lighting himself with crackpipes. He saw the machine working to wring him dry.

Then the dude lived on a farm, got fucking yoked, does comedy when he wants to and people still fucking love him. Pretty cool guy.

>he whole reason he ditched his show was because he chose focusing on his family over his career

He was forced to stop his show because obama was going to run for president and he was making fun of black people too much. There was an intervention orchestrated by black celebrities like oprah winfrey.

HRC views the Presidency as a prize, she's way more of a narcissist.

Dave Chappelle will always be based

In what way? When has she indicated that?

The chappelle had fucking everyone laughing with EACHOTHER. He mentioned some people would kind of miss the point and say some racey shit or something out of context or in bad timing BUT EVERYONE was laughing at and about EVERYONE. It was productive as fuck. It was genuinely productive.

>I Love Dave Chappelle Now

While its cool what he said about Trump , it does look like he voted Hillary, so i dunno..its not as cool

>Consent means she wants you to do it
No it doesn't.

>not that she lets you get away with it
Yes it does

Consenting to something means you agree to it happening, i.e. you let it happen. You can consent to something without wanting it. Otherwise every single dentist was a serial molester

Where can I watch this

>Trump is a narcissistic egomaniac. I don't want someone that arrogant, testy, and thin-skinned wielding more power than anyone else on Earth.
Yeah, I wonder what he has to be narcissistic about. It's not like he bangs models, has written best selling novels, ran a successful real estate and luxury goods company, or completely dominated 16 of the best the Republican party had to offer.

And he isn't thin-skinned as much as he just feeds of confrontation. Someones says something mean to him, he says something mean back. No better friend, no worse enemy.

Vote for whoever you want, but if you don't think Clinton is just as narcissistic and she's actually caused deaths(not even talking about Benghazi or her supposed body-count regarding her past scandals) but her entire policy towards Libya and Syria.

He went Muslim and is still racist as shit to whites
He's a massive drug advocate
And he's still going to vote for Clinton or he'll do a write in, I know several people who take pot shots at Clinton but is still voting for her
Blacks are cucks

>be black
>be ohioan

No she won't
Onigger isn't making it on one so why would she?

Is he /ourguy/?

based leaf

When you touch yourself at night

>not already loving chappelle

literally one of the only funny stand up comedians

Wasn't a fan of the Chapelle Show. He then came off as a flaky bitch when he (understandably) got fed up with his stand-up, his audiences mostly composed of the lot who like the Show regularly yelling out Chapelle Show memes while he tried to do other content.

No. He's funny and shit, but he's a muslim. So obviously no.

Remember, Dave butted heads with the "money behind the money" and he got scared out of the business.

They had all the power and pull and wanted to do to his show what they did to Carlos Mencia.

They even froze and then unfroze his credit card just to show him how totally they control the money.

Therefore, Dave is not a fan of theirs and has little reason to slobber over the latest Government Approved Candidate, even though he voted for her.

Keep exposing the Central Bank, Federal Reserve and "Whomever controls the creation of money, controls all who use the money!"

They will fall hard once all the working men of all colors know that fact.

I've always loved Dave Chappelle.

Mofo still voted for that cunt. I love him but fucking poor choice.

Obama's brother is funny and shit, and also a muslim. But half of Sup Forums loves him because memes

>comments on Howard Stern about going into pageant dressing drooms to see underaged girls

He no doubt has some valid reasons to be arrogant, but out of 100 his ego should be like a 70 and it's a 99.7. Also, even if you are that arrogant, you should do a better job hiding it.

But I don't care about that. If you think he isn't thin-skinned, you are fucking delusional. You are a retard. Any time someone criticizes him, he threatens to sue them, says everything's rigged, lobs ad hominems at them for days at rallies and in tweets. He is thin-skinned because he's protective of his ego. Even people who are close to him and like him have confirmed this so many times.

Look at his face when he's at dinners where someone makes a joke about him. Most of the time, he's fuming.

Clinton is pretty arrogant too. She's very smug when speaking, especially in debates. And yes, she has indirectly caused many deaths through her shitty policies. I dislike her. But relative to Trump, she's practically Mr. Rogers on the ego scale. I'd take a probably-corrupt incompetent career politician over a narcissist who only cares about himself and his family and will say whatever he needs to get elected.

Hillary does the same, but Trump acts like he's the sincere genuine guy when he's absolutely just as bad.


Listen to the recording.


He's living proof that there is a difference between black people and niggers.

SNL is almost pure fucking liberal propaganda now. I doubt he'll ever still get to host.

The most neutral skit I've seen out of them in the last decade involved putting Trump supporters on the same level as ghetto niggers.

The writers are all lefties but the bookings aren't very political. Trump himself hosted and it was a ratings bonanza. They'll be happy to have Dave ESPECIALLY if he is expected to do a controversial opening stand-up.

I loved him from when I was a kid. He's a pretty hilarious comedian, even if he has a different political belief.

Is that why his own material made him sensitive as fuck like a typical nig? Watch his interviews about how just white people finding certain skits funny would make him uncomfortable.