We found the forum a hidden network, where there is a section (cheese pizza). In this forum, under the guise of a pizza query request child porn. The number of pieces of a pizza is the age of the children in the photographs. In connection with the latest events around the elections in the United States and leaks where the pizza is often referred to, it could be interesting.
Cheese Pizza
Other urls found in this thread:
Damn it, why do Sup Forumsaks have to ruin everything good?
Poles have always been a fag
Give me 12-14 slices or I'll call the feds on ya mike
Fuck off you Russian degenerate
Come on. Why are you so rude? worried due to the fact that Hillary bitch suck the election?
Or maybe you're a fan of cheese pizza?
i always found it strange when guys bought one slize of pizza
they are different Perverts.
I cannot trust a russian. Can somebody else find info on this besides the Kremlin?
As far as I know, russian 2ch is not funded by the Kremlin (or at least not yet).
You can verify yourself.
>exposes CP forum
Genuine question:
What the fuck is wrong with these people? Are they born this way?
Maybe its Maybelline
Bad childhoods and extreme addiction to porn
What if they just want real pizza?
I heard at one point that people who are pedophiles are more likely to be caring to opposite gender adults because the child nurturing and sexual attraction parts of their brains are backwards idk it could be bullshit though
I've always thought it was probably Maybelline.
By the way I know a place that serves 6 or 7 slices of pizza at a time for about an hour. Anyone want to come with?
Makes me wonder why there would be so many requests for pizza "with no sausage" in there. Are there that many vegetarians on the deep web?
How about them hot dogs guiz??
sausage is often haram or non-kosher, maybe they're just really diverse
Hot dogs with buns, right? I don't want to get jewed out of a bun.
$65000 pizza? ORLY?
They would call a pizza place obviously. Fuck user.
The AMOUNT of slices is the AGE they want the kids to be.
KILL THEM! Fucks sake! Hang them!
So is it just people requesting images to be sent to them? Or are they being hosted on that website also
Imagine being the fed who has to look at this shit. They would never be the same, scarred for life.
report this shit to the FBI
I thought it was the price they were willing to pay.
Do you realize where you are? 4 chan used to the main pedo hunting grounds and the whole cheese pizza thing was started here
You guys already called the FBI right?
Fuck you oldfag
Sexual abusers were usually sexually abused themselves.
Anthony Weiner, pls go
FBI told me they were already fukken saving it as fast as manpower would allow for on a weekend.
i'm scared for my country......
Tons of pre-existing evidence of global pedo-ring implicating governments and etc.:
Podesta e-mails make mention of Comet Ping Pong, "family-friendly" restaurant/venue with ping-pong for kids:
Comet Ping Pong owned by James Alefantis, once listed 49th "most influential" person in DC by GQ:
James Alefantis cought in love triangle with chief of Media Matters, David Brock; Allegations of blackmail
>“Get served at Comet Ping Pong, a hipster-heavy pizza parlor in the Upper Northwest with rough concrete walls, bathrooms hidden behind secret panels, and table tennis galore. Thin crust pies from the wood-burning oven are as much of an attraction as the regularly scheduled live bands.”
Podesta e-mail with HRC pizza logo says to donate to "PizzaPAC.com" registered to one JZ Drizin; Most recent tweet is retweet from Pizza Packet, company that sells and delivers nothing but seasoning packets for pizza
Address listed for Pizza Packet goes to post office. Address listed for a sponsor of a Pizza Packet contest (762 Park Place, NYC, NY) goes to pic related; Pizza Packet is owned by "Itchie Gross"; Richard "Itchie" Gross LinkedIn profile has picture of a commercial jet
Address for "Dr. Itcuie Gross, MD," who does not seem to have an NPI number, goes to 533 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, NY; Does not look like a doctor's office; two young children can be seen at the entrance
Angels of Love Deals From Heaven deals with Haitian kids, based in FL; Follows Pizza Packet on Twitter
Address: 15592 NE 15th Ave, North Miami Beach FL
Google Maps indicates that it is the only house on the street with all windows barred; Does not look like a business of any sort
Laura Silsby and Charisa Coulter, women who planned to start an orphanage, New Life Children's Refuge, in the Dominican Republic; Arrested with several children in Haiti; Huma e-mailed HRC with regular updates; Silsby represented by attorney convicted of sex trafficking; Allowed to leave the country
WikiLeaks e-mail discusses pricing of transporting children
>people requesting images to be sent to them?
This. They used to have a dedicated board for that on that chan, named /cp/, if any of you guys have been to torchan before, you might remember it. Apparently, that board got deleted and now it's just this. Still, same pizza references for the same thing.
Literally a pizza ordering service.
The company couldn't afford a decent domain name that's it.
Back to /x/
they often lie about being sexually abused as an excuse, theyre deranged manipulators.
seems the alphabets need to set up some servers again.
They already know more than us, and so do the NYPD, NSA, CIA, DIA, MI6, MOSSAD etc.
We can't do much else
I don't care but they need to be shot on sight
The phrase was not started here. Pedos have always used code words with other pedos and food words are a go-to, just as they are for drugs and other commodities.
loli with tied up hair...
This is interesting stuff, but I'm still not convinced it's a child sex ring. However, it is obviously NOT about food either. This bears investigation, just don't get tunnel vision. This is code for something, and it probably isn't anything good.
Yes, it's actually a gambling ring!
>I need a .onion email to command "pizza"
t. pedophiles
>russian onion pedo board
>russian witch satanic pedo kidnapping ringleader
>"I love my russian onions"
>disturbing sidewalk chalk art made by ritually abused russian orphans
Boohoo! this shot is not even that bad, if u dig deeper u will find cp chans with hardcore webms such as scatcp and necrohurtcore shit but i will naught post the onion cuz its gross as shit ;)
Posting an image of links...
>command pizza
>tfw you're in the pizza/hotdog business
This building is sandwiched between 2 schools
Let that set in for a second
Based Russiabro fighting CP, good job
so you're posting the address of a .onion chan which seems to be a CP site ?
WTF is wrong with you?
>14 Slices
>14 Pieces
>14 Pisces (meaning fishes in latin)
It all makes too much sense
DOES THAT SAY "MAP" underneath the girls head???
map as in minor attracted person?
how fucking old is this?
I remember seeing this on Sup Forums like 5 yeasrs ago
If you can somehow prove this site is in connection with podesta & co. then you have something but if not it's literally fucking nothing. There are thousands of these boards and services on Tor, what makes this one special? hard candy has literally always been pizza
Anyway my contention is that hotdogs and pizza are drugs, not children
Fucking STRATFOR, I knew it
Abu is a fucking sellout though.
It was this email that convinced me about a child sex ring going on here, coupled with the supposed double meanings of those words....
10-14 slices... umm... that's perfectly normal?
good lord
To whom do we report this?
I see that
idk if we're reading too much into it, but the other illegible writing seems arbitrary
Go to tor and see for youself.
Nope, you don't, 'cause I took that screen myself this evening.
>e-mail also use the same codename and apparently it's CP
B-but my friends told me Hillary and her friends were fighting degeneracy
Extreme porn addiction.
does this tie into the "map" on the handkerchief? das a hole nother level
That he is, we don't get Kremlin funding though. All the disadvantages with none of the benefits.
>it could be interesting.
not really.
and if thats all you managed to find, you suck at searching
why would they need to use code words on tor you fucking slavmonkey
sage this thread
You know what, I didn't really believe the pizza/pasta stuff in the emails and I still really don't buy it.
But this is hard to explain as anything even remotely decent. This I'm willing to accept as probably true.
Rev up those gas chambers, or at least report this.
that's useless
>why would they need to use code words on tor you fucking slavmonkey
>implying TOR itself is truly safe
I think it's the name of the goddess she invokes in that comet ping pong pizza party video.
It's what she teaches the little children.
>tfw the job you were born to do is back in demand
I'm Christened Robert, which means famed, bright and shining. Deus Vult!
babbys first deep web? fuck off newfag
>Anyway my contention is that hotdogs and pizza are drugs, not children
>Pizza for an hour.
Bump this tred with Pepe's cheese pizza.
yeah no shit
this is what happens on the darknet
literally 0 chance any of these people are politicians though, they have their own fucking channels for shit like this
i aint clickin that shit nigga.
also, how dumb to you assholes have to be to fall for psy-ops every 5 minutes.
that's how anonymous shit works.
YOu can prove whose putting it out there.
You dont know if its agents posing as a group and doing illegal shit to make the group look bad or what.
Linking onion shit doesn't prove anything other than you're a faggot.
what email number is this? who would fly food out of a city? it'd be stale and cold by the time you could eat it..
wired doesn't spell weird
What, you don't eat 10 to 14 slices of pizza, but you're not exactly sure how many slices it will be?
When I order pizza, I'm usually like, "oh any kind of pizza will do could you bring maybe somewhere between 9 and 13 slices, whatever size pizza you have on hand? thanks"