Be starving for a decent TV series

>be starving for a decent TV series.
>a friend suggests I watch pic related.
>start watching pilot episode.
>the protagonist is a strong fearless womyn that works as an FBI analyst.
>married to a beta nu-male that doesn't work and stays at home acting as a housewife, constantly being ordered to do every domestic chore.
>together they are trying to adopt a niglet child.
>The words "gender neutral" are uttered less than 15 minutes in.
>show instantly dropped.

Can you still enjoy anything after swallowing the red pill Sup Forums? I want off this ride, but I know there is no way back.

its a good show loser.

You'd probably enjoy that new super girl show

>>married to a beta nu-male that doesn't work and stays at home acting as a housewife, constantly being ordered to do every domestic chore.

kek almost willed it

>>he didn't find out that the husband is actually a true alpha international assassin

little does she know....

Can i go 3 for 3 kek please?


TV is blue pill

Watch Lilyhammer. A genuinely nationalist show that's funny as hell and makes fun of Muslims and liberals. Imagine if Donald Trump was a NY mobster who moved to Norway and plowed through socialist cuckery to found a good old fashioned American business empire. Good stuff.

>HBOs Rome if you have not already it has strong Male leads.
>Marco polo, the first season is gud, the 2nd is ok.
>Band of Bros/The Pacific
>The first 3 seasons of Vikings
>Black Sails
>Lost old but gud
Not too many new good shows that I can think of

Keep watching. People on that show aren't always what they seem. It's a solid 7/10 show overall. Has a few really weak eps and story archs later on though.

Black Jesus
Trailer Park Boys

Blacklist got really fucking shitty about halfway through season one I quit. Try not to be so easily triggered though, you sound like the sjws.

>husband is a true alpha assassin
>woman fbi agent cannot accomplish anything without the help of her male partners/other male main character
>evil jewish cabal running the government and all it's actions
what are you talking about user

You just fucking blue pilled yourself OP. That show is WAAAYY redpilled.

Let's see... That numale house husband? He's nothing but beta. Alpha as hell fucking mutha fucker as you will discover.
Elizabeth, the strong fem you talking about? She's constantly being bailed out and rescued by the anti-hero, Reddington. I can literally go on forever about that show.

Just keep thinking, nothing is as it seems. It's is truly a great series.

I know you are probably trying to be sarcastic, but I have already stumbled upon a clip from that show where cucked-beta-flash shows up and gets brutally btfo by a villain, only to be saved from certain death by the protagonist.

Not true. Some shows still manage to keep themselves distant from having a political agenda. Some others even manage to be redpilled, like the new X-files season which had an episode very critical of mudslimes. But there are so few of them unfortunately. The TV series entertainment platform mostly spawns aberrations conceived to affirm and reinforce liberal beliefs.

It is too unrealistic to believable. Unrealistic itself is fine for fantasy setting but it is not fantasy.

>Unrealistic itself is fine for fantasy setting but it is not fantasy.
I like this concept.

I feel that there are two types of unrealism:
1. The story is set in a universe which contains certain elements of fantasy that do not exist in our universe, and that are important for establishing the setting or plot of the story. eg. magic, dragons, etc.

posting quickly to stop archive

2. The story, in subtle ways not central to the setting or plot, violates certain laws of physics or reason. This is especially disruptive in stories which are intended to take place in a universe congruent to our own.

The first type is okay, the second is not.

>Trailer Park Boys

Found the retard. I bet you also watch sports and have pictures of niggers on your wall.

Waiting for S2 of The Expanse. They'll probably ruin it though.

Im still going to finish it though, if they ever even do finish it.

>married to a beta nu-male

keep digging

Topkek show is redpilled af keep watching everything you think about the show is wrong. Reddington is red pilled as fuck, liz is kind of a dumb bitch though but Tom Keen is more of boss than you think dudes undercover the whole marriage is a sham hes part of a network of orphans that are trained in black ops level espionage but doesnt work for governement

(((cabal))) guy looks like john podesta

FUcking kek I never noticed that before

Get better friends

This show helps me fall asleep, almost as well as How its Made

Then you need to watch Black Sails OP. It's an andrenaline packed naval warfare saga about Pirates that are definitely not fucking each other up the ass and do not have a 19 year old hot blonde girl in charge of them and their pirate island.

10/10 would part those waters again