I hate the BBC. You do know why they wrote it this way, don't you? Bloody BBC.
'Donald Trump carries a "cute" baby'
yeesh, thats pretty bad
Just making sure it wasn't just me.
But it is a cute baby.
Because white babies aren't cute.
Apparently thinking a baby is cute is synonymous with child molestation, according to liberals.
Why do you and anyone else give BBC clicks anymore? I hope you don't pay for their service as well.
All babies are cute! A baby spider is cute for fuck sake lads.
But that means *even* baby Trumps are cute. Lefties.
I do. I'm too polite to not. I got the Brits bad, senpai.
>Britains main news outlet is literally called BBC
Dude ...
Why? Are they questioning the validity of the baby's cuteness? Why is this news?
Saying he's a pedo
can someone do a face swap now please
>Brits are legally required to financially support the BBC
bc trumps a savage, didnt you hear him?
i fucking love this picture ahhaahah
Did they just assume its gender?
Isnt the baby only 1? It isnt old enough to choose one (or more).
Why is that bad?
Put trumps face on that baby
Are you retarded? No wonder the sand niggers are walking all over you horse toothed doormats. And you haven't even started A50!
in mspaint