Did we back the wrong horse, lads?
Was Gary Johnson our guy?
Did we back the wrong horse, lads?
Was Gary Johnson our guy?
What is Gary Johnson?
That dude is so stoned he can't tell his ass from a hole in the ground. No. And I voted for him in 2012.
he's literally the worst candidate I can think of. if it was Johnson (R) vs. Clinton (D), I would do something I said I'd never do ever: I'd vote for Hillary.
luckily Trump is the best of the three.
not all the pot in the world could make me vote for him, and I'm pro-legalization all the way. anyone who votes for a candidate that bad for pot alone is being abnormally selfish.
gary johnson is mentally ill
I voted for Johnson. Live in Oregon so it doesn't matter.
>a guy so free from middle east influence he is unaware of the demon city known as aleppo
We've made a terrible mistake
dude aleppo lmao
No Jill Stein was our guy.
Lovable moron Johnson is a better candidate than a treasonous globalist or a reality tv star who will inspire the world to pass sanctions on America.
Johnson is a fucking retard
Waste of thread. This guy is only there to take voted from Trump haters who can't stomach voting for a literal child molester.
You guys focus on imaginary narratives instead of looking at real issues.
Here, have a real issue:
If Trump will get elected, he will abolish the iran deal (he promised to do it, remember?)
Abolishing the iran deal, means Iran will keep developing a nuclear weapon.
Trump = Nuclear iran, open your fucking eyes Sup Forums
Abolishing the inspection over the iranian nuclear program is literally gambling on the future of the world.
it's a direct nuclear threat to american and world security.
Trump also said he will abolish the paris climate accord, an agreement signed by over 200 countries INCLUDING CHINA, to save the planet from climate change.
The Paris climate accord just took effect, if trump abolishes it, the damage to crops all over the world from climate change, as well as the sharp increase in natural disasters, will have devastating results....
>was a literal retard our guy
Actually, that's possible.
>I'd vote for Hillary.
whoa let's not get rash now
Interesting ideas. Something seems a bit off... Weed? TBI from his accident? Born that way?
you're just buying into MSM propaganda if you think Trump is that bad. you're spot-on about the treasonous globalist Cunt Ham though
I can debay whif myy tengg in my teef n i wool win
How many Leppos are there?
I like what Trump stands for (fuck the establishment) but he's completely unfit to be president and all you guys know it
And what is A Leppo?
Yes yes, goyim. Show the world your disgust with Drumpf by voting for Gary Johnson.
lol shut the fuck up you occupy a country that isn't even yours. you're a foreign invader right where you sit so shut the FUCK up.
Iran is going to do something to your country under Trump's watch and he'll stay out of it. that's one reason I'll vote for him.
Clinton has promised to attack Iran, which will cause the same thing you just suggested anyway Israeli faggot
Johnson isn't anybody's guy. He isn't even a real libertarian, he's just a moron. I'll grant that he is a somewhat likable moron, but that doesn't make him presidential material.
Didn't he just have a weed heart attack? His own words, not ours.
that's based on literally nothing. anybody who can put their hand on the book and say the inaugural words is fit to be president.
That faggot is all about open borders. Fake ass libertarian douche. FUCK GARY JOHNSON.
He's pro TPP. He's not a real libertarian.
>but he's completely unfit to be president
What makes you say that?
Fuck off (You) filthy kike
I for one will miss Gary's autistic antics after this election is over
He is a moron but his economic program is the best.
Gary > Trump or Shillary > Stein
no, ted cruz was
No, Gary Johnson is a fucking idiot and I regret voting for him in 2012.
Considering little has changed in the current observation scheme on Iran nuclear program, what difference would cancelling the deal make other than not giving a bunch of breathing room to Iran economically as it has?
Note I'm not even opposed to iran getting a nuke, I think it would be good for everyone in the region if Iran had ICBMS and nukes to put in them, but this point is nonsense.
>He is a moron but his economic program is the best.
He literally flipped the fuck out when asked about his economic program by an interviewer because he doesn't know it himself.
He speaks like a chromosome thief.
this is literally what Drumpfs believe
But I do
memes aside i am fucking pissed lolbertarians rolled out this moron in the year which was fucking perfect for a third party takeover
one of many reasons i m no longer a lolbertarian is because Lolbertarians in the US are fucking idiots
If he was in the debates I might have voted for him, but he wasn't.
Trump is shit. Clinton is shit. This election is shit. It's fun watching people lose their minds though.
Yeah, he actually his political positions that aren't just about his own ego. Let's get behind him this time and hope he can make inroads in 2020, since Hillary is going to be a one-term president.
He ran a shit campaign and Weld is a fucking disgrace. I supported him for months and I still tell my liberal friends I'm voting for him; but Hillary's absurd corruption has forced me to vote Trump.
Libertarians should have begged Ron Paul to run.
rand paul was our guy, gary is a stupid piece of shit
Good for you, looks like you also have an extra chromosome or two, just like Gary.
Libertarianism is an ideology, not a party.
Pass the bong man
>If he was in the debates I might have voted for him, but he wasn't.
He got crushed in a debate against fucking Jill Stein, imagine against Trump.
There is an official libertarian party u moron
I would have voted for Trump this year against Clinton but I voted for Johnson instead. Can't trust any straight-edge faggots.
Don't you think that reducing the deficit, taxes and public spending is good? Do you agree with the FED?
He may be a moron, Weld a moll but his program is good. Hillary is a Crony Capitalist and Trump doesn't understand that giving overvalued papers for goods to foreign nations is great for the US economy.
That now call themselves "centrist". There are Libertarian parties all around the globe.
Why would you vote for him over Jill Stein?
>voting based on how tall the candidate is
you probably voted for obama because of his BBC huh.
Please stay out of our elections,
Needed Al Leppo or Stein as well as Mormon Queer to steal a state or two and throw it to the House.
Based Jeb compromise installation for maximum keks. Appropriate energy.
She wasn't on the ballot in all 50 states
My dad gave me the book he gets for donating to him. whats the next step of his master plan?
>and Trump doesn't understand that giving overvalued papers for goods to foreign nations is great for the US economy.
>I understand US economy better than a US billionaire who spent his entire life dealing with foreign countries
Not surprised to hear this kind of retardation from someone stupid enough to support Gary.
Im voting based on the fact that hes a two faced faggot
>hurr im a libertarian open boarders and amnesty lmao
>oh, of course ill give another 10 billion for your missle defense system mr.goldsteinberg!
you losers got btfo ages ago fuck off
Why? this is pol I can say what I want.
Also at this moment I support Trump, but as an economist I can't agree with his program.
It's funny that in the most 3rd party friendly election of all time they nominated 2 literal retards. I wanna fuck Jill though she's hot as fuck for a granny
ideology that is created in part by its most powerful party, the US Libertarians.
There are lots of others pro-capitalist small/no government ideologies, or parties, eg. classical liberalism or agorism.
You remind me of those socialist idiots who claim that the Communist Party of the Soviet Union had nothing to do with communism.
Hes a spastic
Where the fuck are his eyebrows
>Most Libertarians don't agree with the LP because the joke that is now. Molineux, Alex Jones. If Rothbard was alive he would break the NAP to kick Garys balls.
It's beyond me how Johnson, is pulling in more voters than Stein.
Yes, we backed the wrong horse
Guacamole King was our guy
I am not bothered with muslim countries having nukes. That means we will not have to get our hands dirty
Watch the video he wasn't saying that vote for him because of weed. He was making a counter point to the interviewers "all economist disagree with you." Leadership is doing something that you think is right despite everyone else saying you are wrong.
Unbelievably, Johnson seems even more inept than his two adversaries.
Interviewer: "Please describe your economic plans to potential voters, please."
Hillary: "When I'm president we will focus on economic growth, especially in the middle class... [insert generic political speech here that has been said in every election and will never happen]
Trump: Tell you what John, I've been a businessman all my life, I know how to run a business and things are just horrible right now. Everything is shit and I'm gonna make it great again ... [insert generic business speech here that's essentially just empty words with no content, but somehow makes you afraid and tired of politics]
Johnson: W-what is economy?
>it's a direct nuclear threat to american and world security.
You kikes own nuclear weapons. So they're just reaching nuclear parity with the parasite jews.
It's astonishing a state elected him their governor.
Even in my libertarian days I don't think I could support this man, he's just so...unusual.
>open borders
lmao fuck off
>Did we back the wrong horse, lads?
Fuckers in school telling me, always in the barber shop Gary Johnson ain’t bout this,Johnson ain’t bout that My boy a aleppo on fucking bill weld and them , they say that aleppo don’t be putting in no work SHUT THE FUCK UP! Y'all niggas ain’t know shit All ya motherfuckers talk about aleppo ain’t no hitta gary johnson ain’t this gary johnson a fake SHUT THE FUCK UP Y'all don’t know that nigga Y'all know that nigga got caught with his tounge out ' at the reporter and shit Nigga been a physco since fuckin, I don’t know when! Motherfuckers stop fuckin' playin' him like that Them aleppo savages out there If I catch another motherfucker talking sweet about gary johnson I’m fucking beating they ass! I’m not fucking playing no more You know those niggas role with bill weld and them
Libertarian here.
He's a democrat in all but name.
Libertarians are socially liberal and financially conservative. They hate regulation of all kinds. All libertarians I know are way more conservative than liberal.
What happened to his eyebrows?
>mfw you could roll a guy out of the retardation ward and he would be US presidential candidate
He built a construction company from the ground up, starting as a door to door handyman. He was probably very driven and intelligent at one point, he just smoked entirely too much weed and it has started fucking with him.
He's a legend already
i voted for him
>Voting 3rd party
>This is what prevented Gore from winning over Bush.
>This same shit is what will keep Hillary elected
>inb4 trailer trash neocons who support the Iraq war come to Bush's aid.
>inb4 butthurt bern victims