>claims to be redpilled
Pick exactly ONE, Sup Forums.
>claims to be redpilled
Pick exactly ONE, Sup Forums.
Other urls found in this thread:
The second one. I'm christian which means I'm red pilled and don't just claim it
we fucking warned you europe. puritan law is the only decent law, but noooooo the church of england! Catholicism!! adapt a puritan lifestyle or perish
>lol i dont believe in le sillay fairy tales and God
>But I do think Christianity is Europes only hope in terms of being saved from degeneracy and islam
Why do atheists do this? Do they not realize theyre cucking themselves? Theyre LITERALLY accepting Christ as their savior.
I'll pick neither. I don't use dumbass buzzwords or buy into superstition.
>believing in magic
You're like an old woman. Like, I know old women who believe one of their houses is haunted and that's what you are like.
>I am a superstitious retard
>but I can imply people who aren't are fat
Wow, good job.
I'm smarter than you user
>I'm christian which means I'm red pilled and don't just claim it
you fucking autist that's the only thing you've done
jesus is a fucking jew and you're bluepilled as fuck
>and posts anime
t. bluepilled cuck faggot
>OP says christians aren't redpilled
>he's really talking about Catholics
Every time
do catholics accept jesus is a kike?
then they're openly worshipping a jew instead of believing they are worshipping a nonjew
t,Cheeto incrusted good goyim
>good goyim
you worship a kike it doesn't get any more bluepilled god goy than that
You attack one of the most significant parts of your own culture and history, that specific part that protects against hedonism and degeneracy. Couldn't ask for a better blue pilled goyim than that.
it's all jewish culture and history
>being this blue pilled
Not knowing your own history is about as blue pilled as you get. Keep sperging about your own culture though, you'll be enjoying Islam soon enough.
no you dirty faggot
>Master Race
Pick three.
>concept art from an indie game
Step up, senpai
>worships Jewgod
>follows jew prophets
>calls others g ood goyim
How can someone have so little self awareness.
The truth is in the bible you cheeky little cunt m8 just study the story of Moses
>literally the opposite of almost every Jewish belief
>is by definition anti semetic
>literally the main thing jews have been trying to get white people to give up for centuries
>responsible for more Jewish deaths than any other thing in history
Good goy. give up your Ancestors culture.
This thread is a fucking shitshow
>another successful bait thread
>1 post by this ID
What is Gnon?
It is a compromise between religious and non-religious alt-right leaning people. Basically, nature/reality is harsh and will punish those who don't work within its laws. The laws are either determined by god, or by evolution/physics. The point is that both the original groups agree on the last point, or the consequence, even if they don't agree on its fundamental cause. We agree to disagree because there are much bigger fish to fry and there really isn't anything accomplished by arguing over god when rabid leftists are out causing all sorts of crazy problems. Gnon was invented to quickly refer to that compromise.
tl;dr: arguing like spergs about this will accomplish nothing but to divide and let them conquer. Stop posting fedoras and icons and shitpost on some other thread.
We literally are.
>being this historically illiterate
it would be nice to have a redpilled atheist world but the easiest way to redpill the world is through Christianity. Many of the atheists on this board already have christian morals, it is certainly the only way to keep a muzzle on the sandniggers in the east.
go kill a jew then
you're just a jewish patsy
If Christianity was so redpilled, how come Hitler was a pagan?
>being anti-christian after everything in the Bible is coming to pass
we need a crusade now more than ever
What makes fedoras so ignorant and stupid? It's almost like they're sporting some severe mental deficiencies.
>hat thread
fucking christkikes
literally the dumbest of the bluepilled
>claims to hate jews
>literally attacking the part of his own culture that defends against jewishness
the best goy
>indie game
christcucks are what allowed the jews to take over yurop
possibly the most blue pilled religion
it has become too malleable, it needs to become strong again like it once was
That is possibly the single most based pic I have ever witnessed
Christianity is what kept the jews out of power in Europe for most of its history. After the world wars the jews convinced everyone Christianity is bad becuase Hitler so give it up and make sure to give the jews power goyim.
The Christians keeping the kikes at bay became weak. We must become strong again because Lord knows the atheists won't be saving anything.
>keep a muzzle on the sandniggers in the east.
Who gives a shit what they do ober there? The only issue is if they come over here.
> cuckolic
> christian
Pick one
which is what they are doing
>if he's not a christcuck he's an atheist!!1
chrsticuckanity is what gave jews their power, what the fuck? hitler wasn't a christian either. what. the. fuck
hitler probably knew most of all that it was the tool of the jews
You meant to say "Protestants". Protestantism results in "agreeing to disagree" which leads to the destruction of tradition. It breeds an attitude of tolerance. Tolerance is nothing more than the virtue of a man with no morality. Tolerance is not Christian.
>hitler wasn't a christian either
lmao, See pic related, one of his paintings. He was a Christian by his own words.
I didn't call anyone an atheist. Are you bad a reading comprehension?
Joseph was a literal cuck, by the way.
this you autists
>shitpost policing
take a hike m8
>Christianity defends you from jews
Oh boy
he wasn't a christcuck. he NEVER EVER said that he was
stupid fucking christcuck. the kikes took over hundreds of years before protestantism. protestantism was an effort to save your stupid cuck religion yet you still like watching your religion get fucked by kikes
you don't even know the history of your own religion
dumb stormniggers, man
How's high school going?
Damn. That one picture could change the course of a life entirely, user. That one. Will spread.
>literally WE WUZ KANGZ tier historical revisionism
You might want to take another look at how many crosses are in Nazi flags, or medals, or practically all imagery they have
>he NEVER EVER said that he was
" I would like here to appeal to a greater than I, Count Lerchenfeld. He said in the last session of the Landtag that his feeling 'as a man and a Christian' prevented him from being an anti-Semite. I say: My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter." - Adolf Hitler
Hey, faggot. Is this you?
he wasn't a christian, christcuck
i'm old enough to be your dad and nice argument, you kike loving blue pilled christcuck FAGGOT
those type of people are as bad as christcucks and just as manipulated by the jews
>he wasn't a christian, christcuck
>I would like here to appeal to a greater than I, Count Lerchenfeld. He said in the last session of the Landtag that his feeling 'as a man and a Christian' prevented him from being an anti-Semite. I say: My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter.
>my feelings as a Christian
You're not even offensive, you're just retarded
>no citation
even IF he said that it doesn't because it wasn't true
Nice impotent rage, grandpa.
>I'm a Christian
lmao just like terrorist aren't REALLY muslims right retard?
none of you faggots go to church, read the bible, have plans to marry someone and start a family, etc.
all of you are fucking sinful demons that post egyptian pagan gods and live for your own amusement while blaming everyone else
Master Race
Unicode doesn't work :
>jesus is a fucking jew and you're bluepilled as fuck
What's up with these edgy teenagers posting this lately? Jews themselves got corrupted over the years because they are normal humans.
I go to church, have a wife, and two kids. I'm 29.
The rest of you get work
>29 and posting on Sup Forums
christ dude what are you doing with your life. get a proper hobby.
fbi gotta do