>Hillary gets arrested tomorrow
>Democrats are desperate, turn to Bernie as last hope
>he beats Trump in a landslide
Hillary gets arrested tomorrow
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After he easily rolled over and sold out? Not sure about that.
Why would she get arrested tomorrow?
Bernie will get arrested along with her considering he was paid off from the beginning.
>trumo pays him off becuase bernie is controlled oppostion
it doesn't matter if Hillary is arrested, she's still on the ballot. You can't legally change the names on the ballot this late in the election cycle (or logistically since they've pretty much all been mailed out by now)
The only way Bernie wins is if 40% of the US writes him in
Sorry but who's on the ballots
>why should Hillary Clinton be arrested at any time
Do you faggots actually think Hillary will get arrested 2 days before the election? Wow
Bernie was a DNC plant meant to get millennial voters ready to go for hillary
hillary will get arrested just as trump wins florida
>reddit reads absolutely the same as Sup Forums
>even obsess over the same retarded nothings like pasta and pizza
Hillary will never get arrested.
The bitch is cornered.
Win or lose, she loses. Too many rank and file now know the disgusting adn depraved truth about her.
She's only staying in because she it THAT fucking guilty.
I suspect 2017 will the year of the first public hanging in the US in quite some time.
Yes she will. Check em
id be 100% behind that
Dem are some shit digits. Here check mine.
I say the bitch is executed.
If my digits repeat he wins with a miracle
Hmm. No gets. It's official, she 'kills herself'. The rest of the pedos walk.
As a (formerly) staunch Sanders supporter, he's damaged goods now. No brakes on this train, fuckers!
kek has spoken, Trump is the one
As if Bennie was ever in it for the position.
A Jew is gonna Jew.
There's always a second chance
He didn't destroy America in a pedophilic antichrist donnie darko berenstain time machine? Good for him. I thought hillary was supposed to be arrested 600 times by now. And arrested today
Would love to see the carrot dangled in front of the bernouts faces just to have it ripped away one last time
LOL she won't get arrested, she's gonna win the election in a few days and be guaranteed safety
>Hillary gets arrested tomorrow but it's too late to change the ballot
>Democrats become disheartened and vote for 3rd parties
>plenty still vote Hillary anyway
>no candidate gets to 270, vote turned to the house
>cuckservatives in the house elect Jeb
More likely scenario:
>Hillary gets arrested
>Bernie agrees to serve her sentence
Back to plebbit with ye, knave
i would nonironically be more ok with this than a hillary presidency
No but she will be convicted she will Jew her way out of it citing her health.
I'd still take grandpa Trotsky over Shilldawg any day.
Jeb! landslide incoming, just look at the polls
I dunno man. This country's become so emasculated that we can't treat criminals like criminals especially in a public display because of all this PC shit.