How will Sup Forums recover ?
How will Sup Forums recover ?
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His books fucking suck anyways.
On b5 Danny poop quote
>I campaigned for John Anderson in 1980
...For someone who writes political corruption so well I thought he'd be able to smell it in real life.
This man is either completely fucking retarded or bought-off. Considering his show / books are known to millions, I'm betting it's the latter.
I always take my political advice from people who don't know shit about modern politics and have spent their entire, diabetic adult lives creating imaginary fantasy worlds so people can escape from the shitty lives made shittier by the very politician he's defending.
Stop trying to be a pundit and write the fucking books Martin! You owe us two and your fat ass isn't going to last much longer. Nobody cares what you think about politics, we want stories about dragons and shit.
Top Pollster Exposes The Hillary Fraud
He is fat who cares. Fat individuals are not people, they should be burnt to produce energy.
Isn't it weird that writers of conservative fiction always end up being leftist cucks? The GoT books are pretty conservative, they're all about the individual vs corrupt abuses of political power. I mean the Lannisters are basically Democrats.
Cancer-free link.
Typical New Mexican Filth
Can't write for the last 10+ years.
Gets money shilling for hillary
he might try putting that effort into finishing his series
>de Niro
>now Martin
Perhaps he should finish the books instead of getting involved in politics.
>the more she drank the more she shat
Meme author.
>For someone who writes political corruption so well I thought he'd be able to smell it in real life.
Hes smart enough to know most of the cucks that buy his books are shillary supporters
Damn I used to like Lord of the Rings.
Camp HRC have their own Red Priestess, of course he's a fan. It validates his fables.
>not supporting Stannis
Are you actually serious though?
good luck getting them. he lied ceaselessly about the last one's progress.
>write a book partially about how people with power use it unjustly and not for the benefit of the people they're suppose to protect
>defend Hillary Clinton
This guy should stick to what he knows, and by that I mean eating himself to an early grave.
I thought those were made by the Harry Potter bitch?
Tolkien help us please. Come back.
I'm reading The Mote in God's Eye right now. Good classic redpilled SF.
While I like Martin as a person and his work Game of Thrones, his own cognitive dissonance is staggering.
Weiner IS a pervert.
Hillary IS corrupt.
So Trump isn't just "mud slinging' when he says those things about them. They ARE truth and facts.
The very "truths" he claims Hillary has in her ads are all taken out of context and are stretched truth at the least and flat out lies at the most (I know what commercials he's talking about because I'm in PA and we're constantly being bombarded by political ads too.)
It disappoints me when people who's work I like, don't align with my views.
George is an old school liberal Democrat, he doesn't understand that the regressive left will come for him (and they have already plenty about the "offensive" stuff in GoT, and they will keep coming after him, maybe if they keep it up, he will see the light. Like many classic liberals have.)
also Game of Thrones is shit
casually proving my point that his series are shit from a delusional mind without creativity whatsoever
>Sexually frustrated fatfuck fantasy faggot trying to move in on Dilbertman's turf.
Gas him.
Aaaaaand, another cuck for the trash heap.
>One side is calling the other side names
>t. guy supporting Hillary
How is he able to ignore that a large portion of Trump supporters are tired of exactly that, people calling them names? How is he able to look at Hillary and Trump and say that it is Trump who is calling the other person names while she spends her entire speech calling Trump and his supporters names only to end on the "when they go low we go high" line?
Now he will most certainly die from the Trump Curse before his next book is published.
All these celebrities who come out supporting Hillary only ever do it by criticizing Trump's personality. They never address the issues.
Elon Musk is the only person in recent memory who even mentioned having a preference for Hillary because of her economic policy. He only did so though, because he is a high-tech executive who personally benefits from globalization. I recall him and others having a meeting about Trump over his protectionist economic policies.
>Billionaires, tech CEOs and top members of the Republican establishment flew to a private island resort off the coast of Georgia this weekend for the American Enterprise Institute’s annual World Forum, according to sources familiar with the secretive gathering.
>Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google co-founder Larry Page, Napster creator and Facebook investor Sean Parker, and Tesla Motors and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk all attended. So did Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), political guru Karl Rove, House Speaker Paul Ryan, GOP Sens. Tom Cotton (Ark.), Cory Gardner (Colo.), Tim Scott (S.C.), Rob Portman (Ohio) and Ben Sasse (Neb.), who recently made news by saying he "cannot support Donald Trump."
More like the land of entrapment. The state is dirt poor and they don't see hilldog as the answer.
>game of thrones are pretty conservative
No reeeeeee! Game of thrones is what happens when you let your wife cuck you and let her take over the creative license of your life's work. Grrm was going to kill off the targaryan slut horribly in book 2 but his wife told him she liked her too much, know we have to deal with her probably running the world
old ass tactics like TV ads are a waste of money anyway
>Write about a morally grey fantasy setting
>Hillary good, Trump evil
This isn't true at all. Martin explicitly says he is politically liberal. Check his wikipedia, is in black and white.
He isn't red pilled at all. His works celebrate degeneracy in the form of gays being accepted, incest, race mixing, multi-culturalism, etc...Not saying GoT doesn't have valuable insights into political power, doesn't have good entertainment value, etc...Just saying don't believe it is something that it isn't.
something something sold out to mr. shekelstein and ruined the ''legacy'' of his books.
>A simple observation
At least he's honest
Grant me thy digits kek and make it so
Trump is Robert Baratheon. Once he's finished with the Mad King, the former royal family will have no choice but to flee east to the desert (Qatar)
>overweight paedophile supports Clinton
And this is surprising?
> How will Sup Forums recover ?
From what? There is discussion at the second page of comments. And he responses with namecalling "aha, I found the witch" tier non-argument.
After writing, and I quote from memory: "this is truly the most important elections ever",- he could came up at least with something sensible. But no. Oh well.
If he sucks so bad in internet discussions, I doubt he is the writer of SOIAF books. I mean, there is fundamentally flawed, but complex image of political system in the book. So the writer has to understand at least the fact, that no matter who wins, USA are deep in shit today and this would damage his name greatly. So if shillary wins, he would drop in title from "american tolkien" to "just another political prostitute".
Not to mention, he could write a short story about "shillary vs. trump elections in westeros" and thus protect himself with "spiritual cooki .... err.. I mean with "artistic vision" license.
>George is an old school liberal Democrat, he doesn't understand that the regressive left will come for him (and they have already plenty about the "offensive" stuff in GoT, and they will keep coming after him, maybe if they keep it up, he will see the light. Like many classic liberals have.)
He's lived in a cocoon for decades by this point and is completely unaware of the current social climate. A lot of authors tend to do t his.
It's why Steven King can't write anything that isn't set in 1975.
>most of the important females royally fuck shit up for everyone
>GRRM endorses Hillary
Literally who?
No, Robert De Niro and now him. It looks like shit-pants Hillary has won
artists are lefties. they also tend to have their heads in the clouds.
a quick hi from the 21st century where nerd shit rules supreme
>How will Sup Forums recover ?
By looking at his userpic.
he doesn't want to end up like ned stark so he'll act like a theon greyjoy
he sounds like an idiot
Yes, not to sound like an SJW, but he's old, rich, and white. He lives a sheltered life. He doesn't realize that this isn't the party of Kennedy anymore. I actually feel sorry for him, not realizing how bad the regressive left will come for him.
I mean, he's not wrong. I like Trump, but for his entire run his campaigning has been shit. What's been really helping him is how he can work the media so well and how he's actually active on social media like twitter. That's really helped him with right leaning millenials and is a big reason why he did so well in the primaries, but he's really lacking with traditional media.
We`ve got to have more energy, than this.
so you're fifteen?
Well yeah, he's a hack that creates material that attracts normies like flies to shit. You're surprised by this?
This. It honestly seems like he just doesn't care anymore he's spent so much time on book tours, with the show, going to conventions, making stupid companion encyclopedias, etc. And whenever he gets asked about it he just gives a shrug and an "oh well."
I honestly just wish he would die so the books can be finished by someone else. The magic is gone, I just want to see how it ends.
>What's been really helping him is how he can work the media so well
mostly i think he did an extremely good job at baiting the media into openly showing their real faces.
public trust in MSM institutions is at an all-time low now. by accomplishing this, trump has seriously hurt one of hillary's big advantages (control of MSM)
It's amazing, he found a way to win the republican primary as a massive underdog and he turned Clinton's greatest advantage vs him into a weapon against her - if you don't think he's smart after this then you can't see the forest for the trees
>Basing your opinions of the candidates off of campaign ads
>Not realizing the candidates don't even make the ads or write them, they have a team of people working for them to do this
Normies, everyone. Because eating up the bullshit you see on TV is the entire basis of the opinions you hold
He also lives in an alternate universe where Arya's not a lesbian stoner.
>Writes several paragraphs about a woman shitting
>Thinks his political opinions have any value whatsoever.
He should worry less about politics and finish his fucking books.
Who gives a shit what this diabetic meatbag thinks, hopefully he dies before finishing his shit series. Fuck i'd kill him myself if it guarentees Miura doesn't die before finishing Berserk.
Now that I think about it I don't think I've seen a single ad funded by Trump - just the shitty coverage MSM gave him. Didn't some news outlets even make a point about how Trump doesn't spend a dime on ads at one point?
And people unironically think he's some modern Shakespear? Jesus christ people are retarded. Can't wait for the GOT fad to die off so all the idiots can find some new literal shit to jack off to constantly.
This. I don't give a shit about his political opinions.
He was modern talkieng, prior to this post, that made him political prostitute.
Yes. He is only just now funding ads in battleground states. Unfortunately, it's too little too late. He will still get the Republicans that get out and vote, but he won't get the older people that don't care enough to learn about the candidates. No matter how stupid it is to base your opinions on ads, there are people that do that and he won't be getting their vote. Hopefully enough people see just how corrupt Hillary and msm is and he can pull through.
tbqh i think trump winning the primary wasn't so much about trump being a genius, but about how ridiculously out of touch the republican establishment was with its voter base.
if even a single one of trump's big rivals (rubio, kasich, carson or cruz) had listened to their voter base and adjusted accordingly, trump would have lost.
all it would have taken was two points:
>hardline anti-illigal-immigration position
>anti free trade position
but for some reason all the candidates from the """conservative""" party refused to do so. even worse - they all pretty much joined the liberal opposition in denouncing and shitting on trump for speaking out against illegal immigration. that only increased the disconnect between them and their voter base.
this whole primary fiasco has opened a lot of peoples eyes about how the republican party is essentially a big puppet for big business and finance, and doesn't really care about the common man's interest when it comes to economic matters.
this election cycle has thoroughly uprooted both parties and their establishments, which of course benefits the anti-establishment candidate.
>fat childless fantasy writer who gets his shit books made into a tv show
no mention of race either, when beaners are the reason new mexico goes blue, and whites will be voting Trump in a landslide
>The magic is gone, I just want to see how it ends.
Only the first book was good desu, the further you get in the series the more boring they become. That guy is so far up his own ass it's a miracle he can still talk
He's no dilbertman.
no, i was an egghead before it was cool
Never even watched one episode or read one word of his shitty garbage
I hate his type of writing.
Everybody is without morals, selfish cunt, "morally gray" or what ever the term is
His writing reflects on his mentality and what he thinks of people. He thinks everybody before modern 20 century were savages who would rape and kill each other and that the human society was just a savage dictatorship everywhere around the world till the glorious america showed us the way of democracy
Fuck him
>till the glorious America showed us the way of democracy
Sounds accurate
Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water. - George RR Martin, A Dance With Dragons
Hillary's campaign consists entirely on name calling as well.
"Sexist, racist, homophobe" is just as offensive nowadays as "bitch, nigger, faggot".
Kek, I literally listened to this passage like 2 days ago. Its even weirder when you hear a grown ass man speaking it out loud