Trump can't win

Clinton can now rely on 268 electoral votes, still far ahead of Trump's 204. She only needs one more swing state to win but Trump needs all of them.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Hillary turning a single state from blue to red


Ugh it sucks... I'm getting really worried

Sigh...guess I'll just have to embrace feminism and progressive politics...

It's okay...I mean we white guys have been running the World since the beginning of time...I don't mind having a female president..

Sadly binyamin is right...

We would have been way better off with Rubio...

>(((That name)))

What does his name have to do with anything?



If your ears stick out that much you better hope you don't lose your hair at 21 and have to start a buzz cut.

Damn recessive Jew genes.

nothing, now go back to sleep like a good goy

Comfy revolution incoming

What the hell are you talking about?? Good goy? You mean boy?

Fuck off. I'm most likely older than you

Hillary is already ahead by over one million votes in florida from absentee ballots meaning drumpf already lost.

Trump BTFO.

If he accepted David Duke's assistance, he would have won the votes of the "I'm not racist but..."

How exactly is she supposed to get 268 without Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania? Is she gonna take Kentucky or something?

Shhhhh.. Don't worry about it goy.

>yes yes fuck off and be a good goy

hush now


Is this some kind of inside joke?

>When it's your first day

>What the hell are you talking about?? Good goy? You mean boy?
>Is this some kind of inside joke?

Jesus Christ I can just envision a hellish war scenario with CTR desperately drafting new recruits sending them straight to the battlefield without any proper training in the art of meme warfare.

Never mind you don't need to understand. Now what about a nice big glass of tab water and some Netflix? Oy I hear the new Luke Cage series is pretty good

>I was eating a heavy wheat toast
>one of the seeds got stuck on my uvula as i tried to swallow
>coughing ensued
>it triggered my vagus nerve
>and halfway through eating my eggs and toast breakfast
>i vomited a portion of what i just ate
>this literally happened about 5 minutes ago

I think the assumption that 200+ votes are garunteed for democrats is false

That's just dumb even if trump loses there will be old about his candidacy for decades

What a fuckwit

>ctr have been sending new recruits out after sacrificing the older ones

It's just salty fucking liberal kikes who will be sore about this election until the end of time.

Once the memory of what really happened starts to fade there will be stories of Trump executing people in the streets right before the election, it'll be the holocaust 2.0

Every time an event threatens their power it's demonized for the next two decades while actual atrocities like the fucking genocide that took place in china 50 years ago are ignored and forgotten becuase they're not politically useful against the unwashed mass of retards and lemmings that make up half of America.

Luke cage is actually pretty good

Next two centuries*

According to Nate Silver, who votes democrat and has a bias for democrats, Trump only needs one state to win.

> record
> NOT corrected

> Clinton needs just one more swing state
> Clinton can easily win another swing stage

a fucking fallacy from a fucking leaf

i swear to god if hillary wins, everybody will type "NO WALL" in every post, every thread

i will see it and laugh

So sick of seeing NC mapped as blue.

We've been literally shit on by liberals for half a year, I fucking refuse to believe we go blue this election.

That fucking cunt mayor of Charlotte and her Goddamn can of social worms.


Yes, yes! I knew you were a good little goy!

Typical reddit lurker here, but this CTR shit is hillarious. Way easier to spot them here then there

>meme warfare
that's just anti-semitism 101. not a meme.


Good goy is literally the definition of a meme.


stupid leaf

according to you, if Trump wins all the swing states, then he wins the election

this would be opposite of the meaning of the word can't

Where is this negativity coming from? Her campaign is in free fall. She is probably going to jail.

The death throes of a dying culture.

The short lived social obsessed generation that will never breed itself into the future.

You can suck my huge French cock, you degenerate son of Europe.

"I'm not going to respond to the content of the post, I'm going to shift the discussion to something else, an area where I feel more in control" - you

>Trump can't win unless he wins, it's impossible

Yeah, let me just argue against his witty observation.

Really should have made me think.

The case has been reopened, The media is largely abandoning her. Seems like most people have resigned themselves to the inevitable, you should too, shill.

Ok because everyone else is assholes.

>Jewish name guy
>Jewish name guy's are always liberal shills
>goy is non Jewish name guys
>Jewish name guys manipulate and lie to non Jewish name guys
>Jewish name guys run newspaper publishing social media and can lie to and manipulate huge amounts of non Jewish name guys
>Jewish name guys are, on Sup Forums, used symbolically to refer to the establishment and anything that guides or manipulates (or at least attempts to) social thought

If you're just new, congrats, I've given you the red pill.
If you're trolling, kindly go to hell.

Virginia is the key.
>trump only needs one state to win.
All swing states
Media hate Clinton because she is boring.

So all you've managed to muster up a response to after almost 50 posts is backpedaling on your original impossible statement and

>Media hate Clinton because she is boring.